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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. Ugh, it is just sad. She is so thirsty for attention. Her point is “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!”
  2. She rarely makes red carpet appearances with him. They keep their relationship very private. As far as moving, she might have stayed in LA for a variety of reasons (waiting to see if the show gets picked up, if they have kids, etc). There was a show last year (The Brave) where the cast moved out to the shooting location but families stayed behind. Mike Vogel lives in my hometown with his wife and she stayed behind while they were shooting.
  3. Thanks. It is what it is. He stopped his monthly chemo around 2 years ago because of non-stop pneumonia. So far it is staying stable but now he’s dealing with all the after effects of chemo and radiation. He’s done fighting. My MIL isn’t which will be interesting when it starts rearing its ugly head again (the cancer, not my MIL). LOL. Sorry, cancer jokes. Gotta laugh because you can’t punch it in the face.
  4. Not a hypothetical for me. Routinely happens with my husband and I on both sides. Hell, his best friends sporadically have lived with us for the past 10 years or so and my husband will be gone for months on end. I don’t think anything of it. If you trust your partner and are secure in your relationship then you are typically fine with it. Carole’s whole issue boils down to poor self esteem, IMO. By exposing Adam as a user, it undermined her self worth. She had spent the previous seasons showboating around this relationship and how she was super attractive to a way younger guy. She started off this season by rewriting their breakup as them frequently hooking up. Once B came out with the “Adam is a user” story, it changed the whole history of Carole and Adam’s relationship. Now her whole relationship with him was a lie. She was no longer super attractive to him. Now it was just merely what opportunities she (and the show) could provide to him that were attractive. She couldn’t deal with that so she attacked. I haven’t watched any of OC this season. I just couldn’t take Vicki any longer. She turned me off with the whole fake cancer storyline. My FIL has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and has been dealing with it for 15 years. So, go screw her.
  5. Ehh, it is a simple misunderstanding to make. Torturous and tortuous sound very similar and most people hear torturous because that is a word that we hear more often. Tortuous colon though is a real medical condition.
  6. Bravo had a whole thing on Joao and whether or not he was still with Brooke. One line in particular stuck out with me. He was explaining how Casey misinterpreted his intentions with her and how she thought he was flirting when he was just being charming. So, still creepy. Sandy knew what Joao was doing because she had the opportunity to see the episodes also. She has been defending him this entire time. She knows about his attitude towards the others and she continues to choose to defend him. Sorry but I’m not on Team Sandy with this one.
  7. It reminds me of the rumors that have been around about Bethenny for her entire run on RHONY about how she uses laxatives to keep the weight off. But she referenced multiple times this season about her tortuous colon (note: not torturous which is what a lot of people thought she was saying). She was probably taking the laxatives due to the complications from her condition but of course people have to spin it like she has an eating disorder.
  8. What is mid mom? I’m a mom of 2 and mid-to-late 30’s. If the jeans fit and look good then I’m buying them. They are at a good price point and I wear my jeans to death.
  9. It is a retail term actually. There are tiers of department stores. Belks and those types would be the bottom ones. Better department stores are your mainstream, mid-level department stores like macy’s, Dillard’s, Nordstrom, etc. Then your high end would be Saks, Neiman, Bergdorf, etc.
  10. Prices are on the website. They vary for the jeans but seem to start at. $89.50
  11. I feel so bad for Tins. Sure she is a bit immature and annoying but she is harmless. She is sweet and kind to pretty much everybody. She doesn’t deserve what Carole is throwing at her.
  12. But they don’t see the confessionals until they see the edited show. So, it doesn’t explain why she was acting so horrible to Bethenny in the moment during the season. She is just lying. She is a great example of how a person sees what they want to see. She has a narrative in her mind and will distort everything to fit that narrative. Which actually makes me question her effectiveness as a journalist. Journalists are supposed to be objective and truthfully tell a story despite their personal beliefs and feelings. She can’t manage that. She didn’t. She didn’t try at all. She was done before the season started filming but her behavior got worse as the season progressed. I think it was also because Andy called her out on saying he was full of shit. I felt bad for Tins during that. She really valued her friendship with Carole and thought there was something there. Carole says that she is a ride or die friend but dude, she tossed Tins aside in her attempts to portray B as a liar. Tins is a friend when it behooves Carole.
  13. Ok, with his haircut, Whitney seriously looks like Jonathan Antin to me. Drives me nuts.
  14. I think B just provided Dorinda an excuse to disinvite/not invite Sonja. Just because someone asked or said, “Hey I’m not going” doesn’t mean that Dorinda had to follow through with it. Plus, I think it was an empty threat from Bethenny. I’m pretty sure production would have made sure she was there. Sonja honestly doesn’t add much to the story half the time so she wasn’t a big loss.
  15. Apparently he is doing something with Whitney there. Not sure what.
  16. I agree but I also wonder if she does it out of fear for what Thomas would do to her. We have already seen that he is vindictive and gets off on emotionally abusing her.
  17. I have to agree with both of these. She wasn’t listing faults of Carole’s. She was saying a list of things which was why Carole was probably getting closer to Tinsley. They had a lot in common: no career, no husband, no kids. B only has one of those-no husband. Carole HAD a career. She dabbles at writing now but let’s face it, she isn’t publishing books 1-2 times a year like some writers or churning out weekly articles. She doesn’t have kids and kids are a huge time suck that people without kids just don’t understand. My best friend growing up and I had a falling out just 1.5 years ago over this BS. She wasn’t really working, not in a relationship, and doesn’t have kids. Meanwhile, I was working, just had a second kid, and have a husband that traveled during the week. So, I wasn’t really able to go out with her as much as I could when we were both single. I couldn’t just pick up and fly off to wherever. Someone had to watch the kids! It led to issues because she felt like I wasn’t invested in the friendship anymore and then began taking everything as a negative. Wait... Was my former BFF Carole and I never realized it??? LOL. I think Carole didn’t like the initial comment about Adam and then just took everything negatively after that. If you are looking hard enough for something to get mad about, you will wind up getting mad about everything. Which is what happened with Carole. Anything that Bethenny says to her will get twisted in her head and she will get mad about it.
  18. Sounds good to me! I’m pretty sure there is no limit on that tab!
  19. I have to agree. I think they are going to avoid everything possible that remotely connects them to Thomas in the future. I thought it was interesting that the after show clips for season 5, Thomas was only in 1 of them. People just began to connect the dots this last season about how emotionally abusive Thomas was and then with the other stories coming out... He’s too toxic to have around a popular franchise—especially in this day and age.
  20. There is always room at my weirdo table! LOL. Dude, those pajamas are super stretchy. I could have probably fit into my daughter’s except for the seams at the armholes which would make it a bit tight and uncomfortable. Plus, I think it was a nightgown that she was basically wearing as a tight shirt. Those nightgowns are usually cut large. I think sometimes people see more into posts than what they actually are (and this isn’t just with B but just in general). Sometimes people post things just because they like it or think it is funny in the moment. It doesn’t always have a deeper meaning. Oh, the sleepover issue... I think if I knew the single dad, I would be fine with my daughter doing a sleepover. Especially if it was several girls. Plus, let’s face it, women can mess with children just as easily. I had a friend in college whose mom would take her into bars and allow other men to mess with her daughter.
  21. Oh, too many posts to quote... I’m actually a little bit more irritated with Jill in this scenario. True, they were still married. Not arguing that point and nobody knows why. Some people stay married for various reasons but live separate lives. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, for example. She won’t divorce him until he gets sober and she feels he is in a good place to have the kids. Meanwhile, Ben is currently dating a 20 something year old (he broke up with Lindsey Shookus) and I believe Jen is also dating someone on the DL. Yes, Jill and Dennis were still legally married but you could argue that they weren’t emotionally married anymore because of the fact that they were both in serious relationships with other people. I find it a bit rich that she is now playing the whole grieving widow, “Love of MY LIFE!” Card when they were dating other people. Plus, people at the funeral knew what was going on. They all knew that Dennis and Jill were technically no longer together and he had moved on with B. Plus, dude, stop invoking the children. They are grown adults who probably knew their dad had issues with pain meds and understand why their parents were no longer happily married. Yes, it sucks that they lost their dad but stop using them as a shield for your mess.
  22. I used to laugh because my brother would cover his daughter’s eyes when he would take her into the men’s room from about the age of 3 until however old she was when she went in by herself. My husband hasn’t encountered this yet because our 6 year old just runs in by herself and he will stand outside. I’m the weirdo that doesn’t really see an issue with the pajamas post from B but I’m a little bit more “Meh” with stuff unless it puts a child in danger. Like, I’m a bit “huh” about her putting on the pajamas and taking a picture but I mostly find it harmless. My daughter would get a giggle out of me wearing her clothes and think nothing more of it than that. I could see Bryn being the same way—especially considering she was around 4 when this picture was taken. I can’t help but wonder if some of the backlash is influenced by the skinny shaming that gets thrown B’s way a lot.
  23. Dude, after the birth of a child, nobody should expect you to leave your house for at least the first month or two. I was a walking zombie after both of mine for the first bit. Forget going to an in-laws’ house (who should KNOW BETTER). My husband’s parents are similar (but actually worse) than Jason’s family so I have empathy for B in this situation. Mama and Daddy Hoppy are way too involved in their grown son’s life and control him way too much. As a result, Jason is also super-controlling and manipulative (because you have to be manipulative when you grow up with controlling parents—it is the only way to survive).
  24. Exactly! Part of the reason we left the US was so our children could be exposed to the rest of the world and all these different cultures. History came alive for our 6 year old when she got to actually see the Colesseum, see the destruction at Pompei, visit sites dating back to biblical times in the Middle East, etc. Much more so than it did for me when I read about it in textbooks in a classroom. I sincerely think that traveling is a huge benefit to children and think that everyone needs to travel as far and as often as they are able to. I think Bryn’s travels will actually do a great deal towards developing her into a more global citizen which is where the world is moving to. Just look at this site. It has connected all of us from all over the world and helped us find something in common.
  25. Jessica Alba literally built an entire company off of her kids. Hell, Jennifer Garner uses her kids fairly consistently to promote herself and portray a certain image. It is unfortunate but Bethenny is hardly the only one out there and a lot of people are significantly worse.
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