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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. Nicole- Other then how stupid & manipulative Nicole is. I felt no connection towards her & her daughter. The way she interacts with her daughter is more on an annoying little sister level. When they were in Nicole’s bedroom Nicole was busy texting on her phone,at dinner her daughter was being watched by her brother. I bet Nicole is one of those people who let there child run around a restaurant running in to people, & screaming. (Which annoys me like no other) I can’t wait to see how she deals with her on the long plane ride. Annie- I was laughing when she said “she could spend her life with David. She left out the “Rest of her life” . Meaning she can spend her life with him until she gets to America. I don’t feel sorry for this guy at all. He has no money & he knows it. Seems like he replaced his weight problem with tying to live a life he can’t afford. Molly- Listen to your daughter. Why would you want a 20 yr old guy living under the same roof as your 17 he old daughter? Elizabeth- I have a feeling she’s going to be just like Loren,who is constantly saying how sexy her man is,. Other then that I will never understand the weird obsession some father’s have with their daughters who need to have control of who she dates. Unless they show a legit reason why they don’t like him they should stop judging him. Unless he becomes abusive/cheater to Elizabeth then they should butt out of her relationship and just be happy for her. Why the drama???
  2. I think we’re all watching this for the train wreck that it is! I still think Jenny is playing Larry. I would like to see the dates on all of those Unread messages,are they really being unread? Or is she only showing all the messages she’s received while she’s been busy visiting him. Who’s to say she didn’t delete her sent messages all the way up until she got to his? Plus why didn’t she just delete the app,if she no longer uses it? Her story is BS to me. Larry if this is the women you “love” then just eat the freaking meal,you say you want her family to like you & respect you. Well sometimes you just have to lie to your in-laws to keep everyone happy & drama free (My mother in law makes dozens of home made cookies every Xmas because she thinks I love them. I don’t,they’re salty. But I love her effort & I love her for doing it) Patrick & maryiam,seem like they would be great together (even if he is obnoxious in public) but I can’t ever see her wanting to move to the US,she seems happy where she is. If Sean actually marries Abby then I don’t feel one bit sorry for how badly that ends for him. The signs are all there, Same thing for Darcy. I’m not convinced the whole mugging situation went down. It’s Too much like a cheesy romantic movie, The guy reveals a flaw to the girl,the girl begs that she loves him no matter what. The guy runs off ashamed,she chases after. He pushes away,she leaves alone & then surprise surprise,she’s robbed & he wasn’t there to “protect” her (no one with a machete would be afraid of Paul,hell even with out they wouldn’t) Courtney is an idiot,it’s almost too sad to watch. Hopefully a therapist will reach out to her & make her aware how stupid & gulliable she is & that’s why she ends up hurt. Easy target for douchebags.
  3. I’m wondering why Chelsea & Antonio didn’t have their parents or maybe another family member co-sign on their cars? Especially when they were constantly off & on again,but then like Judy said “Young & stupid” Maybe it’s just me but on chelsea’s list of money that she gave him through out the relationship had petty things on it like $20 for gas,$40 for shoes ,$10 for charger,$35 for food” they were together for 6 years, and she lived with him rent fee. And then in the halterview we found out the real reason “he wouldn’t come home at night”.... my guess is she’s one of those girls who cries if her man isn’t around her 24/7 & makes his life hell when he’s with friends. On the bright side, at least the 2 idiots didn’t pro-create
  4. I wanted so badly to give mother of the year Miss Tera Andrews a Crest White Strip.
  5. Narkiya and Lo are just ridiculous. Both of their attitudes on their wedding day was just... I don’t even know,confusing? There was No love,happiness or excitement even. They treated their wedding day like a chore. She had to have a pity party cause it’s not the “wedding she dreamed of” and her mom said that no one ever gets the wedding they want..... umm Actually you can! No one told them they had to get married RIGHT NOW in a court house, they could have waited longer to move but they didn’t. Even my Husband was annoyed by how they treated their wedding day,and he could careless about this show
  6. He struck me as one of those cocky guys, who believe that because they work for the law that "THEY ARE THE LAW" guys like him only make other genuine people in law enforcement look bad & doesn't help with the stigma & dislike people have these days.
  7. That pawn shop owner is an idiot. Either he lacks judgment of knowing that certain customers are pawning stolen merchandise or he just doesn't care & only worried about $$$$$$ How many homeless 18 year old guys are walking into a pawn shop suddenly to pawn a 18k gold 1 carat diamond ring? My guess is he bought it so he could scam the 18 yr old. The pawn shop paid the brother $900 but then the pawn shop guy turned around sold it to a customer for $2,800. Sounds like the pawn shop guy and brother both made out well with this ring. Plus I kept wondering why the ring wasn't on the finger of the wife. My wedding rings never leave my finger only if I'm swimming. I know it doesn't make a difference at all,but I'm nosey & wanted JJ to ask lol
  8. Sean is creepy & Abby is definatly trying to scam for her own gain. She wants both guys around,my guess is Sean is her backup in case Chris drops dead. I don't like her vibe. Cortney is an idiot,now I know why she still lives at home. Maybe it's just me but I don't find anything sexy about Antonio,guys like him are a dime a dozen. He's treating this visit like no big deal,and of course he is,he hasn't spent money or from what we seen from tonight any time preparing for her arrival. Darcy & Jesse are just odd together. So far Every conversation she brings up marriage,engagement rings. I get the feeling she likes the idea of being engaged & planning a wedding more then anything, She strikes me as one of those chicks who obsess over Pinterest wedding boards. She can stop with the cat nails,holy jeans,choker necklaces,huge Chanel bag that looks like it's been threw hell & back. Crazy orange makeup,everything just makes her look dirty!!! She needs a make-over. Like other's have said I can't snark on Larry, that much,he really does seem like a sad lonely guy. There is a lot of judgment on U.S. men who find wives in the Philippines, which gets worse when they marry women 20 years younger then them.... hopefully it works out for him. But I think all of these couples are doomed. TLC is just doing this show for wacky drama at this point.
  9. Enough with the Danielle updates TLC! All they show is that someone keeps allowing her to hoard innocent cats.
  10. Wow! That is just wrong. I don't even have words. The guy is dead & they are trying to profit from it?
  11. Of all people you would think that a girl who's a nurse,with a career,& her own home would be on some kind of birth control? Especially when the guy has 2 other children he doesn't support! It just baffles me the amount of people on this show who end up pregnant so early on in the relationship & are so shocked months later that things didn't work out & cry boo-boo cause they have to deal with this person for 18 years. (If they are actually lucky and the father steps up/ mother doesn't run off) I feel sad for the babies who grow up with parents who have shared custody,going back & forth every weekend,split holidays,etc. Never getting To experience family life,such as living in a home with your mom & dad (and siblings) AT THE SAME TIME! Instead they grow up knowing they were only born because mommy & daddy were careless having orgasms ignoring the repercussions of unprotected sex. **I'm not judging everyone in this situations,just mostly people we see on JJ"
  12. Paul doesn't strike me as someone who is a legit real germaphobe. I think he's acting this extreme because he feels he is "better" then karine. Almost like he is above her families lifestyle,swimming in river water,sleeping in a house that has no running water,AC. Eating their food & bringing his own,learning their language. Someone who is a germaphobe wouldn't accept a ball of hair from their mother.
  13. Do McDonald's managers make a lot of money? I'm curious as to how he is able to afford traveling to another country. Since it looks like he lives in a nice area,has a house,utilities, & other bills?,food,etc etc and I'm assuming child support? He said he was lonely & I couldn't help but wonder if McDonald's job & the fact that he has kids was a turn off for women. Maybe I'm nosey & rude for thinking A McDonald's manager would live paycheck to paycheck. I have a few idea's on what Myriam's "secret" could be. Guess #1 she has a child. #2 her family/friends have no idea who Patrick is. #3 she won't move to America. But knowing TLC it's probably something small & they just want to create this dramatic anticipation
  14. I'm not convinced they ever got legally married.
  15. Loren is trying way to hard to talk over everyone. Is she hoping to get her own bullshit talk show? Shut up already. No one cares how "happily married & in love" you & Alex are. Why you do you have to keep repeating it so much? Makes you wonder if she's trying to convince herself that she's Happily Married.
  16. That's because Pedro has no idea half the time what people are even saying and Chantal doesn't know how to have her own form of opinion if her parents aren't in her ear saying things. It's great that Chantal is learning Pedro's language,(it'd be great if we saw the other couples making a real effort to learn their S/O native language as well) but after what 3 years in America he can still barely put together a sentence that is understandable? It's seems like he doesn't make the same effort. Its like Chantal just gives up & reverts back to his language,I'm sure it's frustrating for her especially in social situations that we've seen them in but how does that help Pedro long term,if they plan to stay in the US?
  17. Call me rude but Is it me or Did that hotel room look no more comfortable then Karine's house? They better make sure they always have an extra phone around with a fully charged battery so they can communicate,Otherwise they're just stuck awkwardly playing a game of charades.
  18. I find Loren annoying most of the time,but gotta admit I loved her on this. She wasn't holding back shit at all.
  19. Lmao my husband said through out the whole thing "Russ & Pao are that couple that acts like their relationship is perfect when their in a group of people,but you know back home they hate each other most of the time"
  20. Funny thing is When they showed Jorge and Anfisa getting married in the first season,The Officiant said that part & Anfisa told Jorge to ignore that part of the wedding vows LOLL
  21. Perhaps she noticed the bag was way to small to be a Chanel /Louis Vuitton purse
  22. Just now watching this new episode and I just realized every sentence that comes out of pao's mouth is either "me"'or "I" she sure does like to make everything about her doesn't she? They are never going to work,they have different opinions on her "career" every photo shoot turns into a long fight /discussion it's exhausting to watch as a viewer so I'm sure it's exhausting for pao,each episode it's seems as she's pushing herself farther from russ. Anfisa Leaving Jorge is no surprise,it's what she intended to do all along since she got to the US. This fight was just her way of covering it up. Someone who truly loves there husband doesn't find a way to kick him out of the home after every fight. Someone who loves there husband doesn't go a month without contact. She played him & he was stupid and blind. He has to learn the hard way. I'm over Chantel & Pedro's "wedding" just as much as I was over Loren & Alexis wedding last season. you're not getting married,your playing dress up. You're already married. Danielle needs to listen to her daughters. Hopefully TLC is done with these couples.
  23. Jesse and Darcy remind me of Samantha and smith Jerrod from sex and the city
  24. I won't even agree to go to Mexico with my husband because the thought of being in a country where I can't speak the language makes me nervous. The only impressive thing about Paul is just how far he will go to get laid. I loved the looks of disgust on people's faces when Sean & Abby were kissing in the airport. I can't tell yet if Jesse's feelings for Darcy are legit. Does he even want to move to america? He's different then the other 2 His day to day life is very much like ours in america,No sad story of "struggling" He has a job,friends, lives in a clean house. What does coming to America change for him? Doesn't seem like a user to me,yet so we will see.
  25. I agree with you 100% Jess i& Cody are the worst HG.
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