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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. I really don't like Matthew at all and he just gives off a bad vibe whenever he is on screen. I didn't like that actor on The Real O'Neals, so him returning here made me not wish that actor back again.
  2. Reminds me as to when Anne Rice in the 90s was against the casting of Tom Cruise as Lestat. She imagined Rutger Hauer as Lestat and there is an amusing hint in Queen of the Damned mentioning Blade Runner when Armand watches a specific scene, hence mentioning the similarity itself. As for Armand, I saw an YouTube comment that Anne does not want to cast a 17 year old because she fears they age fast if her VC series continues next year or so. I think the description of Armand is interesting. I was thinking Finn Wolfhard, Evan Peters, or Timothee Chamalet. I am not sure what is going on with her series, though. In the 90s, I thought Lestat could be played by River Phoenix and Armand played by Lukas Haas. I always had trouble with Louis's description. He made think he was Johnny Depp.
  3. Now I am wondering how Mackenzie Davis would fare in the remake of The Innocents. Pretty big shoes to fill Deborah Kerr's performance there.
  4. I hated what they did to Honey's character in this episode. Total character sacrifice.
  5. Oh, damn it! I hope I don't regret watching this. I got tickets for Tuesday. Damn, the trailer looked too promising. I didn't know Cameron and Miller clashed on this film.
  6. Seeing Doogie Howser, M.D was such a trip down memory lane.
  7. If there is a biopic on the Andrew Sisters, Lily Rabe should definitely play Patty.
  8. I think Tim Curry is wheelchaired bound due to his stroke at this point. There is no way he'll do it under that condition. Ever since 2016, he seems to be done with movies for good.
  9. Any book characters you would not mind for an actor to portray in future reference?
  10. It was the mustache. And he seemed to be bulk up all of a sudden and I could tell from the veins in his neck.
  11. Erica did make an excellent Magenta!
  12. Filmed in Ireland. My dad's relatives are from there. Cool. The original was done by Deborah Kerr and features one of the kids from the original Village of The Damned. Those Irish Manors are something, huh?
  13. But I could tell the actor must be tired playing a dork that creators want him to remain 12 forever. It doesn't work that way and he is already in his late teens or early 20s.
  14. Hudson Yang lost a lot of weight here. He is no longer fat. He seemed very slim here.
  15. I really can't blame Linda Hamilton after all the crap she has been through. She was a good SNL host back in the early 90s, though. Ah, the golden years of SNL.
  16. I hope that segment opens most of his supporters' eyes about what Trump did in Syria, but I won't hold my breath on it. What a mess.
  17. Bill Maher wants the Clintons to go away from the public limelight because he thinks they are toxic to the Democratic Party. I remember he was fawning over Hillary, but now he doesn't want them anywhere near the base at this point. Is he right?
  18. I was afraid of that. I heard Edward Furlong's John Connor is just a cameo and nothing more.
  19. That's why I liked The Wonder Years better. I know they had lessons and all, but they didn't hit you over the head with the same repeated pattern that plagues shows like what Fresh Off The Boat and The Goldbergs are doing. Overprotected moms with sons pushing in their later teens or early 20s is not a win win chicken dinner. That is just lazy writing.
  20. Stop with these crossovers! Enough!
  21. I guessed they read the social media complaint and decided to dump the character entirely. The whole Adam subplot play was ridiculous.
  22. The reviews are not too promising either.
  23. Dylan Kingwell kind of resembles a 90s teen star. Out of all the kid actors today, he looks like he belongs on a real 90s show.
  24. That was Dylan Kingwell from the first season of Good Doctor as the brother? He gotten so tall! He was practically close to Freddie's height. I had to do a double take because he seems to tower over everyone in that room. I wish him luck on his acting career . He seems like a good person to me.
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