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Everything posted by PetuniaP

  1. I could use more episodes but I'm with you on the language. And I have a potty mouth! But I've never been one for the n-word and I had a realization this episode that this is the reason why I can't really get down with 99% of hip hop. I'm just not here for it. I didn't know any of the songs played at the club in this episode. I guess the bank teller girl got hers. Not sure rebound sex is what she had in mind though. I can't really blame Lawrence, Issa made her bed and now she can lie in it. Alone. Also, Kelli is hella ratchet.
  2. This show is terribly miscast and it makes it sooo difficult to watch. SJP was supposed to find the comedy in finding out that her husband had bankrupted them and she just couldn't do it. And Robert's failed attempts at dating are of little interest.
  3. Even though I'm not super impressed by this show's use of the TV trope where all of your relationships just suddenly implode at the same time, I thought the execution was really good. Both of Issa's fights were so intense! I really felt like I should not be in the room during Lawrence and Issa's breakup so kudos to them. Poor Lawrence. But I think it's pretty clear that this was Issa's very inelegant way of getting out of a relationship that was no longer exciting to her. It's going to be interesting to see her navigate the world as a single next season. Molly should have taken Justin's interest much more seriously....but she is a good representative of why so many smart, successful women stay eternally single.
  4. Technically, they were quoting John Lennon who did say the phrase as quoted. He was paraphrasing Zora Neale Hurston's quote. I didn't agree with the show's decision to go there but I think Lennon was the one who originally extrapolated incorrectly. Despite being thrilled that this show exists as a concept (I've seen my fill of white-guy-with-a-problem) shows, so far, I'm not totally on board with this show like I was with Louie...it's just not as funny or as insightful. I get that the plight of a single forty-something actress raising 3 children on her own is hard, but they aren't making me care too much. I feel like Pamela is using her show to make barbed points rather than focusing on making it funny. And while everything she is skewering, Hollywood, the patriarchy, etc wholly deserves it, the show has to serve the comedy gods first. I loved her writing and acting on Louie so I hope this show finds it's footing but they are starting to lose me.
  5. Jessie is as human as anyone else. She's in amazing shape, she has the physical attributes as well as the talent and most of all, puts in the hard work to succeed. I wish her the best but will not forget her humanity or hold her to unrealistic expectations as she reaches for her goals.
  6. I guess I'm a total anomaly but I like ALL of the Ninjas and I don't begrudge them trying to make a living off a sport that they love...just like any other athletes. Maybe the obstacle courses were once designed in a such a way that if you were a good overall athlete, you could walk onto the show and do well. But as the difficulty of these courses have increased exponentially, Ninjas must now train specifically for this or just not do well. We've all seen strong, athletic rookies and walk-ons go out on second obstacles. I'd rather see the challenges get more difficult and the feats of physical strength and agility get even more amazing and if that means someone has to open a gym to support their training throughout the year, so be it. I love that Kevin Bull got a sponsorship deal and that NBC featured it this year. I hope that entices him to stay as we are losing more and more great male stars. I'm also thrilled to see the female field progress so fast. Kacy was a pioneer and, in my eyes, she has not "failed to live up to her hype". She came under enormous, probably completely unexpected scrutiny, and inspired a generation of girls to get out there and get strong. All she owes anyone is to be the best she can be and if that means she falls, then she falls. Keeping up a certain standard of athleticism is incredibly challenging, not to mention that she is a business owner, going through a public breakup, and has all eyes on her. She could have pulled a disappearing act and bowed out but instead, she's out there trying again every year and supporting her fellow Ninjas. That's class. And now Jessie is taking on the mantle for women. Perhaps Jessie will continue to do well. Maybe she'll have an off year. Doesn't matter, the drive and the effort is what I'm impressed by from all of these athletes. I get why Issac left, I'm sad that Elet Hall doesn't love NBC's coverage and won't be back and incredibly sad to lose Geoff as well. But we all have to make the best decisions for ourselves in life and those athletes gave us what they had. I pray that Drew's gym is successful so that we can see him come back and finally beat the course. I'm not the biggest Flip fan but it's been awesome to see him grow and mature on the show, and I can't wait to see more of Jake Murray...I love that he has fun with it along with being an incredible athlete. Looking forward to the next season of ANW!
  7. THIS. Nick fell like a ton of bricks for Andi. And I think he was genuinely heartbroken when she didn't choose him. I've made my peace with all of these people being famewhores so that doesn't bother me about Nick.
  8. Hallelujah, praise the Lord...Nick is the new Bachelor! I nearly fell off my couch when he walked out. I have to admit, for the first time in 14 years, I contemplated not watching a season if Luke had been chosen. I just couldn't bear the idea of that snoozefest. But NICK! As my friend says, I'm a #TeamNick OG and I could not be more thrilled. I would actually audition to get a crack at him (theoretically). I have no idea what Jared is thinking. That is one fucked up dynamic he has going on with Ashley. I'm incredibly curious to see which of them ends up breaking it. Whatever the case, all ties will have to be cut for good....these two are not destined to stay friends through any real relationships.
  9. Super disappointed with the anti-climatic ending of this show. Chandra was assassinated as a character, Naz is a loser drug addict and I'm supposed to believe that Jon Turturro is living in torture over a cat?? I guess endings are nearly impossible to get right.
  10. But - if Bravo insisted the scene be filmed, all Bethenny had to do if she truly cared about LuAnn, was say something to the effect of "Someone sent me these pictures of Tom and some woman making out at the Regency. You can see they are time stamped. I'm letting you know about them because I care about you - handle it however you see fit, and this entire conversation goes no further than the two of us". Cut. And who would watch that show?? I mean, come on....this is a TV show! I don't want to see some tasteful onscreen conversation...I want to see DRAMA! That's why people watch this show. People who want boring conversations watch PBS. They don't watch The Real Housewives. I was glued to my TV...it was so glorious! I LOVED Bethanny...I'm only watching this show again because of her. The whole set-up as soon as the weekend started with the "are you monogamous?" question, doing her homework and having the receipts so that LuAnn could not twist out of laying BARE what she is doing, i.e., staying with a cheating, gold digging liar just to be able to say she has a huzzband and feel superior to all of the Upper East Side single old biddies trawling around trying to peddle themselves to even older men (Sonia, Ramona...looking at you). Bethanny's Madame Bovary-level laying in bed, supposedly devastated at Luann's reaction to the reveal, as her ladies-in-waiting came in to console and defend her. How she directed LuAnn's conversation with Tom to ensure he had to admit that it DID happen on the phone. It was all FANTASTIC! Bravo RHONY. Great end to a season where not much happened but still managed to maintain my interest (unlike RHONJ).
  11. Just to add another wrinkle to the Jared/Ashley storyline...check out this passage from an article on a Bachelor Valentine's Day Auction they participated in NYC a few months ago... I do think Jared has led her to believe that they will eventually work out as a couple. I have tons of male friends and NONE of them send me roses "just because". The problem is that while women "come around" on guys all of the time and end up falling in love with someone they didn't initially have romantic interest in, men almost never do. Men tend to know immediately if they have sexual interest or not, even if it's not acted on. Jared knows he's just not interested and he should have let her go a long time ago. It's really unfair that our brains work so differently when it comes to love but there you have it.
  12. Ooh...I never thought about Nick this way. Puts a very unattractive light on him, doesn't it? And I've been #TeamNick the whole time!
  13. Ashley legit had soot on her cheeks as "contour". What is that girl doing? Good lord. Also...WTF Daniel? I thought he was smitten with Sarah! So not cool to hear him go on about Ashley's virginity.
  14. Why would she have money if she ordered Seamless? If I'm expecting a delivery, I also open the door without looking and with no money in hand. As a native New Yorker, that was fairly accurate. The chances that Naz's dad would be the delivery person when he lives in Queens is far less likely. I think I missed that scene so I need to go back and watch it more carefully. I laughed as well. Was this a proxy for young black women or just millennials in general? I thought the statement was applicable to both. I remember when listening to Serial, Sarah talking about how most police investigations go exactly the way that Naz's is going. Police just don't have time to chase all leads. They tend to go by confirmation bias....once they think they have their man, all of their investigation centers around proving their case. They are not trying to find reasons why he might NOT be guilty. So I think this show is doing a fantastic job of showing how things really go down. THIS. I remember reading a story about Rikers and what a hellhole it is and how long people have to stay there under horrific conditions. Which is a nightmare since technically, Rikers is a jail, not a prison. You might be completely innocent of any crimes but end up spending a year and a half to two years of your life in that place. I think Naz's descent is happening rather quickly, guess it has to be sped up for TV purposes, but is probably also incredibly reflective of what happens in real life.
  15. It's funny, Ben and Lisa were the couple I doubted the most...the way they hooked up and shed their former partners was a bit distasteful and despite their obvious sexual chemistry, Ben seemed like he was in total "fling" mode and a young pretty girl fit the bill for filming. But as soon as her brother showed up and started talking about how she is the baby of the family and not at all independent, I immediately saw them working. No matter what they say, there is a decent contingent of men who want a dependent woman. Plus the fact that Lisa is 10 years younger was a massive point in her favor. I can see them being together for a long time, potentially even getting married from this experience. Good for Ashley in recognizing that BT is not the guy for her, despite powerful attraction. Watching his Facebook Live illuminated that he has serious anger issues and is in no way ready for a partnership that doesn't involve emotional abuse for the other person. He wants a woman that is happy when he wants to be happy, leaves him alone when he gets into his "moods" but not so alone that he feels neglected by her. Yeah, good luck with that, pal. I'm glad Alicia and Tyler are still friends...I didn't really like her at all but nice to know that she didn't just abandon him as shown. Both Alex and Jeff were among the most unpleasant people I have ever seen on a reality show and I'm glad to see the back of both of them.
  16. I think Daniel really outed himself as a woman-hater. He was so insulting to the women who were there when he arrived...calling them stray dogs. Meanwhile, he couldn't contain his excitement for Chad showing up and swore his allegiance about 2 minutes afterwards. Izzy (who?) tried to get to know him and was rewarded with dumb age "banter" and then a conversation so boring that I can't even remember the gist of it. I can't stand the twins but even I can't wish Daniel on them. I'd love to know what Jubilee thought she was doing on that date with Jared. Way to kill off any possibility of chemistry! I know she can flirt, she did a perfectly good job of flirting with Ben in the pool and getting him interested before she went off her rocker. But I saw NONE of that with Jared. You know what a really good way to get friendzoned by a guy? Start nerding out about something that he didn't express any special interest in! I'm sure many, many guys would love the hot girl who can nerd out about Lord of the Rings but if she couldn't see that Jared is not one of them, she's more oblivious to how she comes across than she thinks.
  17. I couldn't have said it better myself. I think Chad was set up here. I can see Lace's producer telling her to go for Chad and really give it to him...otherwise, why else would she drop Grant so abruptly and then be right back with him again the next morning? I think Lace was sent in to rile Chad up and responded just as they expected him to. I'm not saying Chad behaved well, he drank far too much and lost control, which was not at all smart and he was definitely way out of line with Sarah. But when they all looked at him like a villain the next day, I could tell he was really confused. Oh Chad, please get yourself together.
  18. You can blame Kaitlyn Bristowe for that. The series and contestants used to be very coy about what went on in those "Fantasy Suites" even though rumors started circulating as early as Bob's season. The show did little to conceal that Claire and Juan Pablo did it in the ocean well before final 3. But once Kaitlyn behaved like a red-blooded woman who is incredibly attracted to a man and took Nick to bonetown early, the cat was officially out of the bag.
  19. I'm really starting to wonder about Robbie since he's been giving JoJo the googly eyes for a couple of episodes now. Is it: a) He's a far better actor than Jordan b) He's been Stockholm Syndrome'd into believing he's really in love with this girl c) He's doing his best to be the most "in love" and thus the most heartbroken which practically guarentees the Bachelor gig most years. If so, too bad he didn't see Luke's audition...he seemed to have sealed the deal (which saddens me deeply) Chase really got to me over the past couple of weeks....I wasn't really caring about any of these guys but Chase somehow snuck in there and I realized that I actually liked him. Right before he was unceremoniously dumped! Sometimes I really hate this show. That pan up to the monkey scratching itself right after showing the awkwardest trio ever drinking champagne literally had me rolling with laughter well after the show ended.
  20. I think it's downright shameful for so many white Americans to continue to express so much outrage over the O.J. case and are nearly mute/don't care about the more recent murders of innocent black children in this country. I honestly don't know how people sleep at night. Ezra Edelman is to be applauded for this documentary...what a powerful, moving, eye-opening piece of art about the abysmal state of race relations in this country and what happens when that comes into contact with crime, fame and socio-economic status. Staggering work.
  21. If this episode is an indicator of what the rest of this Chad-less season will be like, I might have to be out and come back for when she picks Jordan in the finale. Can the producers lay off the gas please? They think stubby little Alex with the non-shoulders can be the new supervillain? Is Derek supposed to stir my sympathies? Bitch please. Ugh, that fake magazine article storyline was SO BAD. And Robby proved Chad's point to a tee. You're in love, bro? Really? With a girl you have spent 15 min with? Kill that noise. Keep telling yourself that love is a two-way street so loving Jojo means that she must love you back. Can't wait to see how that works out for you. At least rat-faced Evan is off my screen, hopefully for good.
  22. I agree, lightbeam, I think Alex has a beautiful face and I don't care about his height. If he didn't have such a hard-on for Chad and hadn't acted so poorly, he might have won me over.
  23. This was the first reality show in a long time that made me say 'Damn, that was a great show!" at the finale. John Cena, where have you been my whole life??? I LOVED him as host...between his role in Trainwreck and this...who knew he had such talent lurking under that WWE exterior? He's a star and I hope to see him host this show forever. I wasn't that fond of Noah on Dancing with the Stars but I loved him here as well. He was such a calm and supportive cadre, and his skills for spotting talent and building a great team were impeccable. All of the cadres were great, each with unique personalities but a lot of heart. I didn't have a true dog in the fight at the end, I kind of rooted for them all and would have been happy with anyone winning. Well, I guess I'm happy Jim didn't win, he was so annoying in the beginning. But they all put so much effort out there, pushed themselves so much physically that it was hard to not want to see any of them win. $250K is a fantastic prize and I'm happy that both Mark and Claire got it. Very much looking forward to this show's return!
  24. I hope to god Evan cries like the little bitch that he is.
  25. I fully expect Daniel to be shown the door now that Chad is out. About Derek, he's very good-looking, right up my usual alley, but he leaves me cold. Maybe Chad was blinding my view and now some of the other men's charms might delight me. Probably not but a girl can dream! JenE4, great point about how Bachelors respond to the "she's got to go!" cries from the women vs. how the Bachelorettes respond to the men. Women are much more socialized to please men than the other way around. I also think that Chad isn't at all used to fighting for a woman's attention....he's probably barely crooked a finger in years. Chad is the kind of man women throw themselves at. I think his incredulity when Evan got the rose over him was very real, he couldn't fathom it. He just assumed Jojo preferred him over all the others because, well...that's what women usually do. I don't think he even realized that she wasn't under his usual spell until very late into their last conversation. I also think that's why he came across as almost charmless with her, he usually gets away with far worse behavior. But he seemed devoted to his mother and still is to his sister so I think he has potential.
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