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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. I just read that on the Bravo site, as well...the show is going to be a house-flipping show. I got news for Fredrik and Bethenny - Chip and Joanna Gaines they ain't. No one's going to get the warm and fuzzies while watching Bethenny be a shrew to contractors, and Fredrik faking it with a sledge hammer. Plus, I don't think that Bethenny has the interior design/decorating knowledge that can suit anyone but herself.
  2. Well, if it's true that Carole has gotten rid of the couch, you may have been lucky to have found it on the street outside her apartment, or in the dumpster behind the building. I know that some people furnish their own apartments that way, and some have been lucky to find unwanted treasures/antiques.
  3. I agree - Ramona, as a single woman, is just sad and desperate. I think you're right about Mario. She is trying soooo hard to make everyone think she is this bubbly girl about town, flitting from one date to the other, when in reality, she is probably hiding out in her condo, waiting for her facial mask to harden and hugging her dog. I also think that if Mario were to come back to Ramona, begging forgiveness and a second chance, she would jump at it in a NY minute.
  4. I really only remember Kim from "Nanny and the Professor" (I loved that show), and on Little House on the Prairie as Laura Ingalls' neighbor friend who had one leg shorter than the other. Pa Ingalls made a corrective shoe for her so she was able to run and play with the other girls.
  5. LOL!!!! We will never know the answer to that question, will we? Whether it is discussing the real Holland Tunnel or the one that is, according to Dorinda, Sonja's vagina. Another thing - didn't we hear that Holland Tunnel comment about either Sonja or another housewife in past seasons (maybe RHNJ and Danielle Staub?) I could swear I heard it before.
  6. Sonja was washing her undies in the bidet to justify her "funny, quirky girl in the city" persona, and for the exact reason that it will be discussed, here, on other message boards, in any blogs, etc. It will give her some relevance. It will, of course, be brought up at the reunion, as well - it will draw attention to her, and that is exactly what she wants.
  7. It depends on what day it is, or what time of the day it is. There are actually two lanes going into the city and two going out, but if there is construction, an issue or a car breaks down, it is more than likely only one lane, either way.
  8. Did anyone else notice that Carole very specifically said "kiTTens" when she was talking with Bethenny? I cracked up when I heard that - now we know that she reads here, no?? And, yes, what a shame and shambles that couch is. Hope she's having that election party out somewhere. That is just embarrassing.
  9. I'm sure it's a gag gift - like one you used to be able to purchase at Spencers' Gifts stores in the mall years ago. It was annoying in Rinna's hands - almost as annoying as Kenya's (RHOA) bullhorn ~~ but, it would be mildly amusing in someone else's hand, for about five minutes.
  10. On the second viewing, it was worse than seeing it the first time. Rinna did look desperate and tawdry during her table dance on the boat. How I wish the boat would have hit a huge wave or something, and Rinna would have lost her balance and gone ass over head to the deck!! I simply love that word "tawdry"...perfect description!! :-)
  11. Well, then that elephant/bunny would have had to compete with the "pink elephant" that is Erika's lady parts, discussion of which took up what seems like 60% of the reunion.
  12. I think, to a certain degree, almost all of the housewives suffer from selective amnesia at times. Rinna has also displayed the same thing. Where Dorit is concerned, I think her amnesia is not so much as forgetfulness, it is more that she says something, and then, others interpret what she has said, or put their own spin on it, and then, they repeat it as they have interpreted it. She is very clear on "I don't remember saying those words" - which she didn't. She has used other words that imply the point she is trying to make.
  13. Well, this is where I call producer/Andy/Bravo manipulation. Kim really broke the 4th wall when she said all that about returning the bunny to Rinna, because the bunny was actually brought out in response to a "viewer question" on one of Andy's cards. We've always been told that the Housewives don't know what questions will be asked until the reunion taping - how the hell did Kim know to bring that bunny with her, and hide it behind the couch unless she knew ahead of the time that Andy was going to ask that question?
  14. Eileen would have been smarter to just throw that jab at Kim. Whatever Kim wants to say about Eileen as a soap actor, at least Eileen is STILL acting. Kim hasn't had an real acting job in how many years?? (Excluding Sharknado stupidity) That would have been a better comeback/dig to Kim's response than "You're just rude, rude, rude - buh-bye".
  15. Did anyone else think that Eden knew her time was up when Dorit called her out on the Xanax-addict bullshit? Eden didn't even really try to defend herself or her comments. She just seemed like she realized, sitting on that couch, that she was a one and done (and not even really a one and done - more like a 1/2 of one and done). She seemed like she couldn't wait to get off that couch and back to her #reallife #EdendoesEden #Edenneedsbighugs #overandout #nevertobeheardfromagain. ;-)
  16. We've seen that Eileen, when she doesn't get the answers that SHE wants to hear, becomes very dismissive, shuts the person down, and talks over them. She did it to PK at the finale party, and now, she did it to Kim, as well. If you are not prepared to receive an answer you are not going to like or agree with, don't ask the effin' question!!!
  17. What I didn't understand from Eileen was, why would you ask someone a pointed question (to Kim about the soap actress comment), and then, when Kim tried to respond, Eileen wouldn't let her? I mean, Eileen had to know that the question was going to elicit a less than favorable or complimenatry reply, so why ask it in the first place, but then, when she gets an answer (although we couldn't hear the complete answer from Kim), Eileen says "Rude, rude, rude - buh-bye" over and over Kim's speaking. Then, Rinna chimed in with the "buh-bye" thing, too. They were the ones being rude. I am, in no means, a fan of Kim's, but this made me side with her, and I hate that! Other than that, I don't think Eileen was even highlighted, or anything about her this season mentioned. I'm thinking she could be the one in trouble of losing her diamond next season.
  18. Well - at least two of your dream moments happened.
  19. Exactly - that's what I kept saying about Austen throughout the entire episode!! He just reminds me of someone who maybe wasn't the "cool guy" in high school (and secretly hated them), but then, when he went to college and/or matured some, he got some game, gained some popularity in his fraternity, but yet, still is not comfortable when trying to be all smooth and suave with the ladies. His shtick comes off as practiced in a bathroom mirror and phony.
  20. Nope....Mexican Coke definitely tastes different. Not quite as sweet, if that really makes sense. Plus, anything out of a glass bottle tastes better than aluminum or plastic.
  21. I am in LOVE with that grey sweater. I had to rewind to hear what the women were saying because I was obsessing so much about it. I would love to know where it's from (probably from a long time ago, cashmere and very well taken care of by Dorinda and her dry cleaner).
  22. I was wondering if Andy had a chat with Ramona, and told her she needed to up the drama this year or she would be gone....she has been sniping at everyone. But, I do have to give her credit because she doesn't seem to be afraid of Bethenny. I also wonder if the other women (Ramona, LuAnn, Dorinda and possibly Sonja) got together prior to filming and plotted to take Bethenny down this season. At least, so far, Ramona and LuAnn are on the offensive before they have to be defensive against Bethenny. Unfortunately for Ramona, bringing up Bethenny's sad foray into acting was not the best way to take her down. Taking Bethenny down is going to be hard - she is usually quicker-thinking and smarter than most. I can't wait to see what happens with Dorinda and Sonja - I loved that Dorinda said she was only drinking Coca-Cola before she sees Sonja. And, really, Bethenny - was that comment about Luann and the restaurant owner really necessary? Give it a rest already - Luann is happily involved with Tom - I would hope she isn't looking to giving some random guy a "blowie". Still trying to figure out what Ramona meant when she called Bethenny a "B.I." - maybe she meant "beyotch"??
  23. Both with really, really bad hair this season, too.
  24. Oh, God...just imagine all that air time filled with Eden's eeeendlessss hugs.....
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