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Everything posted by Magnumfangirl

  1. There were way too many storylines in this episode and Jamie and Eddie are the most boring couple ever.
  2. That line was so gross that it ruined that scene. The first part of Amy's meltdown was hilarious and I don't even like Amy.
  3. I've seen both versions and Jonny is better as the creature.
  4. Good point. When is Ross gonna lose it and tell Demelza off, and beat the crap out of Hugh? Ross being so accepting of the situation sort of comes across as pandering to the female audience (because a man can't get pissed at his wife even when she deserves it). Demelza chewed Ross out and kicked him out of their bedroom for a while after his night with Elizabeth. That's much more realistic.
  5. Me neither. I don't get Demelza's attraction to him at all. He looks like a 12 year old girl and putting the moves on the wife of the guy who rescued you from a POW camp is complete asshole-ry. Where did Caroline disappear to when Sir Bassett came to Nampara for tea after Agatha's memorial? She and Demelza were seen rushing back to the house to straighten things up and then she just vanished.
  6. This was a better season premiere than last year, but some of it didn't make any sense. What was The Panther's connection to Danny? A random drug cartel member blows up a random detective's house? They're going to have to connect it to a past case for any of it to make sense. I still hate the Jeddie, but glad they promoted Jamie. They should have done that 2 or 3 seasons ago. It's funny that both Jamie and Erin got promoted in the same episode.
  7. Yes it was a different building in season 2. This one looked more like the traditional 221B Baker St.
  8. I thought Sherlock was the one being a jerk. He told Joan that he would help her cover it up if she did it. So when he found out Hannah did it, he should have understood it immediately and offered to help Gregson. I really thought Joan was going to tell him what a jerk he was being. Ultimately he did help cover it up, but for a few minutes it looked like he was going to let Gregson and Hannah go to prison. The final scene was cute. I don't know whats in store for season 7, but Bell and Gregson are in it. I hope we don't have to wait until April to see it.
  9. I'm betting on the fashion designer. If he didn't do it, what was the point of his storyline?
  10. I agree, Sherlock giving away ALL the money was shortsighted and stupid, but I don't like the "Morland and his money are EVIL" crap from Sherlock. The show hasn't really given us a reason to believe Morland is evil, it makes Sherlock look like one of those trustfundarians that hates daddy just because he needs something to rebel against. Sherlock said she'd have to sell the brownstone to pay the taxes on the financial holdings she would inherit. I'm sure the taxes on a Brooklyn brownstone are sky high, but not that high.
  11. This was a really funny episode. Joan's quip about "a horny Alexa" might be the funniest line ever on the show.
  12. I got a kick out Sherlock wearing thick protective gloves in case Clyde got feisty, but Joan has nothing to protect her from Clyde's potential wrath. The case was good just because it was something besides a murder, it wasn't too complicated to follow, and we got more of Gregson. The scene with Joan and her mom at the end was a little too after-school-special for me. Why is this show so obsessed with disease and illness? It's not a hospital drama. Why can't Joan's family be happy and healthy to contrast with Sherlock's lack of family since Morland's the only one alive?
  13. I've wanted to know what that thing is since the first season! Sometimes, it's lit up so my guess is it's just some kind of weird shaped lamp, but it does kind of look like a piece of coral or a giant seashell.
  14. Me neither. I thought he was extra nice to her a little because she was a pretty young girl (I don't think this makes him a creep) and more because the higher ups sent her to his station so he had to like it whether he wanted to or not. Besides, he was never into bucking the top brass.
  15. I bought the region 1 Blu-ray from Amazon when they were released on July 10th. The scene at Bright's house and the one with Dorothea is in the episode and each of the six episodes on the blu-rays run about 92-94 minutes. On my PBS station they run about 85 minutes. This is the one I bought https://www.amazon.com/Masterpiece-Mystery-Endeavour-Season-Blu-ray/dp/B07CXH4YSM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1533077420&sr=8-2&keywords=endeavour+season+5
  16. The DVDs and blu-rays have all the cut scenes.
  17. We finally got to see the King of Bohemia! It's interesting that they saved that for what they thought (for a while) would be the last episode. The case was boring, but the appearance of the King made it worth a watch.
  18. I find this storyline utterly unbelievable. A police detective with Fred's experience combined with his war and life experience would not be this naive about lending money. I know they had to create a reason for Fred to keep working and create some drama with Win, but I wish they had come up with something better than this. Otherwise, this was a really good episode and those bratty boys were creepy. I kept hoping Morse was going to tell them to drop the Oliver Twist nonsense and STFU.
  19. Somebody who works on the show must be a fan of The Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee. LOL!
  20. Really liked this episode, but I was thinking that the showrunners confirmed that Natalie Dormer would not be back this season. Am I wrong? I have liked Lucy's direction in the past, but what was the deal with all the nostril shots of Sherlock? This season does feel like they were wrapping up the storylines. and that makes me wonder what direction they're going to go with rest of season 6 and all of 7. I do not want this show to turn into Two Detectives and a Baby.
  21. Pretty sure it was a Dodge Coronet. This looks pretty similar to it I think it's the first time Fred has mentioned a brother that was KIA. He told Bright that Charlie was his middle brother, so I'm wondering how many Thursday boys there are. So far the entire Joan plot is weird. Is she working there as some sort of penance for her walk on the wild side? Where's she been from October '67 to April '68? And what the heck has happened to her fabulous wardrobe and makeup?? She looked so dowdy in the brown skirt and long vest.
  22. This one was so contrived. Morse's random girl was Fred's niece, Joan just happens to work at the advice center, and the underlying political issues; it was all so eyeroll worthy. Like everybody else, I don't know what the cafe story had to do with any of it. I assume they are going to come back to that story.
  23. Way too much gross out stuff in this one! Yuck. Sherlock seemed sort of weird and withdrawn the whole episode, like he wasn't really interested in the case. It made sense in the last couple of scenes, but not at the beginning.
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