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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 6 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


    I will never, ever, ever complain about my one attorney in DC who drives me crazy on the three class actions we're working on, in addition to the other two cases. In DC, I feel my competence. I am respected and have people I've worked with say what good work I do, and how I always get the job done, and they love/like working with me.

    This woman has utterly and completed, made me feel like my 20-something inferior self/with low esteem, which I had fought and got rid of years ago.

    I just don't know what to do for the next week.

    Survive.  Remind yourself that you ARE respected and KNOW you are competent at what you do.  I’ve no clue why this woman is making it her mission to destroy your confidence but hopefully you will be able to avoid ever working with her again.

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  2. It started at one then went up to two euro in the Irish Lidl and Aldi (and ALL the other supermarkets as well).  But I think cart theft is a much bigger problem there because people in nearby houses would just take the carts home with them, whereas here it seems to be people leaving them around the car parks.  On my old keychain I have metal discs in the size and shape of one and two euro coins sold as “trolley tokens”!  Before those were popular people would come up to me as I left a shop because they had the amount of money but not the proper coin so they’d hand me their change and take the trolley with the euro in it.  The nearest Aldi had to install the locking mechanism because they were in the middle of a neighborhood and people just wanted to take the trolley home with them, once it wasn’t actual cash they didn’t care about getting it back.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Anela said:

    I've been considering shutting down social media for a while. Nothing has happened recently, to warrant it, I just remember how free I felt that one day when facebook went down for five hours. The last time I shut it down, was maybe eight years ago, and I went back a month later. 

    I was reading a discussion about it the other night, and most people said they just replaced it with reddit, or something else. I probably would, too. I might try, just to change the pattern, or something. 

    This is something I keep considering but never do. I spend too much time between Reddit and Facebook and YouTube and MacRumors and MobileRead (and here) so I really should restrict my internet/online time. I can’t say I ever felt better or free when it was down though. I went outside with my Kindle yesterday and even though my phone was just inside the door (and my watch gets calls and texts when it’s within range) I felt unsettled that it wasn’t right next to me. In some ways that was a learned behavior from when my father was still alive and would call a dozen times a day so I either kept it with me or had to run for it.

    I should be doing more reading (Kindle is fine, but I need the phone for audiobooks!) and sewing (I have a hand stitching project in progress now).  Even if I limited it to maybe an hour in the morning and another hour at night it would be a start.  I don’t know if it would help me at all but it probably couldn’t hurt.

    • Like 4
  4. On 5/28/2023 at 12:22 PM, nokat said:

    Did any of you start cutting your own hair during the lock down, and just continued doing it?

    Yes.  My hairdresser retired at the start of the pandemic and I can’t bring myself to start hunting for someone else.  I don’t have any friends to ask for recommendations, so DIY it is for now.  I just cut it short a few weeks ago because I was sick of the length, I’m not sure how it looks in back but the front is nice!

    22 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    This sounds interesting. Does anyone know what hairdressers put on our hair to make it glossy & perfect looking/behaving? I once asked a former hairdresser what they put on my hair after the shampoo & she said, "nothing".  Uh-huh. The only time my hair has no frizz and is glossy & *perfect* is after I leave a salon.  They're using some product...just wish I could buy it for at home use.

    My hairdresser always used Biosilk.  It took me ages to figure it out since all I remembered was the shape of the bottle and a B!!

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  5. I’m not a breakfast person but liked oats a lot before discovering that I feel better without grains in my diet.  I always had a bag of Flahavans in the house.  My husband was force fed porridge growing up and will never touch anything oat-based now. ( He feels the same way about tomato anything, they grew them in the back garden at home and he’d be happy to never see one again.)

    Personally if something starts feeling like a chore I tell myself that life is too short and give it up.  Eventually I find something else to do with the time I’ve gained back!

    • Like 8
  6. I keep collecting books on mindfulness and living in the present moment hoping eventually one will click in my dysfunctional brain. I know constantly reliving the past and worrying about the future are not helpful. We’ve had another discussion of which country we should live in now that we have no family ties here with no conclusion other than to put it off for now - until something forces us to make a choice. Inertia is powerful yet I don’t feel secure that this will be my long term home.  Those thoughts shouldn’t even be in my head all the time but I have that mindset of “everything is temporary” that I grew up with. 

    As @shapeshifter points out it isn’t easy when you’re older with your money tied up in a property.  We’d have to sell up and rent while looking for another place to buy in order to afford it, that gets even more complicated moving countries. I don’t think I’d mind a condo but there are always positives and negatives and I can see where I’d be annoyed losing some of the benefits of my own four walls. I’m always aware that both of my siblings died in their mid 50’s and I’ve already reached my mid 60’s so there is no point worrying about getting older. It may happen or it may not and, like so much else, I need to accept that I have no control.

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  7. 1 hour ago, PRgal said:

    I like the idea of being AROUND others, and I think that's good enough for me.  

    I guess when I'm old, I'll move into a seniors community where I could just "be" with people my own age.

    I feel exactly the same way!  Close friendship doesn’t seem to be something I can do and as long as I had my family I never felt the need for more than superficial ones. I’ve had friends but only one that I would have seen / spoken to most every day. She was 15 years older than me and after she moved away many years ago we lost touch over time.

    I see the ads for senior living and think “that looks great” but my husband laughs and says we aren’t old enough.  He also holds the traditional Irish view that you MUST OWN your home (luckily being of a generation when that was even possible).

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    I know having siblings doesn’t guarantee that you will be bosom buddies for life… but at least you have relatives.

    This really resonates with me today.  I wasn’t an only child, I had two siblings, and the last one died five months ago today.  Since then I’ve been struggling badly with feeling alone (though I am lucky enough to have a husband).   My sister in law was in touch a lot around my brother’s illness and the first month or so but she’s moved on and I’m happy for her.  My husband can only listen to so much of my whinging and I have no one else to talk to.  Usually I feel bad for a day or two then have some good days; this time it’s been a week and not improving yet.

    My entire life has involved moving often for my father’s work so I learned early to see everything other than my immediate family as “temporary” and never made much effort; at this point I’m set in my ways and anxiety (both social and about things like driving) make it highly unlikely I’m going to change.  If only sewing / craft groups met locally to me and during the day!!  I’m not in touch with my friend group back home beyond Christmas cards.  Therapy doesn’t interest me because I can predict I’ll be told to “put myself out there” and join things, plus my insurance is so basic it wouldn’t even be covered.  I’ve come close to posting here many times this year and never did because I’d start to feel better before I took the time to write anything out.  I used to have online forums but they’ve all closed over the years and many have moved to Facebook which I’m not as keen on.

    I think it’s a problem for a lot of people, but even though I know I’m not alone in my “aloneness” I feel that way.

    • Hugs 5
  9. All the photos I have will die with me, there isn’t anyone left to pass them on to, but there are very few people in them that I can’t name. My dad got rid of a lot after my mum died so what I have is limited to one box that I haven’t opened in a long while.

    Posting on a sewing forum recently there was a dress pattern from the 80s that I made but the ordeal of opening the box to see if there was a photo of me wearing it was too much work.  I prefer to scroll through the digital ones as it’s much easier to find things. I do have them backed up with iCloud, Amazon, and Dropbox so lots of redundancy!

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  10. I’m enjoying this more than I expected and players I found a bit annoying during their long runs are entertaining to watch here.  Still not an Andrew fan though of course his knowledge is really impressive.  Since I’m not watching “regular” Jeopardy these days it’s nice to have this on.

    • Like 5
  11. 2 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

    I don't know if this is the case outside Canada, but all the titles are priced in the $4.00 range right now so not too expensive.  I really recommend My Dear Aunt Flora and Language of the Heart!

    At US$2.99 I have purchased both! I may get more but will first read the ones I’ve borrowed before I lose them.

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  12. 6 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

    On the topic of books, some of you may find this hard-to-find book sub-forum to be a good time :) 


    It is hard to find!  It took me ages the other day, I really thought it was in Everything Else along with this topic. But no, it’s considered Pop Culture which isn’t a place I would normally venture. I used my expiring-soon Kindle Unlimited to download some Elizabeth Cadell books that are easy though rather old-fashioned reads. While I won’t renew it (my current subscription was free) I have plenty of unread books on my Kindle and a number of others I enjoy reading over and over.

    • Like 2
  13. 58 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    Speaking of bodies:  I hate it when say “size 0 is disgusting” in front of people who wear that size.  Sure, 0 isn’t a number but when that’s the size that fits you, then it’s very real to you.  

    Sizing is an artificial construct. No size number is automatically “disgusting” and on a taller person with a different build even the size jeans I have on right now could look great. When I pick up a sewing pattern I find that just because I can stuff all my fat into stretchy size 18 ready to wear jeans there is no way a size 18 jeans pattern would even come close to fitting. I have to use at least 24/26 with alterations for my hippo hips and thunder thighs to get the size I actually am!

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  14. 30 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Did anyone watch the Grammy's tribute to the Beach Boys on Sunday night? IMO, it was pretty bad. More than half the artists performing the BB songs were unknown to me (& I wasn't impressed with their renditions). When they'd show the Beach Boys sitting in the balcony, Mike Love was acting like it was all wonderful. Then the camera panned to show Brian Wilson. Uh-oh. He didn't look thrilled. 

    We did. I had no idea who most of the performers were, but I’m old. I chose to listen more than watch (doing a coloring page on my iPad) so I didn’t see the reactions! In my head I always hear the original version so it doesn’t surprise me that I think what I’m hearing is “not quite right”.

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  15. I nearly tuned out after the reply of “FEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-yords” but I still hoped for a better view of his shiny jacket which appears to be a style I’ve never seen before. (Not that I’m an expert on men’s fashion.) The only visible button is placed a lot higher up than I’d expect in a single-button jacket but behind the podium it was hard to figure out the cut. Anyway the fist pump for “Higgs” made me glad he and the jacket are gone.

    • Like 11
  16. Before we moved here most of our crystal, china, and silver was given away. We bought Corelle when we arrived (which is annoying me now because the pattern is wearing off). I still own one linen tablecloth and napkins, I don’t expect ever to use the tablecloth again and probably not the napkins either although they’re much easier to iron.  I remember being told when my late mother in law gave me the tablecloth that it was a curse because trying to get that thing ironed is incredibly difficult and I could probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve used it. 

    • Like 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Quof said:

    Pet peeve - environmentally friendly straws. Yes, I know, save the planet and all that...   I carry a reusable metal straw in a small case in my handbag, so I'm fine any time I'm offered a paper straw with a soft drink or want to drink from a can without putting my lips on it (ewww).  But metal straws don't work with milkshakes, because they just freeze the ice cream, and the paper ones they offer at places like Five Guys just aren't up to the task. 

    When we cleaned out my parents’ house after my father died I found a stash of disposable straws.  I use them but one straw lasts months because I keep rinsing it out and reusing it. I may be dead before I need to look at alternatives! Bought some silicone ones which I hated and metal ones which struck me as too dangerous because I’m often sipping on water while walking and if I stumble that could be very bad.

    • Like 6
  18. On 3/6/2023 at 11:42 AM, Shelbie said:

    I find tying two things together to help me remember if I’ve done something. When I worked my coffee maker had a timer so I would take my medication and set up the coffeemaker for the next morning . Later on if I wondered I only had to check that the coffeemaker light was on to know I took my pill. 
    When I know I’m going to wonder later about something that couldn’t be tied to something else I will say it  out loud . “ yes you unplugged the iron” , “yes  you turned off the burner , “ yes you closed the garage door “ etc.  Might be just my brain but it works for me.

    Before moving here I had big irons without auto shut off so I kept the cord wrapped around a bracelet.  When I plugged it in I put the bracelet on, if I was still wearing it that meant I hadn’t shut the iron off yet.  I wish I could get an iron like that here, while I understand the safety rationale I have to get up every five minutes to swipe the iron over something so it won’t shut off.  Otherwise it’s too cool when I have the next piece ready to press and that really annoys me.  (I do have two small travel irons that never shut off but prefer the big one).

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  19. 10 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    Quoting myself to note that Jake has already reached maximum annoyance level and can go home any second now.

    We aren’t watching because my husband, who is normally quite tolerant about contestants’ quirks, refuses to watch Jake ever again.  I now want to take back every comment I made about rowan being very OTT in the last TOC because Jake makes them look like the quietest most subdued player ever.

    • Like 8
  20. 6 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    Apparently with @Caoimhe...

    Yes it is.  Even our trees are still covered in snow though the roads are good.  Another 9” is coming over the next 24 hours, after that another storm Wednesday/Thursday is currently predicted to bring another 5-6”, and yet another storm NEXT Sunday into Monday with no amounts yet.  Anyone who would like to take some of it away with them is most welcome to do so!

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  21. 45 minutes ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

    I have had a few conversations over the years with people who do seem shocked that snow has been forecast.  This is Canada.  In the winter.  It snows.  I get not being  happy about it but to be surprised?  C'mon!

    Every winter I live in hope that it will be a drier OR warmer winter but I’m disappointed rather than shocked or surprised by the forecast.  I think hibernation should be an option because the other three seasons here are lovely.

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  22. Today's peeve is meteorologists gushing about how wonderful it is that we are getting more snow, which makes me so upset I have to leave the room if I'm not in control of the remote. Yes, I am living in the northeast and it's winter (though I wish I could change that). Yes, in the northern part of the state the snow is very important for tourism-related businesses, plus there are outdoor people and children who truly love this frozen white evilness. And yes, it's their job to be pleasant and positive on-screen. But as long as I have to shovel the crap I will continue to flee when they appear to joyously announce yet another storm bringing "plowable snow" in this "active weather pattern".  

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