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Everything posted by kicksave

  1. Right? Tamra's "unfortunate looking sons"...😂...geez, she really turned out some weird looking kids. Spencer looked zoned out on something. He's going to end up like his half brother...next up for him, tattoos on his neck, legs and arms and a big beard.
  2. Especially Shannon who is always flaunting her degree from that bastion of higher learning USC...that was pathetic. Even for those with just a high school diploma should know Ernest Hemingway...almost every high school in the United States has an Ernest Hemingway novel on its freshman reading list. What a bunch of morons.
  3. Yes! I caught that...it was pretty glaring. There was so much to comment on I forgot to mention it in my post. This show is such bullshit. And the gushy applauding young girls in the audience make me sick. Dr. Drew and Nessa just gloss over stuff like this and want to make this a "fairy tale" romance when in actuality it's just a dirty little sex romp between a drunk girl from West Virginia and some random guy looking for a way out of Costa Rica.
  4. There is so much to be disgusted with after last night's reunion show...let's start with Dr. Drew and Nessa: Dr. Drew sitting there giggling with the insipid Nessa about Victoria's trailer trash life was disgraceful for a health professional. I thought this show was supposed to encourage safe and protected sex. Now it's making light of a "hook up" that resulted in an unplanned pregnancy with a man that has two other children from two other women AND he lives in another country! Did I mention she already has two children? Does she even have a job? How is she going to support these children? Could she be making enough from this show to be a successful single mother? The level of insanity that both Dr. Drew and Nessa have now been reduced to with these reckless and pathetic women is cringeworthy. Nessa fawning over the whole Briana/John thing and pushing them to get back together was junior high level madness...even worse, echoing a question from a fan about Kail having more kids, specifically a girl, seemed to also be an instance of not abiding by the premise of this show. I mean, honestly, Kail wants more kids? And would go to sperm donor for it? Really? This is just irresponsible and foolish blabbering. Dr. Drew should have his medical license pulled for being an incompetent boob. I'm glad Chelsea fancies herself a bonafide "designer" though I think the contestants on Project Runway, many of whom have had years of training and design degrees, would find this assertion ridiculous and offensive. And the comment that Cole is perfect, or words to that affect, are absurd. No one is perfect...let's see how "perfect" he is 20 years down the road...I don't know one married couple that 20 years in finds their spouse "perfect". Kail...what a bossy cow she is...butting into other people's relationships and telling Jeremy off about his relationship with Addie...good grief! What a nerve! If ANYONE was to butt into her baby daddy issues and tell her what to do she would be apoplectic. She is the most obnoxious and unlikable TM on this franchise. I just can't stand her anymore. Briana is just so ambivalent and low energy. Her ability to hook up with most lethargic and or lazy men is almost pathological. John at least had a good job and no children from hook ups...he seems to be the best of the bunch but also had a weak personality. I think she is incapable of deep, loving relationships...she needs therapy to understand why she sabotages herself. Devoin is just sad...I think she needs to accept that he is what he is and whatever he can given sporadically to Nova might be the best he can ever do. Jade...OMG! what family dysfunction! Her mother takes very little ownership of her drug addiction and poor parenting. She sees any kind of discussion about it as attacks on her as a person and then refuses to do any kind of program to help her conquer her addiction. She's a waste of space and people's time...she doesn't want to change and her language towards Jade, saying several times she was going to physically assault her for talking about the addiction, etc...was awful. I got a picture in my mind of the kind of emotional and maybe physical abuse that Jade grew up with. What a mess. Leah: WTF??? You're laughing and giggling about your sister's "oopsey" pregnancy? And she is way too passive in her relationship with Kail...she is definitely the omega and Kail the alpha.
  5. I didn't know Cole quit his job...did he say why? That was probably one of the things I did like about him.
  6. Sorry to see this show end...great ending and loved seeing the aging Pied Piper gang and where they landed after the end of their company. It is sad that TJ Miller wasn't a part of the ending, especially since he was the first member of this ensemble that became a break out star of several movies. He really did burn the house down after he left with several interviews where he dissed Thomas Middleditch and the creative team. I think he kind of blew up his career with his obvious substance abuse issues and all the bad behavior that got him into trouble with a lot of different things including the Feds. Hope to see all of them in other shows, movies, etc...
  7. I know! I feel the same way! I guess I will start watching "The Crown" on Netflix and "Homeland" on Showtime when it starts back up in February. I can't imagine what CBS will put in Madame Secretary's place on Sunday nights...it's a tough spot during football season.
  8. From what I read, they were lucky to get eight episodes at all...CBS wanted to end it last season but cooler heads prevailed and they gave them a final season but only ten episodes. It was nice that they ended it with all the gang back for Stevie's wedding. I had hoped see Bebe Neuwirth (Nadine Tolliver) return for the wedding scenes but, alas, it wasn't to be. And yes...that was Peter Frampton!
  9. I don’t know if she is or isn’t but to me, those are buzzwords that one could interpret as maybe being the veiled language of someone who could be bigoted. Not too long ago those kind of statements that Dolores used were made against Italians...just sayin.
  10. There’s nothing “old school” about these women. They may have been raised by hard working blue collar parents or, in Jennifer’s case, immigrants who were adjusting to a new country and language, but they have become bourgeois blowhards who wear Chanel earrings to go horseback riding and spend a lot of $$$ on boob jobs, face lifts, vagina rejuvenation, hair extensions and other self “improvement” projects. A far cry from the what their parents were/are. Just a bunch of vacuous spendthrifts...all of them.
  11. Her kids are all overweight and look disheveled and unkempt. He's a doctor, he should be helping his kids be healthy and fit. That McMansion they live in is hideous...all that wasted space when you walk in and it looks unfurnished. Their kids could roller skate in that "foyer" and lose some weight....it's as big as a roller rink!
  12. TOUGH JERSEY GIRLS...ha ha. Dolores almost sounded a little anti semitic with her "cut from a different cloth" and Jackie was brought up "differently from the rest of us"...I dunno, but from where I sit, it did have that ring to it. Dolores is boring...I don't get what she sees in that doctor boyfriend. He never answers her calls and seems disinterested in a more permanent relationship. Not a looker either...she seems attracted to the jacked up Italian stallion types...David is neither. Week after week I am more impressed with the low IQ level of Teresa. Don't forget...Dolores's ex, Frank, got disbarred!
  13. I guess I'll weigh in on the whole Jeremy/Corey/Leah/Miranda debacle... Jeremy is a shit stirrer. He's kind of dickish to people and has, on one more occasions bad mouthed a lot of people on this show publicly. Having said that, I'm on the fence with the exact reasons he chose to air the dirty laundry on a national TV show. I can understand how Corey and Miranda might have some resentment about how Leah goes on all of these vacays with Kail and doesn't have a job. There are probably times they feel as those they are just babysitters. On the other hand, Corey and Miranda are living private lives now and no longer are filmed so they do not deserve to be publicly bashed on the reunion show by Jeremy or Leah. This isn't helpful to the girls relationships with their Dad and his wife. It's all so trailer trashy...just stop!
  14. YES! I'm so sick of her attacking people, bullying them with crass comments about their appearance and other remarks that are full of vindictive and vulgar invectives...then she turns on the water works and says "why is everyone picking on me and going after me?" waa waa waa...it's getting old. She is a nasty mean spirited person with no filters or impulse control. Emotionally, she is at about 15 year old level. Does her fiancé know what he's getting into? Brawny's boobs are nothing to look at...she shouldn't expose them and wear a bra instead.
  15. OMG! Kail is so full of herself...so these two asshats are fighting over you? Really? Sure Kail...and I see she is giving relationship advice on Twitter to Jenelle's ex Courtland. This is why this show is a joke now. People like Kail think they are a some kind of business tycoon/relationship expert. Meanwhile, she has never had a successful relationship, male or female, ever.
  16. I think you're right. She doesn't know how to have a healthy relationship. She didn't have a father in her life so she has Daddy issues and abandonment issues. Her comfort zone is with her sister and mother. She will never leave the coven. But I think she probably will get pregnant again with another loser guy that will never be a constant in the child's life. This is what she knows. She gets a ton of attention from her sister and mother when she gets pregnant and has the baby and then falls right back to the non relationship with the baby daddy who never shows up financially or emotionally for the child. The pattern of behavior from her and the men she has children with fit a pattern of her own psychopathy...she didn't have a Dad in her life and kids don't either...she was abandoned by her father and so to are her daughters. In order to break this cycle she needs to be in therapy and get some insight into her issues and fix it.
  17. So true...how many times has Amber threatened to quit filming? and Jenelle? and Farrah? All threatened to quit, all quite vociferously, but in the end, they were kicked off. Although, I'm not sure about Amber...is she still on the show?
  18. I have always thought this show was well written and the ensemble acting pretty good for network TV. Sadly, CBS has decided to end it and this coming Sunday is the last episode. I will miss it but look forward to seeing all of these actors move onto other shows or movie roles. I had hoped some of the past regulars would have shown up at some point this season but sadly they did not. Goodbye Madame Secretary...gone but not forgotten! 😢
  19. That house looked like the Dirty John camera in every room scene...good grief! Cameras in the hallways too. What the hell? Either relives in a crappy area or he's just paranoid.
  20. I have two boys, a girl and a grandson...I had many parties for all of my kids when they were growing up...after the age nine, I didn't have them at the house anymore. The boy parties were exhausting. Their energy level, even for an outdoor party, could be overwhelming. From 10 until 13 I would rent a bowling lane or two and have parties there, or rent a private room for the pizza and cake at a skating rink. Summer birthdays would be smaller pool parties at our neighborhood pool and we would bring pizza and cake there also. My daughter had some small slumber parties with three or four girls and/or trampoline/gym place parties. Girls were easier to wrangle up and generally not as hyper! And yes...in my experience, boys, in groups, are wild! Glad those days are behind me now.
  21. That was my point...Jackie seems very self involved and self absorbed. I've been attacked on here by people that are very defensive about the kids party Jackie threw. I am not saying that the party itself was bad or cheap or anything like that...I just felt she didn't care. She seemed ambivalent about it. That's all...
  22. The way she threw it down on the ground and yelled "favors" just seemed lard assy to me...I have two boys that went to a lot of parties growing up...most of them when they were younger at peoples homes. Nothing elaborate, just playing games and doing kid stuff...but most of the moms and dads seemed like they really enjoyed throwing them...Jackie seemed like it was a drag for her to do it at all...am I the only one that sensed her boredom?
  23. Probably not, but a little celebratory decorating from someone who prances around in Gucci and Chanel duds wouldn't have been so outrageous.
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