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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I tire of Bethenny's use of the pronouns "I" and "my", etc., for example "my team". People with even a shred of humility know to say "our" and "we", etc. Even if she doesn't believe in it, she should be smart enough to understand the perception that leaves.
  2. Am I the only one who would be more interested in an entirely new hw, than to dredge up old ghosts like Jill or Aviva? I would think that The Big Apple could produce someone that could stir up some interest (and some tea).
  3. Well done! Mine was supposed to be midnight, and it took all I had not to drive down the road for a pack to get me to midnight, when I ran out at 8 pm, lol. Never have had even a puff since. Best thing I have ever done for myself. Now about that family of four camped out on my hips...
  4. Smoked them for almost 20 years, after I 86ed the True Menthol 100's. They still send me coupons, though I'm clean for 12 years next month. (June 17th, 2006, 8:00 p.m. to be exact)
  5. She forgot her over-the-shoulder boulder holder.
  6. @ItIsAboutThePasta - though many are differently credentialed, you've just described pretty much every.single.cast.member of every.single.RHO. The fuel that runs the machine.
  7. Well, that may all be true, but as I said ^upthread, it could easily be said that she had an agenda as well...i.e. storyline. Orrrrrr, two people with a 20-yr age difference met and became intimately involved for straight forward, normal, every day reasons. I know boring, right?
  8. I could sort of see an interest in someone who is well-traveled, has had interesting jobs, a slightly Kennedy connection... Plus single and horny.
  9. I haven't looked at him that way at all. Being in the right place at the right time is a big factor in most if not all of these people's lives. Falling in love with or at least becoming involved with someone of note or of wealth, for me at least, doesn't automatically translate to being a gold digger. If wealthy/famous folks should only hook up with people of equal means, there would be a lot of lonely, single people.
  10. Her body type makes her the perfect choice. DD: "See, our product doesn't make you fat! Look at this skeletal specimen, she isn't fat now is she?
  11. Which is mandated in the Charter of the Real Housewives. Section IV, Article 7.211
  12. For me, if that's Carole's beef, it's a stupid one. For B to say she doesn't pay volunteers is rather redundant isn't it? A volunteer by definition... Adam wasn't willing to be a volunteer, at least for Bethenny and this charity. Get over it dear.
  13. There is an unfortunate attraction between T & K, no doubt, and I wonder what it will take for K to finally, finally be over him. I'm not really convinced that she is. He feeds it intentionally. Ashley will not become his wife imo, which will get K's hormones all dicombobulated. Maybe, if anything real comes from the sexual assault allegation, that will cure her.
  14. Ramona is uncomfortably (for me) fulfilled by denegrating her co-workers. The LuMan thing, the inviting Missy to an event where Luann is also attending thing, quizzing BF about her past soft porn stuff (in a crowd)... and on and on. She loves it and lives for it. Reprehensible.
  15. You can be on my team. Yeah, it could be seen as hypocritical, but meh, still wouldn't do it.
  16. I liked the dresses PA chose for whats-her-name. Not so keen on the final, lame' choice, but if I were as slender as whats-her-name, and had an occasion for it, I'd wear it I suppose. ================================================================== Thomas: "I've got the money and the power..." Ugh. Repugnant.
  17. If he did flip flop on going, perhaps it is because he took a minute to think about spending whatever the time frame was, being ordered around by BF on what picture to snap and when. I'd have run in the other direction as well.
  18. I don't think Adam needs a reason to say no to Puerto Rico. Charitable pursuits are a bit like religion and politics; they're mine to determine, and I don't owe you an explanation or a donation.
  19. Her over-the-top flirtatiousness is what has gotten her everything she sees as an asset; a wealthy husband >> Manhattan townhouse, role with a generous paycheck on a reality TV show, any number of paid appearances/endorsements of one sort or another, and most importantly, attention. That girl is starved for attention like none other. So starved that she will stage a wardrobe malfunction and bare her ass for it. Quincy must be a very generous, forgiving soul.
  20. Tinsley weighs in - http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-10/blogs/tinsley-mortimer/tinsley-mortimer-bethenny-dont
  21. Just read Carole's blog, and I think it's sort of great.
  22. Most of Bravo's "reality" shows are all ____________ (insert ethnicity here).
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