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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 6 hours ago, gardendiva said:

    I am trying to understand how a suture gets popped...the stomach itself looks like it gets trimmed and sealed/cauterized immediately with that scissors type tool. The only sutures I see them doing are for the little holes for the instruments. 
    This poor woman. Such a miserable childhood, and now to be fighting for her life just when she was about to get it back.


    On the 1000 pound sisters show the one who had surgery was smirking as she admitted to the doctor that she’d eaten “just a bite” of solid food when she was still supposed to be on liquids.  He read her the riot act saying that her stomach wasn’t completely healed and she could have popped a suture.  I thought of that when I read the post by Coliesa’s niece.  

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  2. 1 minute ago, Callaphera said:


    It’s to “save her life”.  I don’t think she will be successful in the long run without a LOT of therapy since she’s been cheating all the way along.

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  3. Just now, Chicklet said:

    Wait how does a c-section cause bowel obstruction when they don't cut into the bowel? Color me confused. What other bowel surgery did she have?

    Any abdominal surgery can result in scar tissue that can constrict part of the bowel.

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  4. Just now, aliya said:

    I'm bored and went back to reading reddit. Just learned that my regional grocer has set 7-8 am as the hour for seniors (that would be me). Do these people not realize that I retired so I didn't have to be anywhere at 8 am?

    We are civilized people out here in fly-over country. None of that screaming and cussing and taking stuff out of others' baskets. I don't need to get my emergency ice cream at 8 am.

    Our store has "senior shopping" from 5:30 - 7:00 am mid-week.  While I personally am NEVER up later than six (and often as early as four), my husband won't roll out of bed much before 7:00 unless golf is involved.  So I don't think we'll be taking advantage of it.

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  5. Just now, CringeWatcher said:

    I saw a chick at Walmart yesterday wearing head to toe trash bags over her clothes. We are resourceful ‘round here.

    I am sick to death of women in my Facebook sewing group talking about the masks they're making despite the advice that a cotton fabric mask will do nothing against this kind of virus!  I've unfollowed them all.

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  6. Just now, Wanda said:

    She sounds and has the expressions of Angie J. And the demanding and searching for her drugs brings the similarity home.

    I give her a little bit more leeway because of her horrendous childhood.  Angie J was just plain nasty.

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  7. Just now, mmecorday said:

    I normally love grocery shopping, but seeing the empty shelves makes my anxiety level spike. I know it's because people are buying more than they need, but still.

    Yeah I keep wanting to go sooner because I'm afraid they will be out of more things when we get there.  Even though we have PLENTY of food in the house and are not in need of any toilet roll or cleaning supplies.  It's senseless but I just worry.

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