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Everything posted by BckpckFullaNinjas

  1. Why, that would be poow ickle Cawole, wouldn’t it? I remember that scene because (a) weren’t they in Aviva’s home and Carole was being so incredibly rude and (b) thinking that one or the other was going to push her opponent down the stairs. I remember thinking, “Bar fight in the UES! What an unexpectedly hazardous occupation, to be on reality TV about rich people!”
  2. I don’t think Carole looks bad there. She’s a thin woman with prominent teeth and an overbite *shrug.*. Her hair looks great and her color is good. And the three people seem comfortable with each other and smiling genuinely. I’m not a Carole fan at all, but those photos seem to lend credence to her claim of being close to the late couple. FWIW.
  3. @Sharonana, thank you for that reality check. I truly appreciate your insight. And I hope things are much better for you and your hubs, and that they stay that way! You deserve some smooth sailing. ~~~~~~~~~ I think I’ve said all I have to say about Carole. Could be wrong, but pretty sure. Heh. ~~~~~~~~~ But I’ll be looking for the book club we talked about briefly a couple hours back!
  4. @918lux, your points are well taken. I’ve not, thank heavens, been in that situation. But I also continue to think the book could’ve done without that vignette. I dunno, I just dunno.
  5. The part I recall sadly from WR is after the crash, C spent her time crying in the swimming pool and at one point Anthony finally told her that he needed her...and she couldn’t / wouldn’t respond. She admits this. And I admit I thought it was very dickish of her - to do it and to write about it I don’t remember there being snybregret, just, “I was SO OVERCOME I couldn’t muster up some sympathy for my dying spouse.” I’ll have to re-check it out at the library, but first the other memoirs mentioned above!
  6. @lunastartron You, Lady, RULE! The true royalty among us, so proclaimeth every ninja in the backpack. I read the VF article on the doomed CBK/Junior marriage for the first time years ago and couldn’t shake the feeling that it was partly a character assassination of CBK to help keep alive what’s left of the Kennedy mystique. But now, Re-reading it, Junior is shown to have brought his own issues into the mix, so, no. And why do I bring this up? Because whatever Carole & Carolyn’s friendship really looked like, it was definitely not anything like the friendships I know, where coffee & wine are the big drugs and a glamorous trip is to the cafe at Neiman-Marcus. What I'm saying is, — and I’m probably repeating what’s been posted here, and I’m sorry to duplicate but I gotta get it out of my system: — Carole hitched her star to Anthony (I hope in real mutual love) and thereby to his BFF Junior and thus to Carolyn and eventually, it helped her write a bestseller. I ask: Would the tale have been as riveting if Anthony’s cousin had been some good-looking, rich Polonian with a striking, troubled wife who’d maybe made the Society pages of the Chicago newspapers, but not much else? i answer myself: it would’ve been, to me, because Polish relatives. To most other people? Likely not. Therefore, when Carole’s S5 debut sparked a resurgence of sales of WR, does it make sense for her to remind us on teevee that Carolyn was her bestie? Sure. Also therefore, is it logical that having previously made friends with a HW close to her in age and with an actively successful and visible company (Heather and Yummie Tummy), when Bethenny returned — close to her age and visibly successful in business — she’d do the same thing?? saddle up! She began to do the same with Dorinda, who’s visibly rich and probably still is of the liberal-elite mindset that was part and parcel of her late husband’s life and which seems to have become part of Carole’s. Do we ever see Carole befriending someone who has less influence or riches than she? Jules? Ramona, whose business is successful but not visible? Kristen? She befriends Tinsley and cuts her to the quick on camera, out of the blue, during an otherwise innocuous get-together This has all been said before, but Carole seems to choose her friends carefully, in no small part for how useful they can be to her. She appears, well, ruthless. And mean. And coldly calculating. And while she lives a far more interesting and privileged life than I can even conceive of, I wouldn’t want any part of it if I had to take all of it. Whew! I _Think_ I nay have finally said all I had to say about her. And because Dad ninja taught me well: I mean no ill will toward any of the departed spoken of, here. May they all Rest In Peace.
  7. Interesting about the insurance. Wasn’t Anthony diagnosed in his very early 20s? I guess if anybody could pull strings to get something done (someone covered) it would be a Kennedy. They get things done (sometimes for better, sometimes for worse). Asgreed with who said the two women might have described their friendship in significantly different terms. All that said: if CR really was mean to a couple of cats, I have lost what crumb of a microgram of respect I might have still had for her. You don’t cause animals discomfort just because they belonged to one of your bestie’s boyfriend’s exes. Meanness to animals? Often precedes meanness to more vulnerable humans (Jules). Kiss of death in ninja land.
  8. She’s from upstate NY, not the Midwest. We got plenty of problems, but C ain’t one. 8-)
  9. Yep, her first season tagline was, “I may be a princess, but I’m not a drama queen.” Weasel word it, Carole. Good journalist. (Not.) I’ve been researching Anthony and came across one source that said he declined to use any princely title (IIRC, it’s been at least an hour since I read it. Heh). I’m still mostly fascinated by how C was able to quit her career at such a young age, after A passed, and go live in the West and write and continue to live amidst the rarefied community of celebs & executives. I know it’s been discussed before, but either Anthony and / or his mom had / have money even after his mom burned thru his dad’s inheritance and left his dad in ridiculously deep debt, or Aunt Jacqueline came thru with funds or, A & C invested their ABC News, etc., earnings very wisely. Or Grandma DiFalco’s weed business took off and C didn’t mention it in WR. I guess I dunno! Anybody know, other than C?
  10. What the what???? Dyed-in-the-silk Japanophile here and I’ve just heard about this, and found The STRiPES taiko-tap Number — what is this part of?? Where can I see the whole thing?!?!? Thank you so much for posting! And now, to stay on topic, I am confused enough by Instagram and keep away from Twitter like some people run from common sense. But it’s telling, to me, that C won’t let it go, already. Somebody said she followed B’s nastiness & bullying during the time of Jules — I disagree. From the evidence I’m reading about, C’s a naturally spiteful person, a bully. I also realized that 9/10ths of my intel about Anthony’s gallantry comes from C’s descriptions of him, in WR. I’m now on a google mission to find out more about him, to puzzle out what about C would’ve prompted him to partner up with her. Perhaps her inner bully was suppressed or perhaps I’m on the wrong track and she did follow B. But just remembering her snobbibess toward Lu in London, I’m ... intrigued. I’m not watching more NYC because of her, Andy! But I am intrigued.
  11. I’ve bought some in solidarity with a friend who has to quit dairy. It is provolone so typically tasteless but the real question is: how well will it melt?
  12. Early 1950s, same thing here. And I was the firstborn. My poor mom! She tried cute bonnets but I wasn’t having it.
  13. I’m not sure, myself, but I’m pretty positive that after the third part of the reunion, I’m out. I’ll miss the discussions here, but I will miss nothing about the lack of plumped, thinned, Botix’ed, extensions-ed, overbearing, thoroughly rude women in my life. If anything, the RH franchises (I watched OC for a season & a half) have made me eternally grateful for my *quietly* nutty, and ultimately kind-hearted friends IRL. Who knew that dysfunction on the scale of these nuts existed? Apologies to the nuts in my life. I also wonder if Carole’s ever investigated having her overbite fixed. One would think that she could have invested half her fillers bill in new choppers of some sort and enhanced her looks much more permanently. Eh! She wouldn’t ask me my opinion and I would walk the other way if I saw her approaching, so it’s a moot point. Heh!
  14. @lunastartron, words can’t adequately convey my admiration for your words. Man! Have you summed it up, and perfectly!!!
  15. Them’s what I call “scrawny haunches.” But Clooney did her for a year per Sonja and Clooney married another rail-thin gal, so maybe that’s what the 1% aspires to. I’ll take my Jennifer Lopez bum ANY day over that.
  16. Don’t remember shoplifting, but when her grandma saw the money kids were making dealing weed, she wanted in on the scene. Forget if she grew it or was just a middleman. I thought it showed admirable enterprise, myself.
  17. Literally LOL’ed & woke a cat! Armchair psycho(logist) here: Carole needs to be The Most Important Person in somebody’s (anybody’s) life. Or: She seeks to leverage her proximity to the rich-&-famous as a springboard into the thick of that milieu. Did I just mix a metaphor, there?
  18. I remember, not from WR but from the news (that you couldn’t get away from), that John, Carolyn and Sister Bessette’s ashes were poured into the ocean from a boat. I don’t remember anything in WR about Anthony’s cremains but I read the book shortly after Carole first turned up on RHONY, so it’s been a while. My vague memory of the retrieval of the ashes from England was that they’d been taken there to rest at an estate somehow associated with Radziwill family history. No memory at all of why Carole was retrieving them. Not that it’s germane, but I’ve told my family to scatter mine wherever the action brings them peace or a good chuckle. By no means should my dust - literally - take up space in anybody's home, unless they want it that way.
  19. The mystery of the ages! I wondered, too, reading WR, about the lack of even one happy fun time photo. I asked on the S.10 Reunion thread but it’s more appropriate here: is Anthony rolling in his urn at her behavior? I may have quite a romanticized version of him and John, jr. However, both men apparently had respectful, close, loving relationships to their moms and sisters. A guy like Anthony would want a sniping, endlessly mean, backbiting woman like Carole? Why? That good a kisser (etc.), I guess? Or was she different, back then? Has she just released & nurtured her inner dickiness in the years since her classy husband passed away?
  20. This and several other, very damning recountings of Carole’s behavior, I can’t help but wonder: is Anthony spinning in his urn? From all accounts he was a gentleman, raised in the appearances of wealth while probably in financial peril due to his mom’s overspending, but close to John, jr., who was also close to his own classy mom and sister. Was Carole this much of a guttersnipe when Anthony married her? (I know “guttersnipe” doesn’t mean “flagrantly vile rich woman” but it's onomatopoeically perfect — she acts likes she from the gutter and she endlessly snipes!) Also, if this should be in the Carole thread, AOK with me!
  21. One of the ninja’s best friends married the guy she’d been living with for about 8 years and only the parents, siblings and VSF like the ninja were invited to the ceremony. I and all the other friends & fam were invited to the reception only. When I asked, the ninja groused that she’d be more than happy to trade places with me and not to have to get up early, stand in the sunshine, etc. LOL We knew the couple were compatible & loved each other — we didn’t need to see them make their vows. And the reception was one of the very best I’ve attended. Just my experience but reception-only works great AFAIC!
  22. Gotta disagree on that. The noses are very similar but Glenn’s eyes aren’t as closed. Glenn’s mouth and jaw are strong, yes, but way more feminine than Carol’s appear, here. Cover the nose & eyes, & look just at the mouth & chin — they are not close to Glenn’s. (Yeah, I went there!)
  23. When, during the cemetery visit, she said, “Richard, I’m not the same person I was then,” I remember thinking, “a change for the worse?”
  24. Does she, really? Now I have to watch the blasted thing. I have no affection for Carole but she has gone where no one’s gone before — standing up to B AND ragging Andy.
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