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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. Family Libby is "fast forward" for me.  I can't even stand their Ugly-American faces flashing by.

    Family Asuelu are greedy parasites. I felt so sorry for him and for Kalani who they are blaming for his not giving in to their outrageous demands.

    Pole is a lost cause.  Karine took the time to pause and tell Mama Pole that it wasn't about her and I thought that was sweet.  I feel so sorry for her and Pierre, she left her home and family believing all Pole's lies about how wonderful life in the US would be. Of course none of it has turned out to be true because he has no grasp of reality and thought he'd get Mama Pole to support them.  

    Larissa needs to be deported.  Yesterday if possible.  Another "fast forward".

    Fat Coltee, MamaWife Debbie and Shoe-Throwing Jess are currently on "fast forward". I still saw his thighs (ugh). 

    Syngin is so much happier being home again, he and Tania really need to split up.  She's a shrew and he's not ready to grow up.

    Angela is unredeemably nasty. I love Aunt Lydia! There will be no 50/50, if Michael ever got .05% say in any decision I'd be surprised. Angela intends to turn him into her personal servant, and I agree that if the genders were reversed there would be a MAJOR uproar. There is a polite way to let it be understood that you won't be a totally submissive wife, but politeness is something else Angela can't/won't do.

    • Love 21
  2. 1 minute ago, hula-la said:

    As someone with family overseas, we’d pay for the flight. The assumption is that everyone in the US (in my case, Canada), is rich, so can easily pay for it.  My family wasn’t obnoxious or expected money from us, though. 

    Yes, we would usually pay for my parents’ flights too.  Siblings though are on their own!

    • Love 3
  3. On 8/12/2020 at 9:53 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    This is the episode with Steven's dramatic faked flop off of the golf cart, and his trip to rehab (he lasted six days), and Dr. Now showing Steven his list of drugs for the past month, and telling him that he's now on the Texas restricted drug list.     It's probably the best of the 4 episodes the family is on.    Actually to me the third episode (the S & J WATN) was fairly useless, and skipping right to part 4 is better.    

    I turned on the television Wednesday night (hadn't used that one since 90 Day TOW on Monday) and what did I see but a massive blob of lard teetering precariously on the back of a golf cart!  I watched long enough to laugh myself silly as he fell off, then changed the channel.

    • LOL 4
  4. On 8/11/2020 at 8:57 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

    I don't even think he is fat. Colt and David are fat. Momma isn't exactly one who should be fat shaming.

    Compared to the photos they showed of them earlier in their relationship he used to be thinner and much better looking.  I wouldn’t say he’s Coltee level fat, but his face looks very puffy and bloated. 

    • Love 4
  5. 34 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Given the bad luck of her friends and families in car accidents, I hope her first step towards safety is not riding with any of them.

    To quote several police officers I've seen on TV, "I've never had to unbuckle a corpse from a car wreck."  Because people who wear seat belts don't usually die!!!!

    I have a relative who, in their young and foolish days many years ago, survived a car crash "only" because they were thrown from the wreck.  Said relative ALWAYS wears seat belts and has done ever since that accident.  Tania will say anything to justify her actions.

    • Love 14
  6. 38 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I don't do any "social media" except Facebook, so I only know about some of this stuff when it's copied here.  I was reading the first one above out loud to hubby - wherein Pole talks about taking Pierre on long walks.  The first thing that popped into my mind was, "He should have taken him on long runs . . . and had a camera filming from behind."

    I am a terrible person.

    Welcome to the club!!  I have almost nothing positive to say about many of the 90 Day-ers, Pole being the one I consider worst of the worst.

    My first thought when Pole mentions having to "double up on my therapy" is that he needs to be committed (voluntarily or not) to full-time inpatient therapy where at least he can't hurt anyone.  I don't believe anything he says anyway, and hope those poor children can grow up without his madness.

    • Love 6
  7. 2 hours ago, Chalby said:

    Between Paul and Asuelu, I don't know which one missed out the most when brains and maturity were being handed out. I can only shake my head at the women who are willingly involved with these idiots, while pitying their lack of work experience and/or education to see themselves out of their messes so their children will have healthy role models. Asuelu especially reminds me of the grade three/four egocentric behaviour of my former students. However, my students were always able to emotionally grow throughout the year and I do not see this growth with either Asuelu or Paul.

    They both missed out on brains and maturity, but Pole’s criminal past makes him the worst in my view.  Asuelu’s had his share of tantrums but Pole’s make them look almost normal!

    • Love 6
  8. 1 minute ago, greekmom said:

    I don't get why Yazan is giving Brittny 3 days to decide to change her religion.

    That's a big decision. You don't change your religion like you change your undies.

    No, but she’s supposed to have been thinking about it for a long while now (except that she changed the subject every time he brought it up). 

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