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Everything posted by Simba122504

  1. Wasn’t that his wife helping feed the homeless? Probably not. But I agree, the marriage is totally going to be revealed as for show, loveless, whatever. Kara and William are going to hook up. When was the time Kara had sex? I missed a few seasons but I remember Kara being single and happy after the Mon-El stuff. I’m okay with a character being single, but it’s questionable when your male superhero is allowed some kind of love life but your female superhero must be single and sexless. I missed last season and the season before that but I agree Alex and Kelly have no chemistry. It’s not believable.
  2. Given the high profile nature of this murder. Wouldn't her toxicology report be released anyway? After her cause of death. A rich white lady is murdered in her own safe small town. That's made for the media. The husband's affair and many more secrets would be exposed to the public. Nothing would be kept a secret. And the husband would be the first suspect based on numbers.
  3. I don't get the supernatural stuff if it actually doesn't exist in this universe? Like do monsters, ghosts, goblins exist in her world or nah? Why are ghosts hiding behind people? Doors opening by itself? Like what? The pilot was okay at best. None of the characters really stand out and chemistry is lacking. I'll stay with it for little bit longer. See if it improves.
  4. And she doesn't even have an elastic band on the glasses! Something to keep the glasses on.😕
  5. And yet their victims did! Freddy is a dream demon and Michael in the class with Jason and 'em. But all of the freaking victims in horror movies stay dead. And not even every killer in a slasher makes it out alive. Also Richard isn't "The Night Stalker" in this logic free reality, so people need to stop calling him that. 😆 It's ok to like trash but just admit it's trash. The genre isn't full of only trash, so I don't think that should be used as an excuse. It wouldn't be such a loved genre if no greatness existed within the genre.
  6. What about Malcolm and the girl in the box? And that flashback scene she had of that night? I cannot remember verbatim but something about her not telling to keep up their image? The dead girl in Bright's nightmare has to be real. All of his memories from that night has to be real but first he needs a clear narrative and the classic "Oh, You thought we were not going there" moment. If they actually do go there. This season is 22 episodes long which I actually hate because it's going to cause shit to drag. I'm already tired of the mystery girl in the box. Expose this secret for Christ sake! And it's only been 4 episodes?
  7. The possibility of Jacob and Martha being years apart and having kids years apart is rare given the era they were born in. And the average woman doesn’t give birth to her first child at 40 and beyond. Yes, there are women who do but that’s not the average age a woman gives birth.
  8. Isn’t Kate’s father and Bruce’s mother are siblings? That age gap is weird because I doubt the siblings are that far apart in age. Bruce and Kate should be around the same age.
  9. A part of me wants them literally separated. 😂 It’s not hard to do on these comic book shows. Maybe Crisis will merge the two forever? Because it is annoying. Killer Frost just isn’t cool anymore. Pun intended.
  10. I swear I never seen any of them do anything that resembles actually studying doing their whole time in law school. I’m not in law school but I’m sure it isn’t just like HTGAWM. But like that say. Hollywood is more entertaining than real life. 🙃 I swear a body or two of the main characters better drop in the series finale.
  11. One of my pet peeves is characters repeating shit you know is not going to happen because it's a major plot point on the series. Mama: Stop going to see your father. Stop going to see your father. Of course that's not going to happen because it's a freaking big part of the show! Writers, shut up. I understand it's only been episode 3 but it's already annoying me. This series needs a creepy season long mystery arc to go along with the CoTW stuff. So far the cases of the week have involved weak cardboard cutout villians involved in forgettable motives. Maybe they don't have the budget or I'm just sleepy, but showing LSD in action would have been amazing. But I'm tired and that's a more entertaining series. 😆
  12. I think next year is supposed to be the final season because Murphy said he wanted 10 seasons. It will be finally put out of its misery. I’m not trying to be nasty but any series including anthologies that goes pass a certain amount of seasons becomes trash because writers run out of ideas and the series becomes a shell of its former self. So when it finally ends, it doesn’t go out on top. It just goes out. 😂
  13. Many seasons have been shitty but it’s telling when many regular cast members turned this one down. There’s no plot or logical reasoning behind anything that’s happening onscreen. And wasn’t Ray in medical school? His friend falls down the stairs and he just assumes he’s dead even though his body is still doing not dead things? Didn’t check anything? I mean once he would have been admitted to the hospital and he most likely was going to make it. And the night stalker plot is still dumb and in this fictional universe he won’t actually become the infamous night stalker because his actions won’t match up with his actions in the real world. He killed a 9 year old in the spring of ‘84, another in the summer and more in ‘85 until he was captured in the summer of ‘85. He wasn’t ain’t no damn Camp Redwood that’s for sure. lol So his actual crimes won’t actually happen because none of his actions in this fictional universe will match with his actual actions in the real world. Richard Ramírez won’t become any damn body in this universe.
  14. The sister is younger than Malcolm so her being in on it would be too ridiculous for even this show. What was she, like 4? Even she said she cannot fully remember that time. If the mother was so innocent, why would she be so against Bright wanting to remember that specific time and going to visit the good Doctor to help solve crimes? Why is it driving her so mad, she's out here breaking phones? Her ex husband is a murderer and she claims to hate him. The trope says when a so called "innocent" character is desperate for the protagonist to let something go, he or she is not so innocent after all. The case of the week was too campy and ridiculous to be taken seriously. I'm no expert but I don't think the black sheep brother should have looked that good after that fall. lol And before that we find out he's selling exotic animals on the black market. The lawyer was actually the outside child and knows how to put snakes in bodies and shit. Which I doubt is even possible. Multiple snakes? And how would he do it? Wouldn't they bite him and if you ignore that which is asking a lot. Wouldn't they be dead? How did he poison the whole family’s (his family on the father’s side) food? He wasn’t their personal chief. He was just one man. I cannot think of any good lawyer jokes for his actions. 😆 Malcolm and Dani have no chemistry but the series is going to force it anyway. Hell, he has more chemistry with the medical examiner and I think she's way older than him.
  15. It took 3 weeks (I think) to tell us it's been cancelled which many us were prepared for. But still sad. 😢
  16. The only thing that makes a lick of sense so far. And it's only been two episodes. 😅 And is Ryan Murphy infatuated with the Night Stalker? Why he in this? He was already in a previous season. Why put a real life infamous killer in this stupid fictional story? I doubt his real life victims families want to see that shit. A true religious zealot would never be hugged up with his ass anyway. He committed a million and one sins. She would not accept him but hate smoking and premarital sex! And Rita was able to escape with a small cut? How? How?
  17. 2 weeks and still no news. I follow the series on *Google* and Twitter.
  18. Well, I have to ignore all the unrealistic parts to enjoy this show. 😅 Given how Hollywood doesn't portray prisons realistically, Malcolm still could have pulled off a Clarice by going to visit his father in prison where he would actually be. Given how high profile the case was and the FBI background checks. There would be no need to change his last name since the department would already know who he is. Also his sister (who's a reporter?) and his mother who still hangs out with NYC's other finest never moved or changed their names. They still live in NYC. People would know who he is. You're (not actually you) telling me if he didn't reveal it to the killer. Nobody working for the NYPD outside of LDP would know who he actually is? And he doesn't officially work for them yet so he wouldn't even be allowed at any crime scene or anywhere near the case. But these shows always break every rule in the very episode. lol I wonder if mama was involved because these shows always use flashbacks to expose some kind of big secret doing sweeps. Malcolm will have childhood flashback after flashback which will reveal some huge twist as the season goes on. Of course he and AP going to totally bang before the season's over because the trope says so unless TPTB shocks us and doesn't go there. Based on her comments about her ex she's heterosexual or bisexual, so the trope has a 98% chance of happening. Malcolm is easy on the eyes but I would be afraid to have sex with his ass. He looks like he'd bite you or something that goes beyond normal fun sexual behavior. 😬
  19. A decision should have been made at this point. ABC said an announcement would be made after the S1 finale. It's been a week. Even if it were a cast contract thing, I feel like Deadline and Co would have reported on it. The new fall season will be soon underway. Is this summer guilty pleasure coming back in 2020 or nah?
  20. Depends on when this films and it's a summer series. 13 episodes a season which is something busy actors can do which why they prefer cable and streaming. Less episode count. Unlike fall network television which is usually 22/23/24 episodes a season unless the lead asks for less episodes.
  21. GiGi is Carolina’s mama so it’s her job. Your parents ain’t breathing if they just accept everyone you date. 😂 When my big brother was teen, he started dating this girl who was a teen mom. Nice girl but my mom shut that shit down quick. I can understand strangers but your parents. They live for that shit. But it’s their role to have your best interest at heart.
  22. Poor El Rey. Maybe he is plotting something? 🤔 😂 I know his face and I’m not Hispanic/Latino. I assume he’s “That Guy.” A male character actor who’s face is well known but not name. If it does get a S2 (pipe dream.) I wonder what conflict is going to come between Danny & Alicia? Trope says they cannot be happy and drama free until the end of the series. I’m waiting for the series to give her a life outside of that damn hotel. Hell, Javi got a full back story on his missing leg. Wanting to a professional baseball player and seen GiGi and Santiago kissing. But in general nobody has a life outside of the Overlook hotel.
  23. Lord, if it turns out Beatriz put a child up for adoption and Santiago adds him/her too! Alicia has a great motive to first hook up with the estate lawyer, change her father's will and then he mysteriously disappears. Hey, it's most likely isn't returning, so I'm creating head canon. 😅😆
  24. So this whole time Mr. P killed Sky and it wasn't even 1st degree or 2nd degree. lol Meaning this whole time we were led to believe someone killed or "killed" her in cold blood when in reality in was more Netflix and chill then a big blow out. 😂 And what did they do with her body? I doubt GiGi was able to pick her up alone. Mr. P would have to carry the body and throw it where? A hurricane was doing its annual pass through. He just carried her body to the beach, brought it in the middle of the water (during a hurricane) and then swam back to shore? Was he Superman? Kryptonite really took him out. The soap trope says without the body, the character isn't confirmed dead. Hell, sometimes with the body, characters pop back up. I doubt Mrs. P shot Santiago. She didn't kill Sky but shot Santiago? So, she wants Jason to know the truth now. Of course the trope says he's going to find out anyway. Mateo is up next. I don't get how Santiago dying helps him get his job back? Flex is predictable. What about Finn? The MIA villian of the week. Ingrid's mom slept with Javi. Classic soap move, show. Santiago ain't dead but we won't see him survive. My faith in it being renewed is low. What's Carolina's purpose again?
  25. What was the explanation? I missed that part.
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