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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. What does it say? I grew up with fake trees. I've never had a real tree for Christmas and have no desire for one. Some people don't do them because they travel. Others don't want to deal with the needles constantly falling off. Others are allergic or don't like the smell. It is just a tree. It isn't an indicator that someone is evil, rude, vicious, or heartless. It is JUST a tree!
  2. My comment wasn't directed towards you. It was directed towards the poster who stated (and I quoted in my post) that Carole was xenophobic because of her eating habits. I'm fine with saying she is a boring eater (I think she even copped to it at one point). But xenophobic and racist are serious words and accusations that shouldn't be lightly tossed around. Plus, it is an asinine to assume that someone is racist or xenophobic just because they didn't like Chinese food.
  3. I just can't believe you are seriously equating someone not wanting to try food with being racist and xenophobic. Someone can not want to try Chinese food and not be xenophobic.
  4. Can we seriously stop making the argument that because she didn't want to try food that it makes her xenophobic, close-minded, racist, etc, etc, etc. I'm a picky eater. I don't care to try most Arabic food. However, I chose to live in the Middle East. I just know that I can't stand spicy food (Taco Bell even borders on too spicy for me sometimes) plus a bunch of other things that I dislike in food. It doesn't make me any of those and nor does it apply to Carole.
  5. She was vile to Carole for that entire season and even worse during the reunion. She was making baldfaced lies about Bethenny and her relationship to the point that B had to call Dennis's daughter to correct Lu--at which point Lu got even more vicious. Lu is not innocent in all this.
  6. I won't go as far as saying she seems like a bitch (it offends my delicate Southern sensibilities) but she does seem like a piece of work. I just don't understand how some people are so petty and immature that they pull a stunt like that. It serves no purpose other than to make her like pathetic. Bless her heart.
  7. So, funny story... My husband was engaged during college to his high school sweetheart. Background on that: My husband didn't particularly like her but his dad loved her and was supposed to be dying from cancer (that was 20 years ago and he's still kicking) so my husband proposed to make his dad happy. He came home from college during Thanksgiving break, made a date with his high school crush (different girl), and broke up the engagement in the parking lot of the church before premarital counseling. LOL. I met him around 5 years after that and I called him a dog. Anyways, what you had written was "anyone who got engaged after 3 months" which was why I responded the way I did. I just have issues with absolute statements. One of my many flaws. I think people forget that the women are replying to producers asking questions. So, if someone starts talking about Tom cheating then they are more than likely replying to a producer's question. They don't just sit down in front of the camera and then start yammering on about whatever comes to mind. The producers are going to ask about what you put out there. You notice that the ladies are rarely discussing John this season because Dorinda hasn't made him part of her storyline or involved him. Lu's whole storyline is still Tom so of course the ladies are going to talk about it in their THs.
  8. Yep! Exactly! Bethenny has worked hard to get to where she is and a huge part of that has been her constant promotion of SG on the show. That is free advertising for her company. Not every relationship has to end in marriage. Look at Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. They aren't married but have been together for like 25-30 years. For some people, marriage just isn't important. You can be in a loving, committed relationship without having that piece of paper. Well, that's rude. I was engaged to my husband after 3 months of knowing each other. When we met, we just knew that that was it. We joke that we never dated. We've just been together since the day we met. We've been married for 10 years so it obviously is working. We weren't desperate or insecure. We just knew that this was what we wanted and moved towards it. We didn't see the point in just dating if we knew we wanted to be married to each other.
  9. Randy! Is it Randy from Say Yes to the Dress??? It looks like it might be him but it also kinda doesn't look like him. And yes, I totally quoted myself.
  10. Ok, I know Doug. I know Carson. It is the other guy that I can't place! I swear I have seen him somewhere! FYI: i have one of those brains where I will watch a show and swear I remember someone from another show and look it up on IMDB and I remember them from 1 episode on a show 15 years ago.
  11. OMG. I can hear his voice in my head... I can't think of the show either!
  12. We get some of the Japanese groceries over here (I'm in Dubai so people are from everywhere) and it is some of the weirdest flavors. It does make for interesting grocery shopping experiences. Meanwhile, I've been searching for years just for some ricotta cheese. I really want to make lasagna. I just want some ricotta.
  13. Waitrose (British grocery store) sells under its Essentials line potato chips/crisps in the following flavors: Prawn cocktail, smoky bacon, and roast chicken. One, why are those flavors considered essential? Two, euw.
  14. So, you can be allergic to some shellfish but not all shellfish. Same thing with fish. So, it could be that she isn't allergic to caviar but allergic to most other fish. I have a 5.5 year old and I say that I'm putting her down to bed. It is still the process of putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, reading a book, and saying prayers so to me, it is putting her down to bed. I will sometimes say that I'm allergic to fish and shellfish when it is more emotionally traumatized from a horrific food poisoning event when I was younger. Ugh. It is just easier to say I'm allergic than have to explain that the smell of fish still makes me nauseous after all these years. Thank you! The argument that someone isn't adventurous because they are a picky eater is laughable. Ok, I'm not adventurous with food but I have lived in multiple countries, I've hiked in the Alps, I go scuba diving, etc. I'm adventurous in most every other area of my life. Just not with food! It doesn't make me unsophisticated. One of my favorite things to do when traveling is to go to museums (FYI: trying to find the Venus di Milo in the Louvre is one of the hardest things I've ever done), I'm a prolific reader, I have a doctorate... There are a lot of assumptions being made that are false.
  15. I'm one of those people. I'm 5'10" and a size 4. I eat because I have to. I enjoy a good steak but I do not have adventurous tastes at all. When I was in India, I lived for McDonalds because I hated Indian food in the US and found it worse in India. I live in the Middle East now and rarely eat Arabic food. I like some of the barbecue and some of the breads but that is it about it. I do not understand the olives 5 million different ways. Enh, see my above reply. I'm not an adventurous eater but I am very open-minded about just about everything else. I don't think you can really correlate food opinions to whether or not a person is open-minded. I would have loved to have seen that and even better, Ramona's reactions to it! She always acts like Avery's friends are her friends and they love to spend time with her. I would have loved to have seen her reaction to hear a bunch of 20 year olds diss her. No joke, I was 25 or so when I had PF Chang's for the first time. I had Mongolian Beef because it was the thing that sounded closest to normal. I will now eat at PF Chang's regularly (I have yet to try a different Chinese place) and have only ordered Mongolian Beef for the last 11 years. I'm not an adventurous eater (dude, I'm probably the pickiest eater you will ever meet) so I just stay to what I know I like. I will try something that sounds like something I like (example: I like barbecue and grilled meats so I tried arabic barbecue when we first moved to the Middle East) but I won't sit there and decide to see what lamb fattoush is like. Nope. No thanks.
  16. Ok, I'm Southern so I grew up on grits but even I hate plain grits. I make cheese grits but I put jalapeno cheese in them and then bake them in the oven for 30 minutes at 350. YUM! That way, it is cheesy and also has a bit of a kick to them.
  17. Wait, did nobody catch the part where Sonja got mad because Tins and Connor made plans for while Sonja was in Phuket? She said that Tins will be distracting Connor and that just won't do. OMG. It sounded (to me) like they made plans for one night to go out for drinks or something. Connor doesn't work 24/7! He is allowed a night off!
  18. It doesn't always though. I have it as does several friends. No matter the bra, they are still there. It can happen regardless of breast size too (mine are slightly bigger than Jules). I do agree with you though that Bethenny had a horrible fitting bra in the Berkshires. She did not fill the cups at all. They gave her a good bra when they did the bra party so it would be interesting to see if the bra changed that.
  19. But making fun of a part of a woman's body (that FYI, is actually common based on how your breast tissue lays) is body shaming.
  20. To me, there is an exception though. If you have a destination wedding that people couldn't afford to go to. Granted, this cast didn't have that problem. I agree that it is rude if people could have attended and you said no because they didn't support the marriage. Then you don't invite them to the party to celebrate the marriage. Saying someone has a dick that shoots diamonds isn't body shaming. I also never said that I was ok with that. I felt it was crass but also a bit funny (the two aren't mutually exclusive).
  21. I agree that Lu does seem to be trying extra hard to convince people about this wedding but i wonder how much of it is she is trying to convince herself. The whole first time married thing doesn't strike me as being unusual. My aunt got married for the first time at 52 and they have been married for 15 years now. Really great guy. Lost his first wife to cancer. We love him, it works. That whole dinner was just all types of awkward. Avery's friends don't want to hang out with a 60 year old twwoman. They want to hang out with Avery. I did enjoy the sideye they gave Avery when Ramona suggested Monday dinners. LOL. I'm assuming you are a man but two things: 1) Some woman just have that. It is how the breast tissue extends. 2) Do we really have to body shame? You don't like Bethenny. Fine. But can we not body shame? She stole that from Pretty Woman! Come on! Come up with original lines!
  22. I adore peonies. I can't grow them where I live but my parents still live in the midstate so they have some bushes. My brother has backed over one of the bushes for at least 15 years and it still keeps going.
  23. I don't drink so I substitute chocolate in for the liquor. LOL.
  24. As long as we don't start debating the oxford comma. If I remember correctly, part of it was the names were similar in the same industry. So, Skinny Cow is ice cream but Skinny Girl wasn't ice cream so it wouldn't create confusion. Also, Bethenny pointed out that the alcohol regulatory agency would have issues with the name having Tipsy in it since they try to steer away from anything promoting drunkness or irresponsible behavior.
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