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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. Ok, let's break it down... "Recounting one incident where Hoppy and his dad both emerged in their skivvies when she was having a photo shoot done at the Tribeca pad to help themselves to the crew's buffet." 1) The use of the word "when" is used to state that it was during the photo shoot. It is a temporal orientation signifier. 2) "To help themselves to the crew's buffet." Why would the buffet be there if the crew isn't? The buffet was for the crew. These things are typically set up not long before a shoot and taken down afterwards. Here is my big question though from previous discussion in this thread. Why does Bethenny having peed on camera excuse the incident with Hoppy and his dad? From my best recall, the last time she peed on camera was at her wedding so 6 years ago. Why does an incident from 6 years ago excuse behavior that happened 1-2 years ago? Is my mom the only one that taught me that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Also, whether or not workers were in the apartment is just an attempt at deflection. The fact of the matter is that Bryn was there. Now, her father being in his underwear around her could possibly be seen as acceptable (although it wouldn't fly in my house). However, her grandfather in his underwear would be unacceptable by most people. My father-in-law and my father both get dressed or have on proper pajamas before they come downstairs when they are visiting. There is no reason why they should be wearing underwear around the house. I worked in home health for 5 years and my patients would even get dressed before I came and most of them were bedbound! Is Bethenny perfect? No. I don't think anybody thinks she is. However, her past mistakes don't excuse everything that Hoppy has done.
  2. Lu can't ever go to the Middle East then unless they switch their policy on preferring to stay in houses. Villas don't normally have outlets in the bathrooms (I think it is a building code thing since the bathrooms are wet rooms). I do remember outlets in the bathrooms (one only, normally) at the Four Seasons in Abu Dhabi and the Ritz-Carlton in Dubai.
  3. Ok, so let's discuss social rules. They include things like when you are a guest in a person's home, you don't wander around in your underwear. If you are a guest in someone's home and they have workers over, you don't wander around in your underwear. If you are a guest in someone's home and they have a small child, you don't wander around in your underwear. Those are just typically accepted social norms.
  4. Who is going to unpack Ramona's bags for her???? OMG, is this going to be the first time in RHNY history that Ramona will unpack her own bags? Carole is a better person than me. I would have just looked at her and said, "No. You want it, you go get it. I'm not your servant." I don't take that from my 5-year-old. I didn't take it as an insult either. I have that same sense of humor and while I have a couple of friends who can't take it, most of mine do. I've had friends say that they enjoyed it because they know they can crack on me too. Hell, one of my friends joked with me once that I was dressed like a watermelon (green pants, white top, pink cardigan) and I laughed hilariously. It is just their type of friendship. Just because it doesn't work for one person doesn't mean it doesn't work for them.
  5. ARGH!!! It is right up there with her Hamptons crap that she spewed when they went to Heather's house in the Berkshires. Hah! I was sitting there myself thinking that it could have applied to multiple men! I do so love Dorinda. She is one of those people that is just hilarious when she gets mad at someone. No, no... That would be Ramona who would have googled. Remember, she is the one who has a private detective do research on the ladies in the off season so that way she is fully armed going into a season. Ok, I need to watch it again (gladly because it is priceless and needs to be in the Smithsonian) but I took the whole hostess comments differently. I think it was more of a blow to the fact that Sonja keeps trying to spin it as she was a consultant for restaurants when she was really just a hostess. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being a hostess. But it would be like Lu trying to claim that she was the CNO of a hospital when she was really a nurse. No, no. It isn't Lu's bathroom. It is Mrs. D'Agostino formerly known as Countess DeLesepps' bathroom. Did we know she just got married? Has it been mentioned in the last 5 minutes? 'Cause we all apparently suffer from short-term memory problems and need it mentioned every 5 minutes. Leave Uggs alone!!! I own a pair. They are monogrammed and people LOVE them.
  6. Dude, even my husband won't wear his boxers around the house. We have a 5 year old and a 14 month old. He puts on clothes when he wakes up.
  7. I think most tech savvy people understand that nothing online is truly secure. However, there is a difference between someone doing a massive hack into a server versus an employee of a six-figure yacht charter reading your messages for an entire day. Should the primary have made sure he was logged out of the device? Of course. However, Bugs is also of equal responsibility in her job to ensure privacy for the guest and she should have logged out. For example: I stayed at the Ritz-Carlton in a Middle Eastern city not too long ago. I had all of my normal devices on me. My iPad was left open by my daughter. I also had several thousand in their currency left out. Now, would I expect housekeeping to go through my iPad and help themselves to a hefty tip? No. I would be upset and speak to management about it. What happened (and what is good customer service) was that my iPad was closed and placed on the desk with my other devices and the money was sorted and stacked and left on the desk with the devices. This is my big thing. What should have happened was Bugs log out of the accounts when she noticed that it was still logged in. She shouldn't have gone through and read them and she really shouldn't have taken the iPad around with her for an entire day reading them. I would be amazed if there wasn't some sort of confidentiality/privacy clause in their contracts as stews (not the show contracts but the yacht employee contracts) that prohibits that sort of thing.
  8. Exactly! They had a prenup that outlined exactly who would get what in the event of a divorce. Unless the prenup says that Hoppy is supposed to receive a $10 million payout then Bethenny is good in this situation. She is following the agreed upon legal document.
  9. That was my thought... I did a quick Google and couldn't find anything definitive.
  10. Actually, their relationship is on the mend. Tamra was just at Sidney's graduation and went out to a family dinner. Meanwhile, the son lived with Tamra and refused to go see Simon so it cut both ways.
  11. To me, there is a difference between thinking something is encrypted vs having a reasonable right that a stew wouldn't pick up a device and start reading all of your messages. I know that Facebook Messages could be hacked but that is different than having an employee read all of your messages for an entire day.
  12. It wasn't Facebook messages. It looked like it was the Messages app on iPhones and iPads (so, cell phone text messages). But most people do assume that their Facebook Messages would be private.
  13. Exactly on all of your points. If Hoppy really didn't want the spotlight, he would have gone to his lawyers if he felt Bethenny was being unreasonable or not following through with proper requests. He wouldn't have persisted with 160 emails. A normal person would have gone to their lawyers after maybe 5 emails. As I said earlier, it isn't the tone of the emails that is necessarily harassment. It is the tone combined with the amount of emails. Also, as you pointed out, we haven't seen Brynn on her social media in years. You get the occasional pap shot because Bethenny is followed by the paps occasionally and those pics sell. Does she speak in general terms? Yes, of course. I'm pretty sure if she never spoke about her at all then people would complain that she is a neglectful mother who obviously doesn't care about her child. The generality of her comments is also probably why the courts haven't had an issue. She isn't giving specific details on either Brynn or the divorce. It isn't an issue to say she isn't happy and it has been dragging on. Anybody can google and see that it dragged on for 4 years. I also don't know many people who were happy or upbeat about a divorce.
  14. To me, the whole Bugs and Hannah situation doesn't have to be an either/or. They both did improper/unprofessional things. Hannah should not have kissed the primary. However, that doesn't excuse Bugs' behavior. Bugs should never have read the messages on the iPad. That is a gross violation of the primary's privacy. It opens her up to additional speculation: what other messages of the primary's did she read? See, now you can't necessarily trust her around certain items because she has shown that she will go into a primary's messages and not only peruse through them but remain logged in for an entire day to continue to read them. According to Hannah's twitter, the primary guest was not amused. I like Max's girlfriend. They are a perfect match, IMO. Both cute and a little dim. LOL. From my understanding of previous BD seasons, the late stew normally cleans up the interior to make sure it is ready for guests in the morning. I think it was Kate that got irritated with a stew that didn't do that once and the interior was trashed for when she woke up in the morning. She was happy that the guests slept in that morning so she could get it cleaned up first.
  15. But we don't know what business opportunities she was offered out in LA that fell through because her move was blocked. So, it is hard to say that none of her business was out. Yes, none of her current stuff is but how much potential money did she lose by not being allowed to move out there? Tamara Tattles also has it. http://tamaratattles.com/2017/06/27/jason-hoppy-back-in-court-today-as-bethenny-frankel-films-shark-tank/ She noted that Hoppy's attorneys filed a motion to dismiss which was denied by the judge. I just like that the lawyer seriously asked for the charges to be dismissed and it was all, "Nope! But here are 2 more charges to add!" There have also been photos of Hoppy with Bryn and those are the more suspicious ones, IMO. Paps are going to follow Bethenny around at least a little bit (more when RHONYC is filming) just because she is well known and she generates pageviews. But Hoppy? They aren't waiting around for him which means that he is calling them and alerting them to where he is going to be (which is very common amongst the D-list--some will even pay their favorite pap). I could ALMOST understand 1-2 emails that were nasty. Like, you can dismiss those as "Oh, he was mad because something just happened." But 160 emails over a 2 month period and similar behavior that was happening long before that? That can't be explained away. It is harassment. To me, it isn't just the tone of the emails that is as much of a problem as the amount combined with the tone. Bethenny has also alleged that her signature was possibly forged on the trust document. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2015/05/21/bethenny-frankel-get-her-tribeca-pad-back-after-judge-rules-trust-used-to-purchase-property-is-invalid/ See, it is all about control with Hoppy. He is mad and so he is going to try to control her. Telling someone repeatedly over a period of several months that they are going to continue to do what they want to do, they are going to disregard your wishes and continue to contact you, etc... That's harassment. It is terrifying to me that people are ok with that type of behavior. Exactly. I think he was working her from early on in the marriage, if not the very beginning. He thought he had it all figured out and got his meal ticket to a cushy life. It fell apart and he has gone psycho.
  16. *peeks around the corner* It's morning where I'm at (well, lunch time almost) so I have an opinion. I would love for these charges to be trumped up just for the sake of Bryn. None of this is doing Bryn any good. Both parents need to just let go of all past hurt and animosity and focus on what is best for Bryn.
  17. Is Jason even still working? Plus, he's a pharmaceutical sales rep. He can literally live just about anywhere in the US and do his job. My husband isn't military and we've still made multiple international moves. My uncle was an engineer and lived overseas for awhile. You would be surprised at how many of us move overseas for our careers. The dickhead behavior with my one friend though was her ex was also military and this was during Iraq/Afghanistan when the military was on every other year deployments. So, he wasn't going to see the kids for 2 of those 3 years anyways. She was willing to let him have them for all the school breaks when he was stateside but he hated the current husband so he blocked it. It was his way of punishing her for divorcing him. Some people are just immature dicks.
  18. I've lived in 3 different countries due to my husband's career. LOL. I have a lot of friends who are either military or married to a military man and custody battles are horrendous in that population for when they move overseas (I had one friend who wound up not going with her husband because her ex wouldn't let the kids go to Germany for 3 years). So, I have a different opinion on whether or not it is unreasonable/a lot for someone to move for your career. Yes, she did her talk show in NYC but production costs would have been cheaper in LA and it is easier to get guests in LA vs NYC (various talk shows have addressed this). Also, who knows what business opportunities she wasn't able to pursue due to having to stay in NYC. It had to be pretty bad if the TRO also applies to the school. I've only known one time when we had a parent blocked at an inner city school I worked at and it was the parent threatening to beat the teacher up in the parking lot and nearly ran me over in the parking lot. And it still took about 6 months of that behavior before anything happened. Schools don't want to block parents. They want active parental engagement because that is what is best for the kids.
  19. I have no issue that he attended a school recital. I don't believe that parents should be blocked from attending school or extracurricular events. Grown ups need to act like grown ups. My issue is that he came and then started screaming at Bethenny to the point that charges were filed. Allegedly. He is responsible for his actions. Nobody made him act like that. THAT is the problem.
  20. Correlation or causation? Still though... Just because it was Hoppy's time for custody doesn't mean that Bethenny isn't allowed to attend a dance recital. I've had parents who have had acrimonious divorces attend school functions when the other one had custody. They just sat on opposite sides of the room or ignored each other. It doesn't absolve Hoppy of any responsibility for his actions nor does it justify them. It might have been his custody day but it is still a moot point. It would be different if Bethenny tried to take Bryn home because that could fall under kidnapping. Going to your kid's school to see a dance recital on the day that you don't have custody is not a crime. If Bethenny had tried to keep Hoppy from seeing a dance recital just because it was her custody day, there would be OUTRAGE over that. People would be talking about how Bethenny is trying to cut Hoppy out of Bryn's life and how she is being selfish.
  21. Exactly. Custody days don't mean that the other parent is not allowed to go to the school to see the child in a dance recital/school play/whatever. From the articles I read, B was dropping off Bryn at school. Per their normal arrangement (due to contentious handovers), B would drop off Bryn and Hoppy would pick her up. However, Hoppy decided to just drop by the school drop-off. What purpose does that serve other than to be a dick? Did Hoppy have a legal right to be there? Yes. However, he could have chosen to be an adult and not go off on Bethenny. I don't care whether or not Dennis was there. Hoppy is responsible for his actions. Nobody forced him to start screaming insults/threats. He chose to do that. See above. Hoppy needs to be held accountable for his actions. I have worked in schools and I've been around extremely contentious divorces (I've even had parents ask me to submit letters to the court stating one parent would be an unsuitable parent). Both parents knew that they would be invited to school plays, PTA meetings, IEP meetings, etc. If they had issues being around the other person then they can sit on opposite sides of the room. He had a choice to be an adult, kiss his daughter, and see her off to school OR start screaming insults/threats at his ex-wife and her boyfriend. He chose the latter. He did not choose wisely nor well. Exactly. They had a prenup. Most prenup divorces are fairly easy and quick because everything was outlined beforehand. I wonder (Speculation!) if he was fighting for that apartment because he knew he had the fraudulent documents giving him the apartment. I know other people have stated that it is common in NY for your lawyer to tell you not to abandon the apartment but was the ownership of this covered in the prenup? It also lends some speculation to the shadiness of Hoppy's character that he was doing these fraudulent documents at that point in their marriage. Religion almost always causes issues though in a divorce. I'm sure Hoppy would have issues if Bethenny decided to become Muslim and started taking Bryn to the mosque. Also, just because Bryn was baptized in the Catholic church doesn't necessarily mean that they were going to raise her strict Roman Catholic. There are a ton of Easter and Christmas Catholics. Crazy Days and Nights is unfortunately becoming questionable. I've been reading that blog for probably 8-10 years now (started in the beginning). From my understanding, the original Enty sold it (but will sometimes still pop in) and it has gone a bit downhill since. He has also stated that the Pitch Perfect girls were divided into a huge feud but yet they all did a big group vacation in Mexico a couple of weeks ago. There are possible reasons for that. She could have been wanting to move to LA for business reasons. I've had friends who haven't been able to move for their jobs or their husband's career because the ex wouldn't modify the custody agreement. It doesn't necessarily have to be just because she wanted to cut Hoppy out of Bryn's' life. I'm going to need very detailed analysis and play-by-play on this because it will happen in the middle of the night for me.
  22. So I know my friend and have been very close to her my entire life. It is purely down to money. She has no family other than her dickhead husband so other than friends, there is no one that could help her out. It is down to money for her.
  23. My comment was based off of what I was reading from a variety of places/people. Some people are giving Bethenny grief because she is limiting her support to financial help. People are judging Bethenny because she is helping people who need financial assistance in leaving their abuser. Some people feel like she needs to support everyone in an abusive relationship. Bethenny is far from perfect but it really has turned into a damned if she does, damned if she doesn't type situation. I'm just pointing out that she has a charity that is trying to help these women. I had a friend who was in an abusive situation. I stored her stuff at my house for a year while she slowly moved it out and told her that her and her son were welcome whenever they left. That was over ten years ago and she is still with him because she can't afford to leave him. She would leave him otherwise. A charity like B's would allow her to finally leave her husband. No guarantee that she is paying them. This stuff is right up DM's alley. They post trash. They do not really cover any serious news.
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