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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I will defend people who don't follow common sense directives only to say that a percentage, probably a big percentage of them I believe are actually going through a sense of suspended belief. Can't really fathom what is going on, almost trying to protect their psyche, too surreal or something, so they chose not to believe it. Then there are the conspiracy theorists, not saying anyone is wrong necessarily, then there are those of use somewhere in the middle. I have taken this seriously all along, with a very vulnerable husband I sort of have to, but I can feel how time is chipping away at it a bit. The other side of this should prove an interesting place to be. Take care all. p.s.: I have mad respect for people who clean like this all the time, lol.
  2. One of us wouldn't survive it, and I'm range trained, lol.
  3. I wouldn't hazard a guess, but I think many many have an Amazon Prime account. The video/tv is an added benefit of that.
  4. I've gotten takeout twice since the 17th. I have suspended my disbelief both times, so as to not run screaming from it. In both cases I handled the containers with gloved hands, moved the food onto my containers, then immediately tossed the takeout boxes. Recommended to microwave the food (for an ambiguous period of time) with the intention of zapping that corona emeffer. Depending on how this progresses, I may not have it in me to do it again. I'm all I can do to go to the grocery at this point.
  5. "She’s such a big personality, she kind of took over the room. No air left for us."
  6. Also possible that the suppliers were selling their inventory to those in need (China for example) and sold to the highest bidder. As we know, this strain was becoming a problem in the far east as far back as November/December, and likely before. There are reports (I have not substantiated) that China nationalized an American-owned mask supplier located in their country, as they were unable to produce enough to meet their own demand. Lessons to be learned that will hopefully not be soon forgotten.
  7. Anything good is good, clearly. Thank heavens she was able to get the word out to TMZ. bethenny-frankel-coronavirus
  8. When the RoundUp usage has managed to sterilize the lot of us. <only partly kidding>
  9. Ideally, one of them would be an adult, with their kid's best interest in mind, and say "just keep her there until this is over". Not certain if either of them has that capacity, pretty sure B does not. Plus, she'll need to be off saving the world with cash cards, so...
  10. Amazon only. He seems on the verge of tears here?
  11. andy-cohen-reveals-he-has-tested-positive-coronavirus
  12. I don't really care one way or the other. I just know that if one chooses to earn an income in the public eye and put oneself "out there" on social media, one should expect trolls I guess. It's a shame, but the keyboard warriors don't seem to be dying off, lol. Plus, I do think they are asshats, lol.
  13. This was posted on Austen's IG two days ago. Looks like a filming opportunity, which would place the bulk of responsibility on production co. (imo), but they all should have been taking the COVID19 more seriously then as well, especially Katherine, due to the kids. smh The obviously took a lot of heat, based on the following post, which is rather smart-assed:
  14. Ah yes, the Ziva David method.
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