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Everything posted by PetuniaP

  1. You know the part I really don't get? How could the same Andi who practically shouted "I love you, I'm so in love with you and it was you from the minute I laid eyes on you" to Josh, sleep with Nick 2-3 weeks before that? While she was dating Josh?! Who does that? How do you do that? I'm all for casual, no strings attached sex but if you are really in love with someone and they are a few rooms away...how do you sleep with someone else? Especially as Nick said, he had no expectations of that night...Andi could have just talked to him and he would have been ok with it. She's a bitch.
  2. I don't get what makes Nick falling for Andi "borderline creepy". If falling in love is creepy, then we are all creeps I guess. I'm usually fine with the process but this season made me hate it. I must be as dumb as Nick but I really thought Andi had fallen for him so seeing him get dumped and take it so hard really got to me. I agree with him, she took the acting too far, and she DEFNITELY should not have slept with him in the fantasy suite. She should have left him with enough doubt so that he wasn't completely blindsided. As for him asking her about why she did it, he did try on two seperate occasions to have a private conversation about it but she was having none of it. So she deserved to be put on blast on national TV about it. I know Nick isn't popular enough to be the next Bachelor but I REALLY hope he meets the right girl and I hope he can open himself up after this and his previous experience and fall in love again. Team Nick all the way.
  3. If Andi doesn't pick Nick in the end, I don't know what. Like I can see what everyone dislikes about him so much but...I don't even care. I love him. I love him with Andi. There's so much chemistry and adorableness in their moments together that I get secondhand butterfiles. I don't want to even watch the end of this series if Nick does not get to propose....aargh!! I have to say, I've been lukewarm on Marcus but he totally won me over tonight. He was open and vulnerable and really cute. I just want to give him a massive hug. And...to all of the rest of the men....shut up. You are all coming across as a bunch of mitches. Don't worry about Nick and what he's up to. Run your own races.
  4. My understanding is that production takes the guys out sightseeing while Andi is on a one-on-one date. Leaving everyone cooped up in a hotel room all day in a foreign country they have never visited before would too cruel.
  5. In regards to Nick, I think the men are saying that he just wants to "win" as opposed to really falling for Andi. I think they feel like if his relationship with Andi was true, he could rely on the connection and didn't have to actually seek her out at every opportunity to try and spend time with her...sometimes at the other guys' expense. But I think that's such bullshit. You can't expect to fall in love and start any kind of long-lasting relationship only spending a total of 35 minutes in each other's company over the course of the show. It makes sense to me that Nick would try to get every minute he could with her, especially if he's developing feelings...to try and nurture the budding relationship. All of this courtly stepping aside that the guys do is not conducive to falling in love at all. And I say that with tongue in cheek, I know that no one actually "falls in love" on this show. At best, you identify someone you COULD fall in love with and then go off after the show and see if it works.
  6. Chris being the secret admirer was a crushing disappointment because I find him incredibly dull. I was hoping it was Josh but I suppose the letters were too articulate.
  7. Ugh...this is like a stab in the heart! I love Sharleen and if I was a guy, I'd be all up in that. BUT....she can't have my Nick! But since *I* can't have my Nick either...I guess I'll have to accept it. Aaargh! What I need is for Nick to go on Bachelor Pad and make me fall out of love with him like Ed did after he and Jillian broke up.
  8. Creepy? Wow...I have the opposite reaction to Nick. He makes ME feel giddy and I am not Andi! When he pulled in her for that kiss on the group date? HUBBA HUBBA, I might have rewound that a time or ten. I get it, Andi...I like a little aggression in my men as well. I love Nick and I don't care what the other guys are saying about him, they are sick with jealousy. Nick, when Andi dumps you for Josh....call me, mmmkay? Several cringeworthy moments tonight with Cody and....Marcus? Marcus is really cute and really sweet but I'm finding it hard to watch him declare love for someone who is not feeling it back. I don't know why I get so sensitive during The Bachelorette, I never feel bad for the girls on The Bachelor, I'm too busy laughing at them. Not sure what that says about me. I did get a little joy at watching Andi make Josh wait for that rose. He was NOT taking it well....he looked annoyed and did I see a tear in his eye? He's also pretty sure of himself but he's managing to hide it better than Nick....kudos to him. So how it is it that the night JJ gets the boot is the first night he actually looked attractive to me? I admit to never noticing his pants...sorry JJ.
  9. This is why taste is SO subjective. If I were Andi, I'm not sure Marquel would have made it this far. I found him to be far less funny than he thinks he is, much cornier than he thinks he is and I found the outfits to be overly loud and stand-ins for a personality. Out of politeness and because I'm making a TV show, I would have entertained him, much like Andi did. He's probably a nice enough guy but I would know instantly that he had no chance with me and sent him home.
  10. I don't know what magical, purple spiraled candyland Marquel has been living in when he just realizes that people see him as a black guy before seeing him as a person at the ripe old age of 30. I kind of gave him the side eye when he was crying on television about it. Really, dude? Welcome to the world. I like that Andi culled the herd this episode but I can.not believe Codi is still there. What a waste of my time. Brian is also falling off pretty hard. I get that he's shy and has little game but I'd be getting kind of tired of waiting for him to work up some nerve. Josh...I can't make up my mind about this guy...is he perfect or playing it perfectly? He's gorgeous, he's saying he's not a player and it taking his time to find the right girl. The chemistry is clearly off the charts. Yet he's convinced that Andi could be it so soon? I don't honestly know how Andi doesn't pick him in the end. But then that leaves...Nick. I still love him! I can't help it, I think he and Andi are so cute together and I don't mind that he's kind of pouty on group dates. If he's really liking this girl, I can see where watching her pay attention to other guys could be irksome. And I'm sorry, but Codi IS mockable! Can't blame him for that. I'm on the Nick train and I'm not getting off :)
  11. The house seems to be building a momentum against Kimberley...I think her unflappability is unnerving some of them...particularly Helen. I wish Kimberley would ally with one of the guys, preferably Ash. She's one of my faves and I see her getting put up for nomination next week, although not sure if the public would vote her out or not. It's hard to tell from the shows if Chris is the only one who is firmly on the anti-Pauline train, Christopher might be as well, actually. I find her insufferable....I can't believe she thinks it's ok to watch everyone's food intake and call them out it...who made her the food police? Unless she's starving, she needs to mind her own business.
  12. Fun to see the restaurant, MariVanna, in this episode since I was there a few weeks ago. However, it's Russian, not Hungarian so I was confused about how close the languages are and whether or not a Russian speaker could translate so easily.
  13. Louie has some nerve. Pamela read him like a book, he came running back to her after his other relationship didn't work out and he gets all rapey? Uncool, Louie. I know he thinks he was "being the man" and taking charge but he's a fool. I'm eager to see this relationship play out because it's been in the works for awhile but I can't see it going well at all. My favorite exchange in the episode was when Louie asked Pamela why she was so mean to her, and she responded with "why do you like it?"
  14. Ok, last night's episode wasn't my favorite but maybe I was cranky because I LOVED this episode. I'm REALLY feeling Nick...I think he's starting to really get into Andi and I think it's cute and romantic. However, she missed out on Josh M. this week so I might feel differently once I see them together again. And maybe I'm crazy but I'm also starting to believe....Marcus???? There is something creepy about him but knowing that he hasn't dated anyone since his last girlfriend messed him up (or so he says), made me think he's more sincere. I might be a sucker though. Marquel? Bye. Friend zoned. Personal trainer Cody? Not even on Andi's radar. Dylan? You are really hot, even though you need a haircut. But you wear your "story" like armor and you need to put that armor down. Otherwise, no one will ever get through that Chinese Wall you've built around your heart. (That's a lot of metaphors) Brian? Might be a dark horse. Whenever a girl says a guy is a good kisser, that's always an excellent sign Eric. Not to speak ill of the dead but what the fuck was that? You can't come at someone who you want to to connect with more deeply with and accuse them of being fake and acting for the cameras. That will not endear you to anyone. If I was Andi, i would have thrown a shitfit as well. Maybe because I am not an extrovert, I totally related when Andi said that the men had no idea how hard it was to be "on" for everyone and give everyone attention and try to be fair to everyone. I could not do it so I really related to her in that moment. And I'm glad that she kind of flipped out on the men. I am so sick of women pretending to be perfect princesses on this show. A relationship will never be real until you see the not-so-cute side of someone and you realize that you can handle it and you like them anyway. So I'm happy that finally a Bachelor/Bachelorette demonstrated that side and I'm curious to see how the men will react next week. Did The Bachelorette try to be classy tonight and forgo their format in order to honor Eric? Kudos. I thought they were going to go with video tribute but going with an interview with Andi...ok.
  15. I cannot take a whole season of staring at that Fire Marshal Bill mouth...i seriously can't.
  16. Uncasville, where they are going,and Hartford are almost an hour apart by car so I doubt we'll see any references to that. Here, here to whoever mentioned Josh's teeth. I knew something looked off about his face but I couldn't pinpoint it. Not that he's not a gorgeous guy but he could have gone down a few shades. I also see the Nick - Peter MacNicol resemblance although I don't think that comparison flatters him because I think he is much better looking than Peter MacNicol.
  17. Ha! To be fair, they are going to a casino - Mohegan Sun by the looks of it and it's one of my favorite casinos outside of Vegas. Plus, the woods around there are beautiful so I hope we get to see some of that.
  18. Cripes, that might have been one of the most cringeworthy episodes of the Bachelorette I have ever seen. Andi is NOT feeling most of these guys and they are all professing their "feelings" WAY too quickly. Geez guys...can you string me along just a bit more and stop prematurely blowing your wads? I'm trying to suspend disbelief here and y'all are making it too hard! The only real thing about this episode was Ron shooing away those cameras when he got bad news. He couldn't get out there fast enough and he didn't even give a parting goodbye interview...which speaks to how distraught he was. I have a few "Staahp its" to hand out: Marcus...stop it. You are cute but you don't give a shit about Andi, you just want to stay on until the end. Andi, stop pretending you feel a speck of attraction for JJ. He's got the "just friends" date. Opera guy, stop pretending you can sing at all. You were terrible. In fact, I never want to hear any Bachelor/Bachelorette cast members ever sing again. My ears are still bleeding. Josh M, never use the phrase "grown ass man" again. You may, however, continue to mack on Andi because you are one of the few that she is actually attracted to. Andrew, stop smirking like the villain of the piece Nick, don't stop being totally adorable. Even if the bachelorette producers helped with those flowers, it was still sweet. And I'm feeling the chemistry
  19. I will admit that Andi is growing on me as The Bachelorette. She's not quite as beautiful as I would have preferred and the only reason that matters is that when the men tell her she is beautiful/gorgeous, it takes me out of the show a bit wondering if they mean it. But she's coming off as someone with a brain which has been sorely lacking on this show. I loved her conversation with Eric, she listened, seemed genuinely interested, and asked the kind of follow-up questions that are designed to get to know these men. Very refreshing. She also comes across as very open to discovering feelings with many of these guys which is also refreshing. It has to be difficult not to just gravitate to the ones you feel immediate attraction to but I do feel like Andi is giving everyone a chance. My qualms with her are that she: a)says "stop it" waaaay too much. It's an extremely annoying verbal tic and I already want to slap her for saying it and we are 2 eps into the season b) is prone to the dramatic. How many times can she say "What is going on?" when she realizes Craig is drunk and causing a ruckus. That's what's going on, Andi...some dude had too much to drink. There's no mystery there. c)makes very unattractive faces. She seriously needs to stop turning down the corners of her mouth. It does her no favors Josh M and Chris the farmer seems way too in love too early. I think they are brainwashing themselves into thinking they are in love with Andi and I hope she can see through that rather than getting swept up into it and making a major mistake. My frontrunners are Marcus (so hot!) and Nick V.....I'm already seeing sparks. Looking forward to seeing who else emerges from the pack. I couldn't help annotating Eric's conversation in my mind during his date. When he said he would never outgrow making sand castles on the beach, I thought...no, you never will. When he said that he wrote to his parents while in Syria telling them goodbye, I thought, good, I'm glad you had a chance to do that. When he said there are so many things that he wants to do now that he will stop doing when he has kids, I thought...I'm glad you lived your life to the fullest. He seemed to be a great guy and I'm glad they are choosing to air his scenes but tough to watch knowing that they were some of his last moments. I guess we are all very alive until we aren't.
  20. Well said, aradia22. The Brenchels explained that because Brendan is still in school, money is tight and that winning the money would give them the ability to afford to have a baby now. I'm assuming previous winnings have gone to paying for school as well as some living expenses. Rachel and Brendan ran a good race and while they did not acquit themselves well in the final leg (far too much whinging and making mistakes) I was rooting for them to win. Not happy that Dave and Connor won, nothing specifically against Connor but Dave really bugged with "oldest man in the world" schtick and truly became insufferable during the last 3rd of the race. Since next season of the race will likely be it's last with the move to Friday, heres hoping it's a great one!
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