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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 40 minutes ago, lulu69 said:

    And this would surprise....exactly no one lol. In fact I believe it was RealReality who predicted a code grey (combative patient).

    The question remains, is Tammy 'putting out' for the security guard to look the other way when food is snuck in for her? Again, it wouldn't surprise me.

    What a shock that the kind, pleasant, and so compliant delight that is Tammy could possibly assault someone.  I wonder if she is using the security guard to bring her the cheat food.

    • Love 5
  2. Just now, aliya said:

    My mother was very large (I should ask how much she weighed at her biggest) and she sewed. I think it makes a difference on how you present yourself if you can make clothes that fit.

    I had an aunt who was very large and my mother and another sister both sewed for her.  I remember them deconstructing dresses that fit her to use in cutting new ones. 

    • Love 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Kid said:

    Well, I was very unpopular in the Harry and Meghan forum. So I'm glad to be among my peeps!!  🤣🤣

    I can’t stand either one of them so I avoid that place.  

    Months to go for vaccines here.  The 65+ and teachers are nowhere near finished for even first shots.

    Waiting (im)patiently for control of the remote so I can watch this week’s train wreck.

    • Love 3
  4. Great that Chris has lost weight, I hope he manages to quit smoking but that’s a really tough one to beat without turning to food in its place. 

    Amy acknowledges she needs to lose more weight which is good.  I noticed she didn’t have a very full plate at their intervention!  The baby is sweet but I feel bad for Michael that she won’t move closer to his work because of the human anchor that is Tammy.

    Tammy is a lost cause in my view.  You can put her in a controlled environment and she will lose weight, but once she’s out she will just eat and put it back on again.   I’m not sure there is a solution but one thing she was right about is that psychotherapy needs to be for her ALONE.  The earlier sessions they showed were about the food dynamic between the sisters but Tammy has many more issues to work out than Amy.  I just don’t see any real desire or motivation to make a success of anything there.  She says the right things but that’s it.

    • Love 6
  5. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Her demands for medical transport, and her fake heart attack at Dr. Now's office are hysterical. 

    That and her performance at the appointment with Lola make me break out in fits of laughter every time I see them.  Medical Transport Jabba-Joyce was entertaining unlike this year’s poundticipants.

    • LOL 3
  6. Fast forwarded through a lot of this for some reason.   The baby is adorable and Amy and Michael seem so happy.   She is saying all the right things about getting back to healthy eating and teaching her son better than what she grew up with.  Chris looks like he’s lost weight and working in a fast food place that’s a serious challenge because he is never away from food.  I really hope he gets his surgery on next week’s episode, he really has earned it.  He is so right about it being hard to go from eating “a bucket” 🤣 of food to just a plate.

    Then there’s Tammy.  Couldn’t bring herself to say anything nice to Amy about the baby, Jerry was the one who offered congratulations and prompted Tammy who still sat there with her scowl.  As someone commented earlier “the 645 pound baby isn’t happy about being displaced by the 5 pound baby”.  That still cracks me up.  Then she says nasty things about Michael who puts his own health at risk by pushing her around in a wheelchair, says she is trying her best with the diet while eating microwave popcorn (and no Tammy, none of it is particularly healthy for someone like you), and complains about Chris not checking in on her.  If her siblings’ children call her their favourite aunt I suspect they’re being prompted by their parents to be nice to “poor Aunt Tammy”.  Or she gives them lots of candy.  

    • LOL 1
    • Love 11
  7. 2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

    I disagree with those who say the wife was Suzy Sunshine.  She came across to me as smothering, enabling and absolutely oppressive.  If anything, she reinforced his assertion that he was helpless without her, afraid of everything, and capable of nothing.  She never stopped touching and stroking him, looking into his eyes with excess concern as if he was going to drop dead any second, and murmuring "it's ok; are you ok?... you need a minute?"  If someone did that to me (with the exception of maybe the few minutes after I broke a major bone or had a stroke) I'd be batting them away saying "STOP!!! BACK OFF!!!" 

    Totally agree! As overly dramatic as he was about everything (was he auditioning for an over-the-top drama?) she was even worse. It’s like her goal in life is to keep him dependent on her which reminded me of Sean’s mother.

    • Love 4
  8. Tammy alone with an infant / young child = tragedy waiting to happen.  In her current condition she is entirely unfit to babysit and she is delusional to think that she'll be allowed to. Tammy can't even take care of herself never mind a child.  She didn't appear to have lost much weight and sitting there blaming Chris for it means she still doesn't understand that SHE is the one who has to change.  

    Amy seems incredibly clueless about motherhood and I just hope she's not playing up for the cameras.   

    • Love 13
  9. “Watched” (fast forwarded) the supersized episode.  The first bonus scene was in the dentist’s office and I don’t need to see any more of Tammy’s mouth than we were shown the first time.  The second was on the “date” when Amy ordered a sweet tea and Tammy decided to have one too.  Amy told her she wasn’t supposed to have that and of course Tammy threw a fit saying the doctor only told her to cut back and she was allowed one sweet drink a day.  I could have missed something since I fast forward as quickly as possible scanning for the words Bonus Scene!!

    • Love 2
  10. Just re-watching this morning.  Mom being on steroids for the last months of pregnancy won’t have helped Isaac at all.  She did talk about him having food allergies and “being so small” but as was mentioned in live chat I don’t think she understands what size a normal child should be.  It sounds like she really pushed him to eat once his sensitivities resolved.

    • Love 4
  11. 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I was hoping Isaac was embracing the entire program, but his statement after his last appointment that he would have to keep losing to get surgery made me suspect that he's another poundticipant who thinks getting surgery means he can go back to his normal diet, and eat what he wants then.    It's a tool, and they just refuse to understand that.     I don't think he'll ever leave his mother's house, and have his own life.    

    He seems to think that once he gets the magic surgery he will just automatically lose weight without changing his eating.  So many people stubbornly cling to their belief in the fairy tale!

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