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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. That leaves two bedrooms. Let's say two girls and a boy. The girls are in one room, the boy in another. Two in one room is normal (twelve in one room is not). Dog, I hope common sense wins out in Laredo.
  2. Please please please, for the children's sake and the parents'. How many bedrooms does their house have?
  3. I think they announced at twelve weeks. It just seems like every Duggar pregnancy lasts forever.
  4. Yet still no skintight shirts and ass-hugging skirts. Maybe this Duggarette really did leave and cleave.
  5. I feel like the Bateses go to "college" just so their parents can say they did, not because the vast majority of them have any intention of using their degrees or even care about the experience. I think cosmetology school here is over $10,000. They are freestanding schools unassociated with a community college.
  6. That confirms my longstanding opinion that Erin is an idiot.
  7. According to her dimwit husband, she graduated magna cumme laude. Either way, it doesn't matter. Clown College isn't accredited, so she can no more teach at a real school with her degree than I can become queen of England.
  8. My great-grandmother married when she had just turned sixteen (great-grandfather was 26). She had her first child almost exactly a year later, and her thirteenth and last child 27 years, nine months after that. She had grandchildren in elementary school by the time her youngest was born. Back to topic: It isn't that uncommon for big families to be widely spread out.
  9. Thanks to @MichaelaRae, every time someone posts a photo of Josiah, I look at his crotch. (Damn you, Michaela.) Does anyone else see what I see in the second photo @Lunera just posted?
  10. That's true, but it's highly unlikely that Derelict is one of them.
  11. I don't see him being self-obsessed, either. Oh well.
  12. That looks like a pretty normal smile and expression. I don't see upset at all.
  13. A lot of people with college educations don't use that properly, let alone people with shit-for-brains like the Duggars. I know a middle school language arts teacher, who has a master's degree, who uses "people that," "my dad and I, and "myself and my husband." It actually embarrasses me for her.
  14. Smuggar didn't really blow up until Ofsmuggar was pregnant with Mackynzie, when they both packed on a lot of weight (and Smuggar never stopped). Has Joseph put on a lot of weight in the thirty seconds since he got married?
  15. It's really rather surprising that the Duggars in general aren't overweight (not talking about Smuggar here). My only guess is that there are so many of them still at home, there isn't enough food for all of them to overeat, and that keeps them at a decent weight.
  16. That's the recipe they showed on their first special, along with the infamous tater tot casserole. I thought it looked familiar (and disgusting).
  17. She's also very busty. Considering how she was raised, it would be surprising if she weren't self-conscious about her body now.
  18. I'd rank the Duggars above the Bateses. The Duggars are fairly well-known in the mainstream; the Bateses aren't.
  19. They're not that bad. She's eight. She's probably still losing baby teeth.
  20. Heck, you can BUY a good-quality carpet shampooer for $200ish.
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