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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Jason bought a house at 17? I wish we had a way of knowing whether it was his money or he was just a front for Jim Bob and Mullet.
  2. I feel the same. His worthless parents are at least partly responsible for what he is and isn't.
  3. Good grief, Derelict's face is jacked up. I tried doing that -- making the center of my mouth half an inch or more to the right of my nose -- and I couldn't without pain. Maybe that's why he's got the personality of an angry raccoon. Also, that photo is horribly framed. Why not sit closer together instead of cutting off half of Izzy? Oh yeah, because the Dullards are dullards.
  4. Oh my DOG, please don't COPY and PASTE any of Jilly Rod's BLOG posts like that AGAIN! I need a day to RECOVER from just READING that NONSENSE! My love always, Your Heathen
  5. It's just a quote he likely saw somewhere -- he probably doesn't know John Wayne from Gary Cooper.
  6. He's very much like his sisters Erin and Alyssa (and @BitterApple is right about his voice).
  7. Is that Joy behind We Have a Jason's left shoulder? Uh, Gideon is probably a well-fed boy (or she just took a really deep breath and held it).
  8. Decent-fitting clothes and a proper bra would help her a lot. Jeez, I thought she was going to give herself a black eye when she ran down the steps.
  9. You know the bar is set low when "regularly uses soap" is considered praiseworthy. We should set up a system -- everyone's base score is ten, and s/he gets points for each act of hygiene: +1 for uses soap, +2 for hair appears clean and combed, +3 for no pit stains, and so on. We take points off for obvious hygienic sins: Jilly's ratty hair gets her -3, Smuggar's grease gets him -4.
  10. Someone here said left nostril piercings are popular among some fundie women for just that reason. It really does look like a big zit. She should get a simple ring or a stud that doesn't look so zitlike.
  11. Yes, Smuggar has been balding (and expanding) since his very early twenties. His top hair is just combed forward in that photo. I wonder what Jim Bob thinks when he sees Smuggar.
  12. Jill looks like she's got some moderately bad acne going on, too. It's hidden by foundation, but it's there. That baby looks like he's giving the finger. I would too if I were born to idiots and delivered by idiots.
  13. Jill's hair looks like mice are nesting in it. Wash your hair and brush it, you pig. I feel like issuing a PSA to every pregnant woman in any state Jill might visit that people risk their lives, and their children's lives, if they allow Jill anywhere near their deliveries. But if they're hiring Venessa the defrocked midwife or Jill the never-licensed midwife, they're probably too stupid to realize how dangerous those two are.
  14. It's all staged. Even if it weren't, maybe they were playing around with Kendra's makeup and decided to wash it off and start over. I'm sure even Joy and Jill showered on their wedding days.
  15. Raising kids and coping with everything else now is not the same as twenty, thirty, forty years ago. It's probably not the same as TEN years ago.
  16. Did your mom have to deal with Instagram and reality tv at the same time? I get what you're saying, but comparing generations is comparing apples and oranges.
  17. JFC, she looks stupid, and so do the copy-paper signs.
  18. We also don't know what kind of care she isn't receiving. My point -- her boutique ultrasound filmed for television does not mean her primary provider is not legit. She could very well be seeing a real MD rather than some quack like her sister the "midwife."
  19. Back to back to back! She may not plan to have a large family, but if she isn't proactive about stopping it, she will probably end up with many kids. She's 23, married less than four years, and has three kids three and under; other than her age, I think she's outpacing her mother, even. And bluntly speaking, neither Alyssa nor Lurch seems bright enough to put two and two together, as in realizing they're going to end up broke, crowded, and with ten kids if they keep going like this.
  20. Doodlebug said Jinger's ultrasound, or at least the one that was shown, was likely done at a boutique for filming/time/space reasons. That doesn't imply Jinger isn't getting appropriate medical care.
  21. Alyssa apparently has fairly easy pregnancies and deliveries. She apparently has no trouble returning to her pre-pregnancy figure. She gets lots and lots of attention (which we all know was probably in short supply in her family of origin) with each kid. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Alyssa kept having kids and then hit a wall when she already had too many to easily manage. I hope for her kids' sake that she shuts the baby factory before then (now would be a good time). Get an IUD, Alyssa. Get an implant. Make your husband get a vasectomy. If you don't think about the kids you already have, think about what your life will be like when you're not even thirty and you've got eight.
  22. There's that diamond place, but I wouldn't really call that touristy. When I lived in Kansas, I knew some fundie-lites whose missions frequently took them to Las Vegas. Biggest hypocrites in town.
  23. Maybe the low attendance at her shower was people's way of passive-aggressively hitting back at Erin's snotty princess attitude. Or maybe they wanted better food than gherkins on sticks or whatever the Bateses serve at events. Alyssa may very well end up with double-digit kids if she doesn't actively prevent pregnancy. I'd lol. She's no less fundie than Erin even if Alyssa does dress more modernly. And they both have the same snotty attitude.
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