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Everything posted by mittsigirl

  1. From the Sun- https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4214458/josh-duggar-guardian-hannah-reber-real-men-trial/?rec_article=true
  2. He probably acts like such a Casanova because of his size, which is likely itty bitty! Afterall, he does send tongue pics instead of the usual d-pics! The guy has to compensate somehow.
  3. Well all I know is that I doubt very much that Jenny & Sumit will end up on Only Fans!
  4. Thanks for explaining it so well:) Thanks, that makes sense:)
  5. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me, but I am just a mom, wife and dog nutritionist, my law knowledge comes from Law and Order SUV. Because so much has been said about not having that router to examine, can the router be taken now to be examined, or is that just wishful thinking and it's far too late to bring that in now? And I am just new to learning about the CLOUD, but would there not be any information about what he was accessing stored there? Forgive me for being so dumb:)
  6. I just wish they wouldn't have left that darn router behind, that's what is making me very nervous. And there sure could be a doppelganger of Josh on that jury who thinks they are the same kind of know-it-all and could influence the rest of the jury. Ugh, it's far from being 5 o'clock here, but my wine glass has found me early today.
  7. LOL, godly charms! The dress is very slimming on her with the black lines placed where they are. I would also love this dress, but with a much lower neckline, because I am a heathen.
  8. In my neck of the woods here in Canada, we call overly whitened teeth 'Chicklet Teeth', after the gum. I lost all of my straight, very white teeth after taking so many meds for so long. When I got dental posts put in, I specifically asked for Chicklet Teeth, because if I was going to have to have fake teeth, I wanted to have them like how my own teeth had been. His teeth are very straight, lots in the UK have very crooked teeth, his are just huge!
  9. Just imagine how much better it would be if we got to ask the questions on these Tell All shows!
  10. That's amazing, I am so happy for her!! Thanks for giving me some much needed hope. When you have been mistreated for decades, it's so difficult to have that hope. I just don't want to have to die without ever being loved. But now I do have some hope:)
  11. Wow. Thanks so much for explaining all of that, it now makes more sense to me. It's confusing to hear that it is so soon that the jury makes up their mind about a case, but I understand because of how our brains work things through. It's just much easier to be on this side and have my own mind made up and wonder why the jury can't see things the way I see them, the way that we on this board see them. But they never sat and watched every show on TLC, or discussed things with others who have watched this circus over the years, so they won't have the same insights that we would have. Here I was really hoping that closing arguments could fix things if they were going in the wrong direction. Time will tell. Thanks again:) Yes, I will let you know!
  12. How can anyone prevent them from doing their job, when it comes to those types of sick minds living with children? I had no idea that anyone could stop them. I will be spending time on google before bed, see if I can find something out about that. Just so very sad.
  13. Yes, I think that Jenny just wanted to find love and security. But please don't say that you will never find love again, it will find you when you aren't even looking! I am getting ready to divorce after 41+ years of marriage, and am the same age. He has never loved me, has financially and emotionally abused me for all of these years and I really hope to be truly loved before I leave this earth. I just won't be accepting love from a man half my age, but I do understand how much she wanted to be loved and to feel secure in that love. I do hope it works out for them, I guess she will find out when she gets to be a lot older and will see how committed he is in taking care of a wife who is so much older than he is. Because our bodies do drastically change as we age, and I don't think that he fully understands how different she may be 20 years from now. I mean his own mother is younger than his wife is, so the only comparison I see that he may have with much older women is his grandmother at her age. Only time will tell.
  14. I agree with you, plus there is his sick past that will be brought up, it's not like he never showed any interest in his sickness before! I could see the case being iffy if he had never been in trouble with this before, but he has been! I don't see how anyone on that jury could say he wasn't guilty and that somebody just set him up. But that's just the way my mind would work if I was a jury member.
  15. Can the prosecution ever fix anything in closing arguments, or is it too late to bring up anything that the defense would consider new evidence? Are cases ever won by the prosecution with their closing arguments?
  16. I really wish that it was you in that court room, and not anybody else. You have taught all of us so much and have lots of experience. Plus-you are a woman, and I know you are smarter than most men, because women think with both sides of their brain, and men with just one side at a time. Don't kill me everyone, that's just a fact.
  17. Boy, I sure hope so, because if Pest gets off on some dumb technicality, my low faith is the justice system will never recover again.
  18. My younger brother and I spoke Ukrainian and English until we started kindergarten, then over the years forgot most of the Ukrainian we had spoken for so long. These days when I listen to somebody speaking Russian, there are many words that I can understand because they are the same as Ukrainian words. And yes, Ukrainians are very hard working people. And though I also have Irish and German in me, I am not too hard on the eyes, or so I have been told!
  19. Once the kids moved out, my husband took over the basement bathroom and I took the one upstairs, and it works very well for us, since I am neat and organized, and he is not. I don't have to nag about his bathroom being a mess and he doesn't have to keep mine as clean as I like it. Why not have our own bathrooms since the kids have all moved out? When we have company over, they use my spotless bathroom and never have to see his downstairs. Works very well for us!
  20. Well, well, well, he sure does think he is something special by the way he posed in this picture. I have had 2 businesses, and not on either business card did I ever pose like this. You are just not this special Ick, only in your own little mind!
  21. Wow. Poor cow. I wish that poor cow would have just up and kicked JB in his little marble sack, what a pervert to act that way while probably hurting that poor innocent cow. So JB equates the cow as being the same as his wife, wonder how she felt about it at the time!
  22. It began to sicken me the way JB and Michelle would constantly do their PDA's in front of the kids, then tell them that they could act that way but the kids couldn't! What kind of parents act like that, say things like that, to their own kids?? To me, it seemed like they were just taunting those kids by behaving that way! Then punishing any of their kids who were found to be masturbating by tying their hands together and marching them around in public that way! I don't know if the 'public' consisted of only family members, or if this was done in front of the church members. Either way, being punished for doing something that becomes natural with getting older is just plain sick! I bet that JB did his fair share-if not even more than the usual amount, being the creep that he is-of masturbating, because he was acting like any NORMAL teenager, then when his own kids do it, then all of a sudden it is from Satan and wrong! It was okay for him to grow up normal as a teen, but not his own kids! My parents were very young when I was born and became the oldest of 6 kids, and they never kept their love secreted away from us, but they sure never acted like the Duggar parents act in front of us, then tell us that we can't act the same way with our boyfriends/girlfriends. I am pretty sure my Mom knew that it was me who found her vibrator and burned it out from over-using it, but she never once doled out any punishment over it because I was just a normal maturing, curious teenage girl! Double standards just don't seem fair or normal, except in the Duggar cult. Do as I say, not as I do, only works for so long.
  23. I would much rather be the Mother of a special needs child that be the Mother of pervy Josh, 1000 times over.
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