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Everything posted by A.J.

  1. That was so, so funny. That's why I love Joy so much. I literally laughed out loud when she let that one out. On a different note, Sunny looked especially gorgeous today.
  2. Lord knows I thought about the pot calling the kettle black when Meghan uttered those words.
  3. I thought she did a great job in today's scenes. I loved how she and Chad played off each other. I like the chemistry between the two. I also really liked her scenes with Jack today. She looked crushed when he rejected her today.
  4. I wonder if Chad will remember that he just screwed over Sonny (his best friend) and let him take the rap for something he knew that Sonny didn't do. Chad remained quiet much like Kate did. This show is so draped in self righteous, hypocrites.
  5. I do and have for some time. Although he is far from a saint, I agree with the above poster saying all he wanted to be was loved. He was so adorable with Charlotte. Now he has "nothing and no one" again. And especially for a woman of her age. I was beyond happy and shocked to see him in something other than plaid. That sweater looked so nice on him. On a side note, continuing to dress Leo as the court jester is pure comedy.
  6. LOL! Too funny. He has been a real dud lately. I wonder what's up with him.
  7. Obviously the same way it is to gain easy access to the DiMera and Kiriakis mansions. People never lock doors. And they never never close them when they are having secret conversations. And to top it all off they go to public areas to have top secret meetings instead of the telephone or locked rooms. How about Eric "just" lost the love of his life and Sarah "just" dumped her fiance that she was so madly in love with. Does all that love just disappear? It's all way too fast. Also how about the fact that Eric is the brother of your ex. How did that work out for Eric and Brady?
  8. So true. I expected to tune in an do a lot of fast forwarding. Instead I watched and enjoyed every minute.
  9. I don't agree with what he did. I've always hated when folks break up from a committed relationship and the next thing you know they are having sex with someone else. But be honest in your assessment of what happened. It wasn't as cold and heartless as Sonny dumped Paul but it was pretty close. And not even a kiss goodbye, just a hug. I hope that's the case. I am so against them pushing these two together so quickly after Nicole.
  10. Let's not forget how she defended Nick up and down. I laughed out loud when she said that to Rafe. I could not believe she went there. And I wish just one person will speak the truth about the Rafe and Hope "cheating" situation. I know it won't happen but I hate all these self righteous hypocrites that keep saying that Rafe cheated on Hope. He did not! Hope broke up with him!
  11. Maybe we'll all get a huge Christmas present this year and Ms. McCain will leave sometime between now and the end of the year. Hopefully by the 1st show of 2019 she will be gone!
  12. That would have been so awesome and funny as hell. I've been thinking for the last few days of why all the hatred in Salem for Stefan. Obviously he is not on the level of his father. I don't know if that was the original plan or not. If so, he has failed miserably. Maybe I've forgotten some of his deeds but I can't remember anything that he has done that is so bad. Has he done anything worse that Kate, Victor or Andre? Speaking to him possibly being "reformed", he has done some decent things of late. Even if most of these things were for selfish reasons, he did tell Sami what he knew about E.J., He helped Kristen hideout at the mansion. If he's telling the truth about Steve, him vowing to help Kayla is a noble move. He initially helped Abigal so she wouldn't be committed. He even eased up on letting the family see Charlotte. He's far from a saint but I don't see this "evil" being the citizens are making him out to be. And how much of a bad-ass can he be when he's repeatedly beat up by scrawny Chad and Ben?
  13. Too bad the hypocritical side spewed its ugly head when he talked about how Ben committed the ultimate sin of taking someone else's life. Tripp that was exactly your goal when you held Kayla hostage. And if not for Steve, you would have succeeded. Plus you could have also done this indirectly when you screwed with Kayla, resulting in her giving the wrong dosages of medicine to her patients. The hypocrisy of these characters drive me crazy.
  14. Rafe & Hope are not my favorite couple but I get very tired of them saying Rafe cheated on Hope. They were no longer together so there was no cheating. It doesn't make it hurt any less but Hope did break it off. It would be nice once and a while for someone to acknowledge the truth on these shows instead of their own reality.
  15. And it's highly upsetting me. Nicole is not cold in her grave yet and here they are pairing up Eric with Sarah. Did all of Sarah's feelings for Rex just disappear? And why no scene of Eric really grieving for Nicole. Why no funeral, memorial or even a reel of Eric and Nicole's best moments for a character who was on the show some 20 plus years. And here they are again with family members constantly dating/having sex with a relative's ex. Rex is Eric's brother for Pete's sake. We just went through this with Eric and Brady. Does anyone in Salem ever have a problem with this common activity? I refuse to watch and support this disrespectful and messy union of Eric and Maggie's daughter. Why in the world is Will not spending time with his daughter at Thanksgiving and her cow of a mother, Gabi? He has his memory back now so there's no excuse for this constant neglect.
  16. I will miss her. It took a while but she grew on me. And I'm so glad she got to give it to Gabi a bit before she left. I was so glad she reached out and choked that hoe! If only Julie would have opened the door and helped Abigail choke her into unconsciousness. She should have dug her fingernails into her face leaving a few marks. It will be a bit different getting used to the other Abigail again who technically is not the one that wronged Ms. Hernandez.
  17. Does Wendy and her staff even bother to fact check anymore? Often Norman will chime in and correct her but not today when she made a couple of easily verifiable statements. She went back and forth on Kim Porter's age and settling on 46, which was wrong by one year. She was 47. That is not a huge deal, but it's been all over the news giving the correct age. The biggest fake fact she gave was saying that Kandi Burruss wrote Blaque's song "808". She stated Kandi was a writing beast. However R. Kelly actually wrote the song. I'm just amazed at how many false statements she continues to say during hot topics.
  18. Thanks for the clarification. I didn't remember the exact details. In any event, Abigail never intended to kill Andre. But it was not Abigail but Gabby that framed Gabi. However, she should be fully responsible for what she did to Sami, Carrie and Ben.
  19. I did. I wonder if it had to do with something her mom did or possibly Robin Williams?
  20. I too feel very bad for this Abigail. If this was Kate Mansi, I wouldn't feel "as bad". This was the Abigail that slept with E.J., cheated on Ben and stalked Austin. That's the one I would have liked to see get what was coming to her. The current Abigail, like it or not, was not in her right mind when she killed Andre, a man she loved and defended when no one else would. And yes she sent Gabi to jail, but as said by many, Gabi has gone way too far in her plot for revenge. I too hope Abigail is able to fight back on Monday. And since we are talking about people paying for their sins, when has Kate ever "really" paid for her many, many crimes? From her unleashing the horror that was Clyde Westin on Salem, how horrible she was to Jordan who did nothing to her, her part in Theo getting shot and so many more. I like Kate but she seems to always get away with a slap on the wrist. Where is the Abigail-like mob against Kate?
  21. Did something happen? I bypassed a lot of the Housewife conversation.
  22. It's hard to say positive things about Ms. Williams these days but I must say I really enjoyed her interview with Clifton Powell. He's been in the business for years but I can't recall ever seeing a sit down interview with him. He seems like a cool guy. And thankfully Wendy didn't get in the gutter in this interview. It was a great watch. This is the Wendy I like watching. I wish she would visit more often.
  23. I was like, you tried to drug Abigail and just because your plan backfired, Abigail is the bitch. They kept that under wraps. It was contained to a small room in the hospital. Trip told Claire what he was doing to Kayla.
  24. Thanks for the update. I had no idea she did all that except for the last part. I need to go back and watch the 1st have of the first season. I didn't start watching until Alexis entered.
  25. I don't recall this being a problem for Kim, she never revealed Big Poppa. And doesn't/didn't Harry Hamlin and Eileen Davidson only appear on RHOB very scarcely?
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