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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 59 minutes ago, suev3333 said:

    Ummm yea.... wouldn't we all like meds for our pains and mental issues.  Oxy and Xanax.... I'd love some of those, but I learned the hard way they're extremely addictive and lead you down the road to hell.  She was going through withdrawls at the hosp.  And she wants Dr Now to give her pain meds??  Bwaah haaa haa...

    Her husband was a real catch.  And of course he stole her pills.  That's what addicts do.  She's going to need rehab before any weight loss surgery. And realize she's not getting pain pills afterwards.....

    She has a loooong, uphill road ahead of her.  

    Her answer to everything was “I need more drugs”.  Even if she gets clean (I couldn’t stop laughing when she described herself as a “recovering addict” when she was no such thing), gets WLS, and loses weight she will still be a horrible nasty person.

    • Love 16
  2. Very poor “heart attack” impersonation from Ang.  

    Just now, MsVixen said:

    I wonder why they are doing an update on this cow.  I thought she was supposed to have lost a significant amount of weight.  This looks like a continuation of the original show.

    Maybe that happens in her second WATN?  Apparently there is one.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Xsty68 said:

    Hi all -just 2nd time posting. Embarrassed by my eating “habits” today - I’m amazed that no one else feels ashamed by their weirdness!

    full disclosure:  some sliced ham with Dijon and a Sprite (lunch) ....working on some Chardonnay in anticipation of putting the tuna noodle casserole in the oven when my guy gets done with work. 
     (Still a little embarrassed 🙄)

    Why?!  It sounds really good to me!  

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  4. 33 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

    I tried dried seaweed snacks for the first time today.  it will be the last.  Never again will I shop on an empty stomach.  Luckily the package is very small.   The smell is horrible (dirty fish tank) and for whatever reason, it tastes like fish.  I don't know why seaweed would taste like fish, but it does.  They small sheets look like green cellophane.

    Nori sheets?  I quite like them but I have strange taste in food these days.  I used to wrap smoked salmon in them.

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  5. 11 hours ago, alabetser said:

    Two whole hours dedicated to Angie is going to be a lot though, I'd better start planning my snacks now.

    I decided against popcorn but picked up bbq pork rinds as well as kale chips -if they last until tonight! Dinner will be a tuna steak with sauteed spinach.  Not sure about wine vs whiskey but alcohol will be consumed.  I am also considering my options for a multi-device setup to comment without losing my place in live chat, not sure how that will work yet.

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  6. 10 hours ago, ilovebeaarthur said:

    Man, you know it’s gonna be a good WATN episode when she’s the only poundticipant. 

    I don't eat popcorn but this horror show might call for an exception to the rule.

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