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Everything posted by Magnumfangirl

  1. So Coach Fox is Meemaw's new boyfriend? Upgrade for Meemaw.
  2. She was wearing a Navy sweatshirt so I guess that's the connection. Pretty weak link imo.
  3. What did this case have to do with the Navy?
  4. Plus, their clothing is similar. There's way too much resemblance between them. Who exactly is Merceron anyway?
  5. I agree. It's crazy to think a young guy who wouldn't have been in the workforce long enough to have a nest egg saved could live on 30 grand a year in the NYC area. His wife probably works, but he should be allowed to do something to earn some money. I doubt Nikki's gone for good. I think they would have given her a bigger send off if she was. The actress probably has something else to film and will return later.
  6. I kind of thought that too, but that doesn't make sense because the kid wrote the note informing Anthony he was leaving. If one can't read, one can't write either, plus the note was totally legible. As for the disability story, it didn't make a whole lot of sense. The guy was getting NYPD disability (i.e. union) not social security disability. I find it hard to believe that other income would have any affect on his claim.
  7. They don't show any of that because they don't have time to show it. They've got 40 minutes to tell 4 stories and the mandatory dinner scene. You can't tell a story with any depth in that amount of time. In the early seasons the show used to focus on 1 or 2 stories per episode which meant that Jamie and Erin were barely in some of them, but some of the plots spanned several episodes. That was a better formula for a show with this many characters. I've noticed her doing that in almost every episode. It's weird.
  8. I agree. I wasn't sure what was going on in any of the story lines except Jamie's and I guess the Eddie and Anthony case was a knock off of the Allison Mack sex cult thing. 4 stories at the end of a long week is too much. I never had any trouble following what was going on in seasons 1-7.
  9. I can't stand Ned, but in the long run it all worked out. Ross didn't do anything stupid and Demelza got to tell him off gently. Plus, she sent Tess packing! Woohoo! Now, let's see how long it lasts.... 😉
  10. OK episode, but I think the show has run the assisted suicide (or whatever it was) stories into the ground. We've seen at least 3 or 4 of them. Also, how did the fake rape victim get beat up? Was there any evidence of rape or sex? Interesting idea, but too many plot holes in that story. Nikki was still at the table so I guess she hasn't left for San Fran. 🙁
  11. Did they forget adult Sheldon is a pretty good bowler? I loved the camera pull back/longshot of Missy and George playing catch.
  12. In some ways they already have. I wish they had done the time jump and stuck with the books.
  13. Grover's line "Jerry, you look different" might be the funniest line ever uttered this show. 🤣
  14. So are we getting rid of Nikki? Can we really get that lucky? If they really are writing her out by giving her some gobbledygook acronym job that nobody can explain in San Francisco of all places, that's hilarious. The writers must be sick of her too. LOL!
  15. I think the dead guy had been a Marine, but I'm not sure. There's been tons of episodes where I don't think there's much connection to the Navy or Marines. The show doesn't even feel like a military show anymore. It's just another 'super-cops who don't have any rules' show.
  16. This entire episode had me thinking Ross and Demelza needed to get their butts back to Nampara and kick that bitch Tess to the curb or better yet send her to jail for attempted arson. Ned's story and the politics surrounding it is boring, but George is getting interesting. I guess the writers had to figure out a way to keep Heida Reed in the cast. I thought the show was really going to stink without Elizabeth so I'm glad they are sort of keeping her part of the story. Geoffrey Charles should mention Francis to his girl. His situation would be entirely different had his father lived. Will we get any Verity this season?
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Just stop the freaking car! The entire Jamie/Eddie story was preposterous. I can't stand these two together. All they did when they were partners was argue about who's got who's back and now they are married and it's the same stupid arguments. Get different jobs or STFU already. So true! There's too much jumping around and it makes it hard to follow a detective story. The description of the episode is wrong, it says the predator was posing as a ride share driver, but the predator was posing as a passenger to attack taxi drivers. Plus the title is wrong; on the DirecTV guide the title was "Naughty or Nice."
  18. I agree with everything you said. I'm going to speculate that the writers were trying to hint at Ziva wishing Gibbs would find her and come up with a better plan than playing dead. Why they wouldn't just have her come right out and say that I don't know. They way they wrote it made it look like Mark Harmon was groveling to Cote instead of Gibbs and Ziva having a normal (for them) interaction.
  19. Too bad. I wish they had stuck to the books. I read the first two and was surprised at how much the show actually stuck to them and I decided not to read any more until after the show ended.
  20. Two questions about this episode: 1. How many of the new characters in this episode are not in the books? 2. I was also confused about Dwight and Ross knowing each other during the war. If Dwight had been in the military with Ross, why was his joining the Navy such a big deal back in season 3? They all acted like he had no military or war experience.
  21. It wasn't a service weapon, it was her personal gun and she's pulled it out before. During that scene I thought Bridget was a more believable cop than Vanessa Ray or Marisa Ramirez. I don't like Eddie, but her non-uniform clothes have been really cute since she and Jamie became a couple.
  22. Yes. There's a sergeant on duty for every shift. I'm guessing Jamie and Eddie having different work schedules is going to be the source of their conflict and stories this season. I can't stand the psychic so I hope this is the last of her, but it probably won't be. The show needs another character like it needs another commercial break. 🙄
  23. Completely agree. It's as ridiculous as Gibbs seeing a shrink! I basically like Ziva even though the character is a completely unrealistic drama queen. I always found her entertaining or interesting and that's all I really care about, but Ziva on mind altering drugs is total BS.
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