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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. I really liked her.  She had a job, didn’t blame anyone else for her weight, and wasn’t nasty to people.  Her little daughter was so sweet too. I still hope to see a WATN where she’s made some progress to be healthier.

    • Love 2
  2. Brianne is really sweet, it's good to see she's done so well despite being dumped by her horrible useless husband.  Plus anyone who is described as a "close friend" to the beastly Maja deserves a halo.  

    AJ is still awful and Erica is a glutton for punishment.  Like @ams1001 I laugh at her living up so many flights of stairs, but I doubt she will be using those stairs very often.

    • Love 7
  3. As an April Fools joke someone used their cutting machine to create vinyl bugs and stuck them on the walls.  It reminded me of StarfishChrystal as she sat splayed out in her wheelchair as they climbed the wall behind her.  Still feel so awful for those poor daughters and what they’ve been forced to live with.

    • Love 3
  4. Really enjoyed re-watching one of my favourite bits - Maja yelling at Chrisshun “you don’t have that option” and him calmly standing up and telling her “yes I do” as he walked out of the room.

    Justin was such a highlight in this year of losers (gainers?).  He has worked so hard, unlike the others who claim they’re working hard but have no understanding of what that means.  Loved seeing him flying at the end, much better than the usual “walk in the park” ending.

    • Love 17
  5. 1 minute ago, Twopper said:

    I had Justin confused with the guy from TX or OK who wanted a singing career.   I forgot Christine until they showed a flashback of  her.  Maya and her little car are hard to forget as well as her temper tantrums.

    Brandon?  I think he was the one.  I like Christina and it’s great to see she’s still a success.  Maja will still be horrible even if she does lose weight.

    • Love 3
  6. I finally watched this after reading the live chat and this thread.  At least I knew what the cockroaches were when they appeared!  

    Let me join the rest of you who laughed as Starfish Chrystal plopped down in her wheelchair.  I don’t even feel bad.

    When she whinged about how “no one understands” how hard it is I wanted so badly to slap her.  Sorry but there are MANY people who have food issues and weight issues yet manage to understand the consequences of their decisions.  It doesn’t mean people are perfect, I’ve had some truly horrific days lately where you’d swear I’m on my way to 600-pounder-hood.  But it’s not every day.  And I pick up and try again.

    Those poor daughters.  She is no real mother to them, they are her hostages / slaves.  I agree with @Bluesky that they are in real need of counseling themselves, not only about nutrition and health (something Chrystal doesn’t understand) but their emotional health and well being.  She uprooted them with no thought for the impact on their lives because it was important to HER. 

    • Love 5
  7. Tammy was one of the more likeable people in this season of disappointments.  She wore decent clothes which is a big plus.  She wasn't nasty nor was she overly demanding.  She got a scale to weigh herself at home and by the end she understood that weighing and measuring portions were tools that she needed to start using.  I agree the meatballs weren't particularly good choices but at least she measured them.  I hope we do see her again and that she gets the surgery and uses it to reach her goals.

    I could eat Tammy's entire breakfast platter in one sitting (albeit a longer one) and still not be through eating for the day.  

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  8. 1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    594! Jeez I was way off. 

    Tammy. You have never tried to diet. Don't lie. 

    "None of them worked". You have to stay on a diet for more than a day. 

    A whole day?  She probably quits before the first hour.

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