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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. Just watched the first half of Lindsey (which I missed for Jeopardy last night).  She is someone I couldn’t find any sympathy for nor did I find her entertaining like some of the real train wrecks.  She looked really good after her first WLS, unless she lives with Irene for the rest of her life I don’t see this one being a long term fix either.

    • Love 11
  2. 1 minute ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

    im currently at the “I’ll just lie in bed between my only 3 meals and try to sleep” part. High hopes over here. High hopes. 

    It’s funny but I was thinking earlier today that I wish the husband wasn’t home so much because I used to go to bed during the day when I wanted to eat and knew I shouldn’t.  Yeah, I’ll blame him for all this extra weight!

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  3. 1 minute ago, Hellga said:

    I don't know what more I could do - how about stopping the "cheat days" with "one or two snacks" (which are probably an entire giant pizza and/or an entire sheet cake!)

    Not to mention ditching the “coffee drinks” and pastries!

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  4. 28 minutes ago, aliya said:

    Shoot, shoot, shoot. I thought this came on tonight (Thursday). I'll try to be around next week for the chat. Thankfully, it's on TLC so I can catch up.

    I missed it too, was shocked to see the recording there this morning!  I’ll do better next week (I hope).

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  5. I really NEED this show to come back!  Since the season ended I have gained at least 60 pounds (still not ready to face the scale), had to buy increasing sizes of new fat clothes because I got rid of the old ones, and hate to leave the house the way I look now.  This show is my “if you don’t do something look where you will end up!!”  But first the holiday binge, the scale can wait until January.

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  6. On 11/16/2019 at 5:03 PM, Umbelina said:

    I think he will always be remembered for wanting to be Camilla's tampon, and for marrying Diana and making marriage vows, in the church he will be "leading" all the while knowing he would never keep those "sacred vows" since he was still carrying on an affair with the now future Queen of England.  Camilla can get her hair fixed and dress well, and act well, but she will always be the adulterer who aided in the ruination of Diana's marriage and life.

    Charles and his now wife can't erase what they both did, and no, I doubt the monarchy will survive if he doesn't die before the Queen.

    I'm not implying Diana was some kind of saint, but that doesn't excuse or explain Camilla and Charles' deliberate and callous behavior.  

    With William and Kate?  Maybe, but even with them?  I think it's over.

    One of my neighbours refers to them as “Chucky” and “Bride of Chucky”.  She made a comment once about creating tea towels with a gigantic tampon topped with a crown if he does become king.

    • LOL 7
  7. On 11/21/2019 at 3:55 PM, tennisgurl said:

    This episode reminded me a bit of when I studied abroad in Ireland, and I tried to learn some Gaelic before I got there, and it made my tongue actually hurt! Its a beautiful language and I think the efforts that have been taken to preserve the language, especially after cruel efforts to stamp it out in the 19th and early 20th century, are wonderful, but its one of the most daunting languages I have ever tried to pick up! I can imagine Welsh is rather similar. 

    To each their own, I was delighted to see the back of it after Leaving Cert and barely have a few words any more.  Not that I was ever truly fluent, but I’d no interest and have always maintained it should be a choice for students and not a requirement.  /soapbox!!  

    That hat was awful, it really does look like a dressed-up helmet.

    • LOL 2
  8. On 11/18/2019 at 11:10 AM, OtterMommy said:

    I'm a bit haunted by the actor who plays Wilson.  He seems so familiar, although I have seen very little (maybe none) of his previous work.

    I thought so too, eventually realised he was Gavin in “Trollied” and that’s where I remembered him from!

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  9. 8 hours ago, Twopper said:

    I have often thought he was better off than portrayed.  I wonder if he is a from a wealthier family and is a bit of a playboy.

    I wonder if there is extra material in the show tomorrow night.  I am dvring it so I can ffwd thru it.

    Please let us know if there’s anything new!  I didn’t even DVR it because I feared my poor television would suffer many blows as I threw things at Scum-it and Droopy Dawg.

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  10. I voted for Laura, but Droopy Dawg Jenny is just as bad.  They’re all pretty awful, Deaven has turned out to be the person I dislike least!  

    ScumMeat is in a league of his own when it comes to the worst in the foreign category.  Aladin and Jihoon are the least hated for me, Ronnie is runner up to ScumMeat, and EvilOne is at least entertaining at times with her blatant gold digging.  I feel sorry for Karine.

    Deaven and Jihoon are the only two that don’t want me make to throw things at the television very often and I really enjoyed the Korean wedding so they win my vote.  

    • Love 4
  11. 3 minutes ago, Cammi said:

    I said it on the live thread and I will say it again: The fact that Jenny's daughter, her CHILD, said they had to "bail her out on multiple occasions"- tells me they need to 5150 her. She is not functioning at max capacity, one of her cylinders are misfiring. And OF COURSE she knew Sumit was married ffs. A blind person can see she knew! Imo she and Sumit are BOTH manipulative liars. Who they heck ain't got their shit together at her age? Kids bailing her out of situations at almost 60? I wanna know these other situations! Sumit is a scamming POS and their teenage "Romeo and Juliet" fantasy is too pathetic for words. 

    I wanted to catch up with the couples on the tell all, however the awkward silences from the host after the cast answers the questions are too cringy! I guess this Shawn lady is sucking SOMEBODY'S dick on the network or is she a producer? Cuz the tell alls are anxiety inducing they are so bad. 

    Also, I stopped watching 3/4 through this season when I realized this show is mistitled. Are ANY of these couples still actually living abroad now? Deaven has that other kid still in the states doesn't she? So, it is just another "Before the 90 Days", there is no "Other Way". Frankly we have seen more of the foreign countries and customs on this season's "Before" than this show. Fraudin, fraudin, fraudin. 

    So true!!  I feel exactly the same way about Droopy Dawg and Scum Meat.  I would love to hear what Christina has bailed her out of.  And I hope Mrs. Sumit drags him through hell.

    Every one of them “moved” on a tourist visa and only Pole actually applied for residency.  I know some of them couldn’t because they weren’t married, but I wonder if the end game for all of them was to move to the US (or Canada?).   Perhaps this was the only version of the show that would take them on, hence the big pretense of “giving up everything” to move “the other way”.  

    • Love 7
  12. 5 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

    Was just thinking about this.   

    A few episodes ago when Submit came back from visiting his "parents",  while he was getting a street shave, Jenny lectured him about leaving her alone and said she felt like a mistress or a kept woman.   How ironic that she would say that! 

    I think it was all a set-up for ”the big confession”.  She knew.

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