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Everything posted by Emmeline

  1. I cannot believe what that arrogant ass said in the preview. Christine has given up her stake in Coyote Pass and now he wants her to sell her home and give him the money so that they can pay off that property. A property that many of them don’t even seem interested in anymore. I hope she just sells her house and uses that money for her new home in Utah. I think it was better that Kody wasn’t there when she told Truly. It was sad when Christine said she wanted to take her somewhere that she would be enveloped in love.
  2. Kody seems to spend more than 95% of his time at Robyn’s house. It’s a shame than it has taken him this long to understand what it is like to be a full time father. Unfortunately this can only be hurtful to the other wives and children. what a dumb ass Kody is to not understand why Ysabel doesn’t feel close to him AT ALL. He treats her like a part time daughter and didn’t go to her surgery. He is friggin delusional and it is pissing me off!
  3. If you ever have to get a car fob replaced it’s hundreds of dollars. I wish I could still go to the local hardware and have the kid make me 4 keys for $10. Of course only 2 of them would work.
  4. I use to have my house cleaned every other week. I also cleaned in between. They use to do a good job years ago but now it’s the bare minimum and she’s in and out in 1 hour! Why does Jenny have to ask Sumit if she can get a vacuum? They must get equal pay for the show and she came into the situation with some money. The broom I’d seem get used in the past looked like a Halloween decoration. Just because she vacuums doesn’t mean she will never wash the floor.
  5. The doctor gives me the creeps. I saw somewhere in that office that he is a gynecologist not ob/gyn. As others have commented, who of us didn’t know that getting pregnant at 37 is going to be difficult to impossible. I would NOT try for six months. She needs to start a process to freeze her eggs now or at least go to a fertility specialist.
  6. I’m sure that will be fabulous. I have to say I’m jealous. Haven’t been overseas since before covid.
  7. I looked up the Ginger character myself and thought the Erika was teaching to believe she looked anything like this. The hair pulled off the face is similar but Hinger does not have a ratted mass of hair coming out of the other side of the headband. If Erika used the hair she sells with that disaster, she must not be selling much. The color, the texture just reeks fake, synthetic hair.
  8. I just saw a short ad for next weeks reunion. Rinna admits that she was the one who threw Garcelle’s book in the trash. Seriously, what the “F. They behave like junior high girls. Jealous Much?!?
  9. It looked like Erika said it to Garcelle but that could be editing. I’m trying to guess who smokes? It’s a nasty comment overall. Andy teased that a big lie would be revealed during the first reunion episode of the reunion. If that is Crystal talking about the dark comment I’m underwhelmed. Considering how the season became so toxic as it went forward that whole issue seems trite even today. Did Sutton actually make a dark racial remark? Did Crystal make the whole thing up? I still don’t know and if Crystal and Sutton resolved it, so be it. On WWHL Andy asks where Mo was on the Night of Kathy’s meltdown and she says he was upstairs sleeping. I’m sure he has hear some crazy things over the years and it doesn’t faze him. However, i still call bullshit on Rinna having to lock herself in her room.
  10. I have been thinking that PK looked off all season. He seems depressed. Even his interactions with Mo are not the same. We saw Dorit berating PK often during this season.
  11. I think it is very interesting that Rinna is in that book.
  12. I cannot stand it when Rinna looks up to the sky as though she’s thinking or contemplating what someone said. It’s so weird that everyone is going after Crystal and Sutton is just staying quiet. Although being beat up all season I think Sutton just tried to stay above the fray.
  13. The lighting and makeup is not flattering on most of them. It’s showing every pore. Dorit just has too many accessories around her neck along with the crap in her hair. I don’t like the spray tan or whatever on Kyle or Dorit. I always wondered why Dorit never heard the glass door breaking and wouldn’t the dog have barked even if it was in a crate?
  14. First impressions: I can’t stand that Rinna is wearing a cross around her neck, as if she is religious, I don’t believe it. Erika is bursting out of her dress and the hairpiece is horrid. They just wasted the first 11 minutes.
  15. Oh my god, I can’t stand it when she does this. I’ve never held my mouth open in shock like that in my entire life. It must be something she learned when she was on little house on the prairie.
  16. Could Whitney please stop talking to her mother like she’s a baby. Give the poor woman some dignity.
  17. Dear Lord, Natasha crying over her boyfriend garners no sympathy from me. He cheated on her, she cheated on him, now they aren’t getting along and wonder why there is no trust, UGH 🤮. I can see Dave is thinking she might be changing course and will give him another change. But the worst thing in tonight’s episode was lazy Kyle and his goofy exploits with Natasha. He was 💯 wrong in telling the charter guest that the head of housekeeping wasn’t there to clean her room. Natalia was doing a task with the guests, Natasha & Kyle should have handled it.
  18. It don’t think they ever explained how their money is handled. Janelle worked full time in Utah but I think most of their money these day come from the show. I thought they all bought or rent their homes on their own. I doubt Kody is contributing to the homes in any way. But I can’t understand why Kody called Christine’s home his house too.
  19. I was surprised as well. She clearly is not very experienced for being 63 if she’s never been on top. It’s more work for the woman, but it’s good for many woman because they are more in control.
  20. Yes, it’s only 8:11 and I’m getting sleepy, very sleepy. Last night I watched Where the Crawdads Sing. It was a very good movie. I also watched the new Stephen King movie on Netflix, Mr. Harrigan's Phone, and that was not a horror movie, just a tad creepy, but good too.
  21. Jenny looks like she has very thin hair. From the back it looks like she’s balding. As far as Kim goes, I can’t imagine how you keep up coloring your hair that dark if you have grays.
  22. Her mom is in a wheelchair and can barely speak. She has a long road ahead. My grandfather never got out of the wheelchair after his stroke. Glen, Whitney dad, told her to get away for a little vacation. Of course Whit thinks her old boyfriend wants to get back in her drawers. 🤢
  23. So sorry, frost warnings where for the last 2 nights!
  24. Wow, I’m glad I tuned in for the reunion. Taylor really let Shep have it. She said it very well and Shep seemed dumbfounded. His foot shaking like crazy.
  25. I’ve never really cared for Faye Resnick but she might have changed my mind tonight!
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