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Everything posted by mittsigirl

  1. What an idiot! I bet that you have all kinds of stories you could tell that include dummies like him! You just have to have some that are funny and make you laugh to balance out all of the terrible things that you see:(
  2. Wow! I am pretty sure that I would have peed my pants if I had to be in a jury with someone so dangerous! In the last 25 years, I have been called for jury duty 6 times, but because I am on a high dose morphine, I was excused each time. I live in a small city so that's why I was called so many times.
  3. I just googled it and tried to understand it as much as I could, sure is different than anything I have ever read about. It sure must be the most precise measure of time for a court case like this one. Gee HATHORLIVE, I knew you were very smart before, but now you are way up there in my mind! Sure appreciate the way you explain things so well, that even a layperson can understand-thank-you:)
  4. Good, because JB is the type of man who is hurt the most if you take away his money!
  5. I am hoping that the law firm takes JB for 3x that much!
  6. Well I am taping all of the episodes and then will binge watch or binge FF, but I am enjoying reading all of your comments first to see how big the crazy is first!
  7. I guess that my husband and I have not been doing sex the right way for the last 41 year, because there was no breast pulling going on with my D cup breasts! It sounded like she was nothing but a big old cow to him! And couldn't he have found someone a decade or 2 younger that had such large breasts?
  8. I just can't see Angela having the discipline and focus it is going to take to stay away from her old diet, and her Cokes, and can see her starting out cheating here and there and then not being able to stop! Does she know what kind of scars she is going to have, for the rest of her life, after getting skin surgery? And with having a breast reduction, was she told that she may then lose all sensation in her nipples, because of what they will do with those nipples while cutting the extra breast tissue off? I think she should have done her research on these surgeries, she is kind of going into it pretty blind. After losing her weight, her face is going to age pretty fast, because having extra fat keeps your face looking younger than your true years. And no, dear Michael, men are not all of a sudden going to start running after her! She will be smaller but she will never lose that cackle or her shitty manners, or how crude and crass she is. Never!
  9. My heart breaks for poor little Daniel. I think that Ronald truly loves that little boy, and Daniel loves Ronald. She should have never let Daniel even meet Ronald, she didn't know if it would be a forever thing or not. Why take the chance of breaking that child's heart, thinking he has a true Dad in his life? Ronald may not be perfect, but she is just so mean to the guy.
  10. When I was a Real Estate agent, I usually always first sent the couple, especially a young couple, to the bank first, so they could be pre-qualified and know what size of mortgage they could easily handle. They are just having pipe dreams, they have no jobs to pay for everything owning a house entails, and that agent should have sent them to a bank instead of letting them think that buying a house was even possible! Yes, I agree, Kalani needs a damn shirt before a mortgage!!
  11. I agree with you, I think she is beautiful! I know that when I was chunky, it seemed like more men looked my way than when I lost all of my weight. They say there is a lid for every pot in this world. Everybody has their preferences when it comes to body size and shape. You don't have to be skinny to be beautiful.
  12. Fast food restaurants and packaged processed foods at the grocery store. Shop around the edges of the grocery store-produce, meats, dairy-and stay away from everything else, you will never be fat. as well as a ton of water every day. Easy explanation but so hard to do!
  13. I don't consider them to be true Christians-at all. More of a cult than anything Christian-like.
  14. Just about rolled my eyes right out of my damn head when king clark said he still got it! Yuck!
  15. I also use it for yeast infections! Thanks for telling your story so everyone doesn't think I am nuts for using the yogurt treatment!
  16. I found article about this many years ago, so don't have them anymore. Sorry, I know it sounds very strange, but lots of women use this. Maybe it's the lactic acid in the yogurt? They are advertising a new form of birth control on tv now, and it contains lactic acid, so maybe science is catching up with the natural ways? You don't have to use it, just wanted to share what works so well for me:)
  17. I drink a gallon of water mixed with pure lemon juice, lots of lemon juice, and no sweetener, but it does nothing to get rid of UTI'S. Maybe I just have a strange system!
  18. Because all of my organs were affected when I had the rare Guillain-Barre Syndrome, that should have killed me, I get UTI's ALL OF THE TIME!! When they figured I had one in the ICU, the nurses would actually pour Cranberry juice right into my feeding tube, but it never did work. After the first 20 years of suffering, I did lots of my own research and found what works really well for me. I buy plain, organic Greek yogurt, load up a syringe and shoot it inside me, then plug it with a tampon. In less than 24 hours, it is gone and I am back to normal! Sounds weird but lots of women use this!
  19. Sorry to offend you. It's deleted now, I will not post anything here again.
  20. Deleted my cautionary story of how it takes a village.
  21. Boy, if I had heard even a tiny whisper about Josh looking at CP, and doing what he did to the 5 little girls, not only would I have never been 'courted' by him, but I would have never married him, had his babies, or ever left those children alone with him, even for a few minutes! I really have to question Anna's intelligence, surly he wasn't the only fundi boy around that she could have married! But then she has stayed with him, and probably still will stay with him! Since she married him, she has had a chance to learn much more about our world and you would think she would know better by now. I just don't get her way of thinking, at all!
  22. In the heavy duty fundi religion, don't they have a pyramid that shows the placements of who is most important in a woman's life? I saw one that places God #1, then husband as #2, then last at #3 are her children. Not sure if this is what the Duggars follow or not, but husbands, for sure, are to come before her children:(
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