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Everything posted by BBHN

  1. I do think Benthenny was the wrong NYC HW to crossover with. Or, she should have at least brought Sonja with her. Dorit would have been dragged out in a straight jacket...
  2. Sorry, but all credit for the Electric Slide goes to Brenda, Donna, and Nikki.
  3. W is for Westworld. Western and Sci Fi at the same time!
  4. Psychic readings can be entertaining, if the psychic at least puts up a good show about it all. This one, though? Made it all a bit too obvious, which c'mon, at least try a little harder to fake it. I really wish Teddi had messed with the psychic a bit. Rebecca to Teddi: Do you have a patio or deck area? Teddi: Yes, at my home in the country. Rebecca: Yeah, she likes to hang out there looking at the lovely fields. Teddi: Kidding, my home is on the beach! Rebecca:.....................wrong number, who dis? I still think Teddi has good intentions, and isn't trying to stir up drama just for the sake of it. Some scenes the editing is much more obvious that others. Lunch/dinner scenes and party scenes are usually the better ones to notice editing bloopers.
  5. Yes, I believe so, otherwise, I wouldn't have said it. Yeah, the disproportionate part is what I find ridiculous.
  6. Let me see...you had a family member who passed away...a female family member...within the last decade or so...
  7. Hey, between her "projects" and The Agency, you can aim a bit higher. How much is Rebecca scamming charging her?
  8. Considering how Bravo pays for most of these trips, I don't think the ladies have much say in where they'll be staying or how they will be getting there. Unless they want to pay for it themselves, which, lol. So was LVP paying for the Hong Kong trip last year? Just wondering given the drama between LVP and Rinna last year when Rinna gave LVP her fake lashes and LVP agreed to let Rinna on the trip...
  9. Their pets live better than most people. If I believed in reincarnation, I wouldn't mind coming back as one of their pets.
  10. A person is only as old as they feel...and some feel younger than others. Glad we live in an era now where women aren't judged by the way they dress...er... Probably not. Even Ericka has her standards... I agree, being the kooky Greek chorus is a much better look for her than playing the pot-stirrer. Especially if she is trying to build a career for her kids via this show.
  11. Putting aside what Nene said at the comedy show...the fact that she had to resort to saying that shows that she might not be ready to be a comedian. A real comedian would have been able to cut that heckler down to size without having to resort to saying what Nene said. Then, again this is who we are dealing with...
  12. The thing about Kim being ignorant...hasn't she been around black people enough to, you know, no longer be ignorant?
  13. No, but stuff like Camille being unable to co-parent could be. Yes, and that's fine, but their sotuations are very different. Bethenny, to my knowledge, didn't cheat on Jason the way Kelsey did with Camille. Bethenny and Jason have less kids and K&C and also were married for a shorter time. On paper the only real similarity between them is Jason could the Camille in that Bethenny/Kelsey had the money in the relationship. Though Camille either had a better divorce lawyer/pre-nup/Kelsey may have felt guilty for screwing someone else while married/etc. Yes, when someone loses access to their ATM, I'm sure they would feel hurt.
  14. I guess it's that the reaction to what Ericka did isn't proportional to what she actually did. Not that it isn't a big deal. And yeah, dragging someone by the hair and/or flipping a table is not the same as verbally bitching someone out.
  15. But you did bring up things Kelsey claimed and said, hence my pointing out his perspective is a bit skewed, to say the list. That's all great and fine for Kelsey and Camille, but that doesn't necessarily mean it applies to Bethenny and Jason. Different couples, different people. Given the other things he has said which I referred to above, it does make a person wonder how forthright he is being. Not sure how that applies to Bethenny and Jason's example, but considering how Kelsey was fucking another woman while married to Camille, good for Camille. This is Kelsey's fourth marriage, he seems to have had a heck of a lot more practice at it than either Bethenny or Jason. And as I said in a different thread, I do hope fourth time is the charm for him.
  16. Or dragged someone on the floor by their hair...or flipped a table...or flipped Andy...
  17. They've both posted and reposted about it, so I'm guessing they do support it. Maybe.
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