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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 2 minutes ago, ShoePrincess said:

    Happy Wednesday, Pounders. My eating habit is an open-faced sandwich made with leftover roast chicken, goat cheese, tomatoes, and baby greens dressed with vinaigrette. Tonight's beverage of choice is rose. It reminds me a lunch in Paris.

    This should be interesting. I have some hope for Charly.


    That sounds delicious!  

    I really hope Charly gets a life of her own and succeeds.  I don't really have much hope for Charity or Teretha given their past performance.

    • Love 4
  2. 22 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:

    Gotta love her and her Mom trying to convince Dr. Now that all Jeanne eats are eggs, cheese and toast for breakfast, skinless chicken and an orange for dinner, and no lunch....maybe soda twice a week. Oh honey. Please.

    They didn’t mention how many eggs, how much cheese, and how many slices of toast (never mind what she put ON the toast).  The skinless chicken might have been smothered in cream sauce or any other calorific addition.  I’m not sure what she did with the orange, if she even ate one.

    • Love 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Snarkastikate said:

    If the alcoholism is really that bad so that she had to send Landon to friends and she's actually considering leaving him, I actually do feel sorry for Dottie.   It ain't an easy decision.   As Dr Now with say, that's a bad situashun.

    She’s so delusional about everything else but if he is drinking to the extent that she feels unsafe then she really does need to get away from him.

    • Love 4
  4. Just now, peaceknit said:

    lol, I used to think I would like to live in a tropical climate...until I was in a tropical climate. My ethnic background is NW European, so it's baked in apparently. Ireland sounds nice 🙂

    It’s not.  (Well occasionally it is, right now they have better weather than here in New England).  No real summer and the winter days are horrifically dark though snow is rare.

    • Useful 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Twopper said:

    so is that thing behind her which looks like a tall bird cage --it probably isn't but I don't have my contacts in or my glasses on.

    Dottie,  Landon hasn't a clue what the doc meant about a drug addiction.

    I was thinking Dr Now had done blood work on her and would whip out the results showing nicotine and drug use, but I guess he doesn't do blood work routinely with the patients.  I am disappointed.  What a blow I was dealt.    (oops, wrong forum)

    Is your name Jenny?!

    • LOL 2
  6. Just now, peaceknit said:

    I'm not good with heat either, and it's getting worse with age. I would love to live in a cooler climate like the PNW, but am pretty much stuck where I am. Oh well, you can't have everything.

    My dream is to live in a tropical climate, but I married someone who can’t take the heat.  Unfortunately he who gets sick when he gets too hot controls the thermostat.  I wear down jackets in the house in the middle of summer, and go outside in the sun to warm up.  In winter I have the jackets PLUS layers of quilts.  

    • Love 3
  7. 1 minute ago, mk828 said:

    Oh man these 2 might set the record for the biggest bullshitters ever. Might head hurts after this and there is still 35 minutes to go. I feel like I am back with my 4th graders right now. 

    I‘ve had an awful headache all day, this show isn’t helping!

    • Love 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I've never been hospitalized for more than a day so I need info. Do you have to wear those awful gowns? Can you bring your own pjs to wear? I cant imagine being in a rehab for weeks and weeks and wearing hospital gowns the whole time. 

    Anyone I knew in rehab was encouraged to wear actual clothes during the day!

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