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Everything posted by kicksave

  1. Coming to You Tube? Really? Now she has a You Tube channel? Got forbid she should Get a 9-5 job...I guess it's a lot easier to stick a camera in front of your kids and exploit them online.
  2. As was explained, the Bateman character and family were Northern transplants. You'd be surprised how many transplants live in Georgia now...so many new tech businesses and other companies have moved there and the suburban areas have changed. My son lived there for two years and met more "new" Georgians than born and bred ones. He lived outside of Atlanta...didn't hear many true Southern accents at work or at the gym. Same thing here in Northern Virginia...everyone comes from somewhere else. In order to hear a true southern accent you need to go south of Richmond or to southwest Virginia.
  3. She shops for pool furniture like a stripper past her prime.
  4. Who hasn’t had work done on their hair, face and body on this show? To accuse Melissa of that and not acknowledge what the others have had done is absurd...please. Tell us how you really feel.
  5. She’s psycho...Marty better sleep with both eyes open.
  6. Agree! Gia is just a smarter smaller version of both her parents combined. I could see a Gia spin off with Frank Jr. making guest appearances. Is he even in school anymore? He seems to be spending a lot more time at home and modeling. Where to begin with this???!!! Wow...hate Melissa much? Please...the Teresa love is just gross.
  7. Exactly...Joe is just a thuggy grifter and law breaker. He continuously flaunted the law. Poor Gia isn't at the point where she has anger at her father for putting his grift, illegal activities and decision not to become a U.S. citizen (which he blamed on Teresa no less!). At some point she will have some clarity and see that her daddy was just a selfish person that put greed ahead of his family.
  8. JOE DEMANDING A PRE NUP...funniest thing I've heard on this show...EVER!🤣😂
  9. Oy Vey! Where to begin? Jennifer: Too many kids, no discipline, unplugged and absent father. Again, Jennifer is decked out in Chanel, flawless make up and hair done...her daughters? Clothes are disheveled and their hair looks like a brush has never touched their heads. The Gorgas: Joe continues to be the most unwoke, chauvinistic male on the show. I'm so sick of these "old school" Italian guys. Guys like Joe are just sad relics of a by gone era...despite all his bravura about his virility and what a sex machine he is, he is just a short guy with a Napoleon complex. Teresa/Joe/Gia: Joe Guidice back to being the nasty bully he has been forever. I'm not a fan of Teresa...actually I can't stand her but that phone call from Joe made me angry for her. Joe isn't grateful to her for everything she has had to navigate since he's been incarcerated...he's resentful and angry. His absence has changed Teresa and made her more liberated from living under his thumb. She actually talked back to him and stuck up for herself...something she would not have done three years ago. As for Gia....I get the anger about her parents arguing and bickering but Gia has been in the middle of all of this for a long time. Some of this is on Teresa and Joe but Gia has inserted herself into a lot of grown up issues since she was a pre teen. She treats Teresa like crap and puts her father on a pedestal...Daddy isn't being combative...you are Mom! Her disrespect for Teresa was sad...if Gia had spoken this way to Teresa in front of her grandfather he would have gone "old school Italian" on her and smacked her for it. She's pretty full of herself. Danielle/Margaret: Ugh...why is Danielle on this show? Her behavior borders on psychotic. Her put downs of Margaret to Teresa was middle school stuff...Teresa laughing and agreeing with the put downs...typical. Danielle is just so trashy and whorish it's hard to watch her manipulate Teresa so easily. Margaret bites the bait every time. She seems way too invested in Danielle and Marty's ridiculous relationship. Marty really doesn't have much money...he inherited some and works for his mother. He's basically a loser who hung around the RHONJ location shoots, etc...if he's so desperate and dumb to see how he's being played by psycho Danielle...then that's his problem. Let it go Margaret..move on. Jackie: I find her boring. Delores: Glad to see her let loose about Teresa's weird infatuation with friending Danielle.
  10. For me it was Christopher Moltisanto chopping up dead people in the Italian butcher shop in The Sopranos.
  11. I knew a Bronwyn when I was a kid...that was how she spelled it. Her parents were professors.
  12. It's some kind of health water... The shameless plugs for BLK Water by both Caroline Manzo and her sister in law Jacqueline was nauseating...those two mama's boys couldn't sell anything without the entire tribe shilling for them. Terrible product with zero appeal.
  13. Take aways from the final Reunion episode... They all wear way too much tanner....and make up. Vicki is losing it. Tamra is just a middle aged woman trying too hard to be bad ass and act like a 20 something party girl. Gina will get in another bad relationship...she needs therapy and time without a man in her life to get whole and healthy. Braunwyn is not unlikeable but her sexual escapades are sad attempts to reinvent herself as a crazy OC wannabe. Emily...meh. Kelly...her "engagement" will not result in a wedding. She is too volatile and unstable to have a normal relationship. She makes Vicki look calm, cool and collected. Shannon...her transition from wife/mother to divorcee out on the town and dating should make for good TV but didn't seem to hit the mark.
  14. Bingo! Vicki is becoming unhinged now that she sees that Bravo is probably dumping her. The screaming, the entitlement, the proclamations that she developed the show??? Really? She needs to go...big time. Gina seems very codependent to me. Her betrayal of Emily's confidential conversation with her on national TV was a low blow...I wouldn't ever confide anything to her again if I were any of those women.
  15. Jolie should live with her Dad...any family court judge who watches this show would have no hesitation with giving him full custody. She is one step away from a physical brawl with someone. And I do believe that she pushed her mother down a flight of stairs...she is capable of doing this when she has a fit of rage. Bravo needs to get control of this franchise and make a clean sweep of the cast...OUT: Vicki, Tamra and Kelly.
  16. Kelly can't help herself. She shoots from the hip...with reckless abandon. She doesn't think before she opens her mouth and is so consumed with "owning" someone and destroying them that she she just spews stuff at them. She's such an angry troll...I think it would be very difficult to be friends with her because you always would have to have your guard up with her. She can turn on you on a dime and start a campaign of disinformation and attacks on your character. Vicki and Tamra are bad but Kelly is just vicious and ugly. The pig emojis and continual references online, etc. to Vicki being or looking like a pig are just low life thug like responses that you would expect from a middle school bully. Nice role modeling for your poor daughter Kelly...that kid has enough to put up having Kelly for a mother, let alone this public display of disgusting vitriol.
  17. add whacko Kelly to that list. All three of these women are toxic waste dumps.
  18. I think these two nudniks fall into your last category...they think that they are big celebrities and should be treated as such.
  19. Two people that don't have jobs other than a podcast or a blog would not possibly understand how an ER works or have the slightest bit of knowledge of how a hospital is run...let alone have any kind of gratitude for the nursing staff, doctors and other medical professionals that are working their buns off to make your daughter comfortable and find out what exactly is wrong. Entitled millennial D bags...both of them.
  20. Yes...she really changed...especially her face! Slimmer, more angular and more mature.
  21. Right? They way they whined and complained about having to wait in the ER was entitlement times 10...putting their minor child on social media blast when she’s sick is just repulsive. These two give millennials a bad rap.
  22. I agree...I think what bothers some of us is Gia's misplaced blame on the "system" and not her Dad's illegal activity and lack of ownership on his part of all his shady business dealings and not becoming a U.S. citizen. I think it's hard for her to admit her daddy is just a common criminal and that he was selfish and stupid...in time she will come around and probably will harbor resentment for him. This will be life altering for all the girls but in particular Audriana who is so young and probably needs father most in her life right now. As my Grandpa used to say..."you reap what you sow"...and Joe is reaping it big time now.
  23. I so agree...this poor child is being set up for a future of depression, possible self harm or worse. Studies have shown that kids, especially girls, who are bullied as kids, have more depression, anxiety, engagement in self harm and unfortunately a higher rate of suicide as teens and young adults. There is SO much that Jennifer and her husband could do to help her. And yet they do nothing. Middle school is particularly hard on bullied kids...they need to act now...get her involved in some kind of activity...theater or an arts program would be great for her. Some kind of athletic activity would be great for her...swimming, tennis, dance...anything that she has interest in that she can meet other people and have a chance to make new friends and do something healthy for herself. Jennifer and her husband are not fully engaged with their kids...they just let them run wild in the house but do nothing to nurture them beyond over feeding them and buying them stuff.
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