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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I want Dr Paradise to have a session with mom and tell her straight up that she needs to push Isaac and that her disease is keeping him dependent. 

    She’s nowhere near SeanMom in evilness but she’s a big part of his problem.

    • Love 10
  2. Interesting their mother threatened to padlock the refrigerator because Tammy would go and eat the entire contents at night!  Jerry only wanted her to lose “a couple hundred” pounds.  Yeah that’s only down to where Amy started (and I don’t think Tammy is even capable of that).   I am so awful, from now on every time I see her on screen my brain will be thinking “human land-mass”.  🤣 Jerry isn’t coming back and why would he, being Tammy’s carer is a thankless job. Can’t even go there with the dentist visit and how “important her appearance is to her”.  Uh huh, your teeth are definitely the first place to start. 

    Amy’s photo shoot wasn’t as weird as I thought it would be, she does acknowledge that she needs to teach her child healthy eating unlike “what our people did to us”.   I really hope she manages to get back on the diet but it won’t be easy with a newborn (and the nagging from her human land-mass sister who claims to be an independent adult but will still want her to come running with food).

    Chris is the highlight of the show these days.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, Twopper said:

    Tammy. meh.  Tammy and Jerry, triple double meh.    

    I am much more interested in Amy's pregnancy and Chris.  I would love to see Chris start to lose a significant enough amount of weight on his own that he declines the surgery.   And I bet someone did ask that off camera, probably Chris or Michael.

    Yes.  They could get rid of Tammy and her scowling passive aggressive tantrums and I'd still watch to see Amy and Chris.  Amy will have plenty more challenges with the stress of being a new mom and trying to keep a handle on her eating.  Chris will I'm sure hit a few bumps in the road but he isn't blaming the world for his weight problems.  

    I hate those clear masks especially on Tammy.  A nice fabric one with a smile painted on would be a huge improvement.  If any of them have hearing issues and need to lip read I haven't heard it mentioned yet and that's what clear masks were created for.

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  4. Jerry did go to Atlanta to meet Tammy.  It was when Amy had her surgery and Michael was at the hospital with her, Tammy was at the hotel on her own.   I got the impression Jerry only wants her to lose enough weight to be mobile (obviously he's not capable of pushing that wheelchair).  I am heartless but watching Michael or Chris trying to push her around makes me think I'd leave her to sit at home (other than essential doctors appointments).  You want to go places?  Then stop stuffing your face.  She was somewhat mobile at the end of season 1 so it's not impossible.

    Amy did well, I thought she might have weighed over 300 again,  Her weight gain since her last visit to Dr. Proctor was quite reasonable given that she's pregnant.  

    I missed any reference to a meal plan for Tammy, but then I don't pay close attention and fast forward a lot.  I could see Tammy downing 16 meals in a day quite easily, it probably just adds up to a couple of what she considers a "normal" meal size.  Or she just continuously eats them one after the other from morning to night.

    • Love 9
  5. I consider her one of the most loathsome poundticipants I’ve ever seen.  I believe nothing she says about her alleged “abuse” and normally their stories really do ring true or are at least plausible.  Not Jeanne.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

    In news that is no surprise to anyone, Tammy continues to be absolutely hateful and childish. Her brother loses 30 pounds and he’s “lucky ass Chris” because the doctor gives him a lower weight loss goal. She is a perpetual victim, always looking at other people to gauge how much she should be doing. Amy has a right to her own life. I don’t think it’ll really happen because they have a weird symbiotic relationship, where she gets to feel better about being obese because she’s not as obese as Tammy, and Tammy can eat what she wants because “Amy ain’t watching what she eats either!”

    My first thought when she said that was if she hadn’t gained an extra 50 pounds her goal would still have been the original 50 Dr. Proctor said she needed to lose!  I thought the new doctor explained it very well that the instruments were only a certain size and if she didn’t lose sufficient weight they wouldn’t be able to perform the surgery.  I think the Amy on Obesity Med last week went in for surgery only to find they didn’t have instruments long enough to reach inside her abdomen, and she seemed much smaller than Tammy.  But I doubt any of that penetrated her brain, and nothing Chris or Amy can do will change her (but she’ll certainly blame them for everything anyway).

    • Love 7
  7. 1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

    Do any of you have any recommendations when it comes to brands of coloring pencils?  They can get pretty pricey, and it looks like some of them use a special pencil sharpener.

    I was given a set of 24 Faber-Castell Polychromos, they are expensive so I wouldn’t have bought them myself, they sharpen well, blend beautifully, and are just incredibly nice.  Prismacolor are the ones I bought myself first and my only complaint is that they break off a lot.  Perhaps I got a couple of bad batches because others seem to like them (and they’re more reasonably priced).

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  8. 7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Maybe Cindy has some family money, an inheritance, an annuity--something? She had her own apartment, was able to pay a carer, had a Mac laptop and an Apple Watch. I mean, a laptop is pretty much essential these days, but an Apple Watch? Is a luxury. She said something about having to do "paperwork"--so, banking stuff maybe? Sandy was absolutely determined to have Cindy move to Houston, so that she could take over her care. And maybe her bank book.

    I wondered if the Apple Watch was her “fall alert” for those rare times she gets up on her feet (no doubt to forage for more food).  I have one and have told my husband that if I fall down the stairs carrying the laundry up and down from the basement he’ll get notified. 😁

    • Useful 4
  9. Tammy will lose weight if she’s put into an institutional setting where she can only eat what she’s given - a low calorie low carb diet - and she can’t get ANY food from outside.  She’d drop fifty pounds in less than a month.  Of course when she’s released into the wild it will all pile back on again and I’m not sure therapy will be able to make a real difference for her.  There was a comment on a thread somewhere that therapy will only work if you are willing to put in the work and change.  It doesn’t seem like Tammy wants to do any work at all.

    I thought I heard Amy comment in a voice over that the reason she had the surgery was to “have me a baby”.  That really doesn’t sound like someone who wants to commit to getting (and staying) healthy.  She keeps repeating that birth control stuff so much that I think she got pregnant “accidentally on purpose”.  I cracked up at the 150 pounds being “anorexic skinny” because I’m a good bit taller than her and it’s still pretty much overweight for me!  If she’d been able to have her baby without the weight loss surgery I don’t think she would have seen much need to change.

    No more Dr. Proctor is sad, but I’m surprised he didn’t send them to someone else much sooner.

    • Love 6
  10. 1 minute ago, Kid said:

    I noticed how Tammy made the comment that because of Covid everyone is stuck at home now they know how she feels. The difference is that the fact that she can't get out and about is self-imposed because of her gluttony. Being stuck at home because of Covid is not a self imposed isolation.

    Thank you!!  I feel sorry for people stuck at home with disabilities that are NOT self inflicted, not for Tammy.

    • Love 5
  11. 1 minute ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Birth control, to my knowledge, doesn't really come in very different doses.  It is possible to get pregnant on BC, just much less likely.  Also if she's on the pill, it is important to take it very consistently.  

    I said on the other thread that she has that same smirk as when she ate solid food too soon after her surgery.

    • Love 3
  12. Amy had that same stupid smirk talking about her pregnancy as she did when admitting she ate solid food too soon after her surgery.  I couldn’t believe how much she was eating at the cookout, people who were successful after WLS tend to have really small meals.  

    Tammy seems like a lost cause.  She just wants someone to do all the work for her.  I gained a good bit of weight but I know it’s not the pandemic’s fault.  I am entirely responsible for what I eat.

    I think the brother said he “should” weigh 200 at his height, he did know he was overweight but was surprised at how much. 

    • Love 15
  13. 3 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

    Congestive heart failure is nothing to mess with. Usually it happens with older people in my experience.

    My mum was 50, she lived to 85! 


    2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    Oh, wine doesn't count, does it??

    Oh, how I miss the old Semi-Ho thread on TWOP! Those were some good times. 

    I got my son a Soda Stream for Christmas, he really likes it.

    I got my husband one too, but so far he's only managed to take it out of the box.

    I got a Soda Stream as well, with a slice of lemon or lime it’s as close to soda as I drink.  Wine though...

    • Love 3
  14. 1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

    Does anyone remember the lady who was deep fat frying food ON HER MATTRESS???!!!!   Mrs. Floatingbison and I still laugh about that.

    I think there were two, Penny and her wontons and the Tupperware toilet woman and her fried chicken.

    • Love 3
  15. Just now, Granny58 said:

    I have a lot of sympathy for people who eat themselves over a lifetime to gigantic size...but I have nothing but fury at the people who keep bringing them the darn junk food.   Bring them a damn salad.😤

    “But they’ll get mad and yell at me!” (says every enabler we’ve seen)

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  16. Thanks to the Live Chat for Samantha's episode last night, what caught my attention on entering the supermarket this morning was... TASTYKAKES.  I was sorely tempted to buy some and try them, but I was not alone so I've just mentally marked them for my next visit (unless my clean eating actually begins before I get back there).

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