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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    I don’t think it’s “so many people.” 
    It’s just me. 

    It will be me too when the day comes.  Having been very nearsighted since the age of 7 I am so accustomed to having amazing close up vision that I can’t imagine losing it.  I remember my father struggling after his surgery (he was also nearsighted) whereas my mother who never wore glasses was thrilled to see clearly again.

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  2. My sister in law had the laser surgery with one eye corrected for distance and the other for close up.  She’s been delighted ever since then that she doesn’t need any glasses.  

    Because I sew and have great close up vision uncorrected I settled on wearing glasses after years of contacts (normal, multi focal, and finally monovision).  I now have one pair of fully corrected glasses in the car for driving, but an undercorrected pair to use the rest of the time which are perfect for everything else.  I look for the smallest lenses (top to bottom) that I can find, so I and read / sew close up underneath them or just take them off depending what I’m dong.

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  3. 1 minute ago, DearEvette said:

    Don't feel bad.  There are some books I have the physical, ebook and audiobook versions of ...because I love books too.

    I do the same thing for several series!  But I don’t count digital items and I don’t go too far overboard on print books.

    • Love 1
  4. Sewing machines, fabric, thread, sewing notions, quilt patterns, cutting machines, paper, vinyl…  

    At one point I had 30 pairs of various size / use scissors JUST in my sewing room and another dozen in my craft supplies.  That doesn’t include the normal scissors around the house which other people can use without fear of death.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

    Eh, Mary never listens to anything George says, except the one time he mentioned having thought he was in love with someone before her.  With Mary, it's her way or else, and she doesn't actually care what anyone else is feeling, except for her precious Sheldon, of course.  I'm surprised they didn't split up years earlier, but I'm sure it was just because of the kids.

    Except that she thinks what she wants is best all the time.

    If I had to live with someone like Mary, I'd drink, too.

    I totally agree with what you’ve said, though I don’t think George is completely innocent either.  For now I watch the kids’ scenes and fast forward through Mary / George / Brenda / Connie.

  6. It made my OCD very happy to hear “who is Arthur Conan Doyle” last night instead of “What’s Doyle”. 

    How many pairs of glasses does Mayim own??  I’ve only had up to three at one time but I guess she can afford to have an entire wardrobe of them.

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  7. 3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Fellow crafty DIYers, I am about to attempt to reline a vintage 1960s coat, ugh. This is not something I know how to do, even though I’m an OK sew-er and have made some simple dresses, among various other things. But I decided to do something lazy — and probably crazy — before trying this completely from scratch. I bought an inexpensive satin robe that I turned inside out and put inside the coat. This Frankensteined thing is now on the mannequin lady ready for me to figure out where to begin! If it works, I have two more coats to do!

    ETA: This is tricky. But tricky in a way that I don’t think would be any less so than making the lining myself—the trickiness seems to be figuring out the best way to begin attaching it.

    My method would probably be to hand stitch it to the facings of the coat.  Brilliant idea to use a satin robe - I would never have thought of it!

  8. 16 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    I had been really hoping Robin Roberts would get the permanent host position--and I now think even more that she would be great--but last night I saw her hour-long interview, "Amanda Gorman: Brave Enough with Robin Roberts A Special Edition of 20/20" (which is also on Hulu?) and was glad Robin Roberts was available to do it, precisely because she did not insert herself into the conversation, but instead brought out the best in her interviewee (poet Amanda Gorman).

    She was my favourite of all the guest hosts.  

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  9. 30 minutes ago, Mystery Author said:

    It seems to me that every time a Jeptestant goes on an extraordinary winning streak, there are people who dislike him (it's rarely a her). That includes James, Austin (of course), even Buzzy, whom I thought, and still think, would make a great J! host.

    There have been female winners I disliked as well (Jackie) but you’re absolutely right.  I liked Austin, didn’t mind James, and absolutely loathed Buzzy’s contestant persona.  So I was surprised to agree that he was one of the best guest hosts and would make an excellent permanent host!  In the current champion’s case it’s just his gameplay method that puts me off not a personality thing.

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  10. 10 hours ago, theartandsound said:

    Only four more episodes of the true hell that is Mike + Matt.

    Matt just annoys the fuck out of me. His use of "What is" for people, the counting the syllables on his hands, his smarmy bemused expression... just yeah..... but yet I must continue to watch because I'm a fucking completest and an apparent glutton for punishment.

    I get too annoyed to watch "What's Amodio".  Not personality wise, he seems like a very decent person, it's just that his (very successful) game playing technique grates on me.  Which most likely keeps me safe from Mike and probably Giggly Mayim The Neuroscientist as well!

  11. 21 hours ago, Leeds said:

    When I travel back (home) to the UK I take an extra empty suitcase so I can fill it with Walker's salt and vinegar crisps, hoola hoops, Cadburys, and Thorntons.  And no, American Cadburys is not the same - tastes like sick.

    My allegiance is to Tayto cheese and onion crisps and Butlers chocs, but yes.  The bits I *really* want like black pudding aren’t things I can bring in a suitcase.  

    And it’s not just Cadbury, loads of things with the same “branding” taste completely different 😢.  The disappointment of that first bite is awful!

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  12. 2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    Richards, not Edwards.

    This crap of "special events" just smacks of Richards' trying to make J! "exciting."  How long before we get contestants that jump up & down and squeal when they're correct?

    It might work nicely with Mayim’s giggling exuberance.

    • Love 2
  13. 13 hours ago, Bastet said:

    So things like "You're so quiet" and "Why are you still sleeping?" are deemed totally acceptable to say, and thus commonplace, but very few people run around saying things like "You talk a lot" and "Why are you in bed already?"

    I’ve often been on the receiving end of comments like “how can you go to bed so early / get up so early”!  But it’s probably a cultural thing because it’s unusual back home for anyone to be a morning person.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Mystery Author said:

     I like the champ (sorry - not sorry), but then I liked Austin Rogers <ducking>

    I really liked Austin!  But the current champ’s idiosyncrasies are annoying me so badly I can’t watch any more. I wish I could see a LeVar game without Matt but know there’s a very good chance that won’t happen (unless LeVar turns out to be the new host).

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  15. I didn't care for Aaron Rodgers and really hope he isn't the new host.  Robin was the best of the women in my view, though I did like Savannah she was nowhere near as good.  I seriously disliked Buzzy as a contestant but thought he did a fantastic job hosting so I'd be happy with him.  I think Mike Richards was the best of them all so (having not seen LeVar Burton yet) my top choices would be Mike, Buzzy, and Robin.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Trey said:

    George was okay as host; I wasn't crazy about him.

    I can’t stand George but he was okay. I’ll be glad to see Robin next week.

    8 minutes ago, Paula O. said:

    I ran the pharmaceuticals category.  I don't remember which day "z in the middle was" but I swear I heard the contestant say glazer instead of glazier.

    Give him a sedagive!

    YES!  I also heard “glazer” and was sure he’d be ruled incorrect.  But lately it seems like nearly everything is let slide.

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  17. 17 hours ago, Anela said:

    Anyway, I've been on a habit-change kick recently, so I've been typing, and then deleting comments all over the place, when it comes to things like that. 

    I’ve done that for years!  It makes me feel better to express what I want to say without the ensuing drama if I actually posted it.

    • Love 4
  18. 43 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

    I think you mean Bono is a Fox.

    Decidedly NOT!!  LOL

    “Bono is a pox” was a very common bit of graffiti back home.  At any rate it made this FJ an instaget for me.

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  19. 9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

    I got FJ.  Not an instaget, but I got it.

    I got the missed clues of Harley Quinn, Claus, Island of Dr. Moreau,Cimarron and Wailing Wall.

    I got the entire category of working out right which is funny because I'm totally allergic to exercise.

    Bono Is A Pox.  There’s FJ.

    I too managed to answer all of the working out category despite my severe exercise allergy. 

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