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Posts posted by realityfan26

  1. 9 hours ago, Temperance said:

    I consider anybody whose religion takes over their life to be fundie It doesn't matter what denomination, faith etc. I grew up Catholic, I've known plenty of Catholic fundies. 

    I have a friend who is Catholic and I often refer to her as born-again Catholic. I think she considers herself more catholic than the pope.


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  2. 40 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    According to my daughter, who has served it two years running, for her it's the grocery store.  They have been putting it on sale the last three years.  None of us want another turkey and while we used to do ham, the size of the prime rib is more easily controlled and we all enjoy it.  A ham is usually too big since half the family went vegetarian.  Another plus is her husband prefers it over ham. 

    My in-laws always served prime rib for Christmas. It was served very rare and I am not a fan. Thank goodness my family is happy with anything. On Christmas Eve, I ordered from Portillo's; we had Italian beef sandwiches, chicken tenders, fries and salad. Easy, peasy!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

    I'm glad to see this discussion. It reminds me that I want to ask my doctor about this vaccine. I had a shingles vaccine at least twelve years ago; it was a single dose. I believe this new one is considered to be more effective. After seeing what some friends and relations have endured from shingles, I want the best protection I can get!

    I originally had the single dose vaccine and when the 2 dose shingles vaccine came out, my doctor recommended it. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Absolom said:

    I'm so used to seeing leggings under dresses I don't even notice.  All the pre-schools near my daughter require leggings or shorts under skirts or dresses.  In the colder months every kid I see in a skirt or dress has on leggings.  

    My 3 year old granddaughter loves dresses but also loves to be outside playing so she always has shorts or leggings on. But she’s certainly allowed to wear shorts or leggings alone.

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  5. 1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

    this also has nothing to do with any current topic - I know we do good news sunday, but i find sharing any good news/joy/hope/acts of kindness on any day is ok.

    our neighbors directly across the street have had a big plastic bin on their porch for several weeks now. we wondered what it was all about. turns out they have been filling it with snacks, small bottles of water/gatorade and inviting delivery drivers to take what they need.

    We're doing this too and I'm so happy that the drivers are taking advantage of it. We have a video doorbell, and a driver yesterday turned to it, held up his water and snacks and said Thank you; it made MY day!

    I also saw this on facebook and it's perfect. 


    • LOL 24
  6. 18 minutes ago, thehorseofpower said:

    OMG...whyyy is Mrs. Caldwell's hand down so far?? She looks like her smile is not from laughing at whatever is going on with Kendra...

    I'm assuming Mrs Caldwell doesn't have the best of bladder control after a gazillion kids so she realized she was going to pee her pants and then remembered someone was taking pictures. She was caught in the act. 

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  7. @jcbrown I'm sorry you have to deal with stricter restrictions. I'm not in CA, so even though I know they are happening, I don't understand how strictly they enforce them. You really can't even visit a friend staying 6 feet apart outside while wearing a mask? Even when the first closures happened here in Illinois, we could still do a social distanced, outside gathering. 

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  8. There might not be a problem with camping in your own self contained camper, but will you have to stop & get gas? Use a restroom? Grab a bite to eat? Any excess traveling puts the health care system in jeopardy. If the nearest hospital to a crowded campground is a small local place, how could they handle extra people?
    Some popular 2nd home areas don’t even want people quarantining in their second homes as the local healthcare system isn’t set up for the extra population.

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  9. 45 minutes ago, emma675 said:

    I have to have thyroid labs every 6 months and I get access to the results through my patient portal at the same time as my doctor. It's an easy way to keep track of everything and prepare any questions ahead of my appointment. 

    emmawoodhouse, I'm impressed at that turnaround! My mammogram results usually take a day or two to show up. 

    My breast center even has an option to wait for results. It’s convenient if they need to do another angle or in my last case, schedule a biopsy. (Negative)

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  10. 1 hour ago, Oldernowiser said:

    One thought...rescue groups and shelters are often looking for cat-savvy foster homes for cats that don’t do well in a shelter environment. They pay for the care...foster homes provide the love. ❤️

    My son and DIL have fostered cats and my sister fosters dogs. They have all loved the experience. As wiser said - the shelter pays for the care. 

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  11. 56 minutes ago, emma675 said:

    Y'all are freaking me out! I have one or two gifts, but I haven't really started my Christmas shopping full force yet. I need to get on that because I always mail some of my gifts to friends and family out of state. 

    I have 4 grands to buy for, 2 sons, 2 DIL and DH. I have exactly 2 items. And the twin grands birthday is 12/29. At least I don't have to mail anything!

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  12. 19 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

    True fact - I can't stand those Hallmark movies, but my husband absolutely loves them.  He has, at times, spent an evening watching Hallmark movies while wearing a bathrobe.  Does this mean he loves me, even though I'm in a different room watching or doing something else?  Or does it mean he doesn't love me because he's watching something I don't like?  Or maybe I don't love him because I'm not in my bathrobe, glued to his side while we watch together?  It's so confusing!  🤪

    It does seem more than a little defensive for Joy to feel the need to post about how much her husband loves her.  Really has the same feel as Jessa's "we're still madly in love" statement a while ago.

    My husband watches them too. It's an escape from this crazy world we live in right now. 

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  13. Good news Sunday, although it happened yesterday. Son & DIL hosted our immediate family for their own birthdays. My family has a tradition of “birthday parade” where we all walk in from a different room carrying cards, gifts & cake & singing happy birthday. 4 kids 3 and under took part & it was adorable!!

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  14. 36 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    I'm not a hunter. None of my family hunts. My family calls me a meat eating vegetarian because if I think too much about my actual source of meat, I have a hard time. But I love meat. Interestingly, I'm able to watch Life Below Zero (probably because they never hunt what I actually eat) and totally understand hunting for food. I don't see it as a fun thing to do at all, but I get it.

    This is me! There have been many a chicken meal that I haven't eaten because of the prep. I have no problem with hunting for food and even as a control for habitat. I have a HUGE problem with hunting for pleasure. Like big game hunting. 

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