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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    The fact that she walked into that squalid house and didn't pass out from the stench tells me she's probably somewhat.....lacking.

    She’ll have to fight for enough food to maintain her weight!  She’s not exactly small.

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  2. 1 hour ago, magemaud said:

    And six meals a day! I wondered why, if her reasoning was that “1200 calories a day was too much food” for her body to lose weight, she didn’t just eat LESS! 

    Exactly what I was thinking!  But Joyce’s calorie counting methodology was so far off that I think 120 calories a day might have approximated what she SHOULD have been eating.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Carboncat said:

    I always try to peer into the chicken wing plastic bags to get the maximum 2nd wing joints, not the "drumstick" ones.  It's a mixed "bag". 

    My mesquite BBQ wings are always gone before I get to the front of the line at potlucks.  (Secret not included)  Beauty is, you can cook them the night before, and reheat.

    Back in the 60's when wings were sold whole, if at all from whole chicken, my mom and me used to love to crunch the burnt wing-tips!

    Yummy chicken wings!  Yes they are what led me into trouble on Super Bowl Sunday.  Your mesquite ones sound extra delicious.  I have no off switch when it comes to food so when I see some of the pounders' huge meals I just think "yeah I could eat all that too but do I want to LOOK like that?!"  The upside of my brain never registering "full" is that I don't really tend to be "hungry" in the physical sense so fasting isn't hard for me.  Cravings are another matter entirely!!


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  4. 10 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

    I wouldn't stick my bare hands inside Joyce's putrid folds of flesh every day for a million bucks.

    Without even wearing gloves!  I am convinced there is more to this story that we didn’t see in the episode.  

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  5. 43 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

    Joyce is an all-roads-lead-to-misery human tree stump. I wish there were more to these people's stories other than "my parents got divorced" and "food is the only thing that gives me comfort." These are oversimplifications of much larger addiction issues.  She's been overweight all of her life -- that's not her parents' fault or her grandmother's.  The backstories on this show are woefully redundant. I mean, it's so bad, it's like writing a Mad Lib every week: "My parents [past tense verb] me. I got pregnant at age [inappropriate teen age]. I [verb] my feelings." 

    Agreed, but I don’t think it was helpful that a small normal weight child was probably stuffed with food by grandma every time she expressed sadness or anxiety about being sent there by her now-absent mother.  Of course many people can overcome that kind of conditioning but Joyce has no desire to.

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  6. 27 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I halfway expected to see the Black Screen of Death at the end of the episode.

    I wouldn't have been sad.  With her attitude I can't imagine it's too far in the future.

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