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Everything posted by Hellohappylife

  1. They’re contract ended. They will be back on the show dan said. ————————————————- Well tonight was very boring must of been a slow night. A lot of old footage shown,nothing really interesting. Don’t know why they think we need to see every situation in El Paso,TX involving invalid paper car plates. It’s like every scene there is because of freaking fake plates. Gets boring after the 4th time in an hour.
  2. I hate the “I smell weed in your car there for I can legally search without your permission” excuse given by many of these officers I’m not even a weed smoker but I find that “rule” to be completely unfair. There should have to be phycial signs of drugs in the car,not just some cops theory. I don’t understand how a breathalyzer isn’t admissible in court,yet the officers Reason of marijuana Smell is. at least with a breathalyzer there is some proof. There is no way to figure out what some other person smells. It’s hearsay. (Famous words of Judge Judy)
  3. I thought the officers were actually good to him,I think the only reason they kept going back and forth with the guy is because the phone call they got indicated that the person at that location was Wanted, so technically they do have a right to verify if that’s true or not,since their job is to get Wanted people off the streets. Plus the guys instant attitude Didn’t help at all,the cops were very polite with him from the start. He should of just given his name if he wasn’t hiding something. If the phone call hadn’t mentioned a Wanted person then yeah I would see it as harassing,but they had a legit reason to verify his identity. The officers didn’t upset his children,the father did,he was the one getting irate & fleeing from the police setting a horrible example to his kids Now his stupid actions will leave his kids without a father for awhile.
  4. Been noticing this too lately. It makes me nervous just watching,it’s no different then reading a text. Plus I noticed a lot of times officers aren’t even wearing their seatbelts when they’re going at high speeds. I also noticed one of the officers in the opening of the show struggling for a few minutes to get over that fence? Meanwhile the younger/in shape cop got over it right away & ran off alone into the house with a guy who has a shot gun. Way to have his back!! It was nice to see the Pasco cops being nice for a change to the guy who was arrested, telling him nicely how he shouldn’t be carrying his Birth certificate and SS card in his wallet.
  5. I think I read somewhere that their contract was over with them. it’s funny how the officers who go to the PD Studios seem to disappear from the show after. James Casey,Tim Mohler, Alyssa Wright, Leverett,Chris Mastrianni & Kevin Lawrence (well we barely see Kevin and Chris anyways)
  6. When they were in the emergency room waiting to hear how Darlene’s surgery went Dan- I feel like there’s something I should be doing. Jackie- That’s how I feel at work always cracks me up!
  7. Tonight was actually pretty entertaining,well until the Pasco dickheads showed up, and once again the same 4 officers bullying people. They walked past at least like 50 kids and they decide those are the guys who smell like weed? I’m sure half of those kids smelled like weed,they just look for the right person to attack. It’s horrible. If they are like any of the other Departments on Live PD they won’t last long. This show has a hard time keep contracts with Departments it seems other then Richland. Which sucks but I can understand. I swear the the last hour of this show is just commercials. It’s 3 hours but it feels like only an 1 and half because of the damn commercials.
  8. I didn’t catch that shoe comment but that’s such a dickhead immature thing to say. These guys need to mature more before becoming police officers,they still have a teenager mentality making them no better then the people they arrest. They need to take advice from Officers like James Casey,Kevin Lawrence, and Chris Mastrianni. They don’t talk down to people, and they don’t sit and argue with them either,they put them in the car and end it. Like they should. They were nasty to the lady with red hair, like 4 of each officer kept laughing with each other and asking and checking if she had any needles. It made me uncomfortable that all of male officers took turns searching her laughing and even my husband who could careless about this show said that they are horrible. These guys became police officers for all of the wrong reasons in my eyes.
  9. The Pasco officers are difficult to watch. They all seem to be douchebags in their early 20’s with such “we’re better then eveyone” big egos. The officers will be standing together talking shit about the person right in front of them. It’s like watching high schoolers gossip. They lack professionalism. Like tonight they arrested a man,instead of just putting him into the back seat, the officer just had to keep going back & forth with the guy talking shit & laughing,it’s almost like he was trying to escalate the situation. Put him in the car and shut up already. I like Officer Brown from Richland,but it seems like everything he does is “suspicious car”
  10. Hilarious how the mom was more upset then the daughter was over the dress. I didn’t go to prom (was homeschooled) my husband went to his prom but he only stayed for 30 mins just for his mom’s sake so she could have “those memories” since he’s the only child,were both now 25/28 and we turned out fine. It baffles me that people spend so much money on prom dresses or even wedding dresses something you wear for maybe 5 hours? I got married 2 years ago on a beach in Hawaii,instead of spending thousands on a dress I got to have a small ceremony,beautiful professional wedding photos and a kicksss honey moon exploring the islands. My best friend got married 2 months ago,she paid $5,900 for her dress,married in a backyard,no honeymoon,no professional photo’s. All because she thought the dress was the most important thing. My point is people get so obsessed with how they will be dressed/ look instead of truly enjoying the moment.
  11. I’m so tired of hearing how “fair” he is. Knock it off. Saying crap like that is why people don’t like dealing with cops. Not to mention his traffic stops always last way longer then they should because he has to always make it a point that he’s the boss. Plus his accent is too much. Seems like a lot of us here dislike him where as people on Reddit love him.
  12. If that’s all that she can afford then fine but feeding them dinner at 11 PM isn’t good. Public transportation has nothing to do with it. You have a lot of selfish drivers, a ton of drivers out there who don’t use common sense when they’re driving,they speed. They run lights,they cut people off,they don’t use any of their signals ever,simply because they don’t care about anyone they are thinking about themselves and worried about how fast they can get to their destination.
  13. Yeah that officer was pissing me off last night. The guy he stopped earlier who had paper plates that were unreadable because of the “car wash” let him go as well & then the guy almost hits another car as he pulls out. He should have pulled his ass back over. He didn’t want to take any action because she has kids in the car & they were eating McDonald’s. Who freaking cares,she’s breaking the law. She’s a mother with no liscense,registration,no insurance,expired plates. Plus she’s feeding her kids McDonald’s at 11 pm, chances are she’s not a good mother. It leaves me with a bad impression of that officer,is he too lazy to do the paper work? Ridiculous.
  14. That dress was awful along with the heels and I don’t care if they’re Red Bottoms. It’s like something a 20 yr old would wear to a club or dare I say a school dance. I’m 25 and I wouldn’t even wear that. She desperately wants to look young but yet the way she dresses makes her look even older. Not helping her case at all.
  15. Didn’t Patrick say in the first episode that he and myriam met on Instagram? myriam has no photo’s with this guy she cares so much about? The whole thing is confusing but I don’t get any bad vibes from her she seems like a nice person & I think she never expected him to go to Paris. Cortney showing her parents that calendar was so cringe. Why would you want your parents looking at your “boyfriends” junk? Especially when you told them you had sex with him. “Hey mom and dad look at this guy who doesn’t give a shit about me that I banged” ugh gross. She spent the whole FaceTime conversation posing and checking her self out. She’s completely oblivious that he basically said she’s an option to marry cause he’s getting old. LOL I couldn’t help but yell at the tv “YOU WILL!” when Courtney said “my parents always thought I would end up alone” Paul/Larry snooze fest. They will go back to living their dull lives & crappy jobs,except now they have to actually support their foreign wives while being in a sexless marriage and a wife who will hate the sight of them after a year I’m sure. Abby I hate her. She talked a big talk in her first episode about being independent, a smart women & hard working. Yet all I’ve seen her do is take money from creepy old guys. I would love to hear what Sean’s daughter, who is away at university and working that’s Abby’s age thinks of the whole thing,but then again I don’t blame her for not wanting any part in her dads pathetic relationship. Darcy & Jesse should get lifetime restraining orders for each other. Jesse’s behavior is scary. At the end it really seemed like Darcy was done with his shit,you could see the anger all over he face when she said she’s tired of fighting the same fight. But then they walked off stage together like nothing happened? Which confused me. Were they acting? Plus her reaction when he Jesse appeared was weird,it’s like she already knew he was there,no excitement at all.
  16. I’m not a K9 Officer and I have no idea what’s right or not for a K9 and I know I don’t see how flex reacts on a daily basis on other calls,But from watching him on PD flex seems more like a House dog to me rather then a K9 Police dog. He’s hyper,He doesn’t take commands, he’s too focused on that ball to even search for drugs most of the time. Leverette always has to show him where the drugs are,and then Flex gives up looking because of wanting the ball. He reminds me of my mother in laws lab who goes nuts if someone has his ball and constantly wants playtime. A lot of the other K9’s on Live Pd seem to be more serious (can dogs be serious? Lol) they go straight to the drugs without any help,they seem more focused
  17. That’s what I’ve been wondering. I don’t think any of them even get married legally. At least not right away as we’re made to believe on the show. I think they come over on some other kind of visa that TLC pays for. Especially since a lot of these people have only been talking for months or less then a. year. It just doesn’t make since to me how they’re able to do it so fast,this show makes the process look so easy,like you just have to submit a paper and ta-da! I have a friend who married a guy from The UK 2 years ago. The process for him to come to the US took them 2 years,after all of the interviews and submitting all of the paper work,proving they were a legit couple, doctor exam,and that she was able to cover everything until he was able to work,before he was allowed to come. It’d be nice if this show showed that but this show is obviously only about drama and making these people look like idiots.
  18. I cringe everytime I see Paul’s stupid dollar tree rose ring box,along with Larry’s tacky plastic box. Shocking how they both gave the girls Sapphire rings. Should Karine and Paul even be allowed to get married? I mean they can’t even communicate. How can they submit the proof for the visa to prove they’re a real couple if they can’t talk to each other. I can only imagine their wedding vows,it’ll be the sound of Siri repeating everything. How is Jenny a 10? Her bone structure in her face seems off and she looks way older then 23. Sean probably paid more baggage fees for all of that cheap rue21 clothes he brought to Haiti then Abby will even profit Jesse is a douche but he is right you can’t rush marriage. Darcy only wants a ring,I feel like once she has that she will be bored.
  19. I have the tonight’s show on again for background noise while I read (this show is good for that because it’s long) and Dan just said “Officer Kevin just pulled someone over it looks like.... a person” and I couldn’t stop laughing. He’s so awkward sometimes.
  20. Season 1 of Live PD was so much better compared to now. We actually got to know the officers as people & learn what they’re like & follow them. They had so many Great Officers,James Casey,Poole, Tim Mohler, the officers from Greenville NC, and Washington. Kevin & Chris from Richland (still haven’t seen them on yet even though Kevin has been in the studio) Now they just have Random Officers & cities every night. And it’s starting to feel like a 3 hour long episode of cops. I like how they are doing the Missing Person Segments now and really hope it gives the victims families closure & answers,but most importantly their loves ones home if they are still out there.
  21. I will never understand the tree/yard cases that seem to end up on JJ often. Most of the time it’s over something so stupid,where it’s not even damaging anything. If your so bent out of shape over a freaking twig,I can only imagine the breakdown this guy has when the leaves start to fall. Maybe I can sue my neighbor for his pine cones that blow into my yard. Kidding of course.
  22. Couldn’t agree more. I feel like I’m watching a high school football team bully people. Those cops are so full of themselves. Hope they stop following Pasco county.
  23. What’s the deal with Joseph Piskala (?) I hope he was acting if not,then this guy needs to seek some help. He looks like he has deep anger issue & will snap at the drop of a dime. His persona just screams physopath.
  24. I always assumed she sent the kids out just because they are kids, they don’t need to hear the drama. Unless the case is relevant & has something to do with the underage kid , otherwise the adult children usually get to stay.
  25. The catty bitch side of me couldn’t stop laughing at the whole Darcy & Jesse scene. My husband and I were almost in tears when Jessie was in the car trying to change the subject with “look at that goat”... It was pretty messed up that he would mind fuck her like that & he knew it would. Just think of how pathetic she feels going home a 43 year old women with a promise ring. And then Darcy said something that didn’t make me feel one bit sorry for her. She said “The engagement ring will be bigger right?”..... she can have fun in that roller coaster, mind game of a relationship.
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