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Everything posted by Affogato
I didn’t think you agreed with the sentiment. I just would really not want Snoopy and peanuts co opted by Maga.
Snoopy is not a trump support. I object to this libel.
I believe for a lot of people the goats were a big deal and we did get that lovely and satisfying fight. Mark S would also never have been able to kill Frolic if he hadn’t been softened up. I still think that while oMark and oGemma are an important arc in the story, of course, one should enjoy each arc equally. Imagine how frustrating if you can’t do this and the first episode of the next season begins with Irving stepping off a train. The scene in the train station was so moving that I was sure that was closure for Irving and Burt this season. It is likely Irving is on the train while all of the final episode is going on,
At this point I’m beginning to think Alex may end up in Dalton’s place on her own, she may not immediately know how close she is to the ranch.
Yes, they are bold in some places. Wherr I live, inside a city, we have coyotes. I haven’t seen any bears, but I’m in more salt marsh territory. Sometimes deer and bear show up in urban areas, following rivers, I suppose.
Emile is adorable!
It takes a lot of calories to fly and stay warm. a long time ago I knew some people who were cornered on a roof for hours by a large Newfoundland dog they mistook for a bear.
For people like Trump, who exhibits all of the behaviors typical of Narcissists, I assume he has a violent and hurtful escalating tantrum when he is ignored, and people want to avoid that.
https://deerassociation.com/provide-emergency-winter-deer-food/ Apparently providing browse for deer in winter ideally involves a chainsaw, meaning it involves providing the kind of food they would find themselves, as a supplemental to what they would find themselves. It is a delicate issue. Also, if you have deer you might also have bears around, and no one wants that, particularly. I don’t know where you are, but they are big and scary.
I attended a discussion and it was mentioned that right leaning media disseminates a huge amount of disinformation and that left leaning media is more reliable in what they report, but tend to leave out information that does not support their views. I’ve been turning this over in my mind recently. No real thoughts, but I wonder if that could explain why here we are, this unbelievable and unimaginable thing has happened again. some of it has happened because a large number of voters have been validated that they are unhappy with how things are going, and it is explained by immigrants, or that all their money is going to people in other countries or free loaders, or that someone is angry because abortion of adult children. Sometimes I think someone needs to address the misinformation in the room. On Tik Tok, probably, and where people will see it.
People have to ignore trump. It is the only way to get to him. Either go on as if he is not in the room or cancel it and go to another party he isn’t invited to attend. I get that they want access, but I’m not sure they will get it anyway.
Let us hope people continue to tank Tesla. He deserves it.
I agree that not much time has passed. It also means Mitchick has not been in charge long, no one in the birthing cabins knows Cobel has been fired and this makes sense, and Miss Huang was barely there. People have been fussing over where Rickon is, but I assume if Devon is looking after Mark someone has to watch the baby.
It hasn’t been that long so he might not know, and if the daughter and her anti lumon organization was involved the messages might be getting to them.
Part is that he is emotionally maturing but not mature. At first he wants to learn about outie and please him. Teen iMark is questioning that. A d oMark, well Petey isn’t even part of his reintigration flashes. Not current to iMark.
I’m interested in what people want or expect in a show like this? Nothing is going to be as good as that first bite of cake, there are studies to prove that is true (of cake, food, anyway). So of course, there is the intial rush of mystery and so on, and then it gets more mundane. Of course the second season cake seems different, maybe a little stale, or maybe fine but not quite the cake you remembered. But we know that happens. Maybe it happens less with something that is more like a soap opera, but that is hostess cupcake, you always know what to expect with Hostess, right?
Lost was a show about a Genii and about a conspiracy type complany that tried to contain and control it/use it and about how it informed and changed the lives of some people thrown into contact with it. It had a lot of episodes and justification in the story to take side trips with each character. It would have been a lot different if it had only ten episodes, of course, and you would have only concentrated on some back stories, like Cobel, that really directly informed the world. Basically, Mark is going through what Petey went through, we don’t have to see it twice. the protests, daughter, may show up again, too. When I have conversations with people about tv I often think of the Futurama episode where the aliens come to destroy the earth because they didn’t like the end of Ally McBeal. Fry, a leftover from the age of television, makes a predictable ending that doesn’t have any changes and the aliens are satisfied and go away and don’t destroy the earth. I think Mitchick is a longer term goal. Mitchick is a resentful employee, but he still sees this as being a big chance for him. We want him to ‘change sides’ but he may not change sides and he may change sides and it didn’t happen this season, and dammit we all know people like this. I haven’t relooked at the painting, however I think it may be more the ascention of Gemma type of thing.
https://apple.news/AzBJmhdLISBugR7HcO3iIIg Apple has actually built the Mac computer from 'Severance' in real life
Ot shocked but so saddened.
I thought the letter spoke volumes about oDylan. We dodn’t need to luxuriate in more conversation between him and Gretchen. It wouldn’t have added much. I’m not sure why you needed more Petey and his daughter. We did luxuriate in an episode about Cobel’s roots that also told us a lot about the impact of Lumon on people and its past and current attitude and why Cobel is that way and who Huang and possibly Mitchick are and also suddenly a lot of things made sense. it isn’t hugely linear. I think it is mostly brilliant in giving out information, as if we were inside it. You see something and suddenly something you dismissed a while ago makes sense. It has characters you see one way and then you leatn something and your prtspective changes. It has a lot of world building, which is a thing in itself. It juggles these things.
They have security. If you leave the floor you are an outie. If you eat another innie or kill your boss, you won’t remember it. They can always check the footage later.
We saw mdr being weirdly surveiled by the shadow team. They are studying the reactions to the mdr. Are they AI? it is clearly a secret project, too. The world thinks they are …something..calling about your warranty. For the most part I think they are filming but not watching live. It is like putting cameras in a rabbit warren to study the lives of rabbits. There are blank areas. Supply closets and cameras are taken out of the bathrooms. i was ok with lost and Twin Peaks the Return is the pinnacle of TV for me so far. I agree that this season, while they still give many snippets of information, it has become more character driven. Mrs Cobel/Selvig is suddenly a person. I suspect there will be more of that before it fully loops back to a conclusion.
They are associates of Genma and therefore part of the picture? The picture would be made for the future, not just the moment?
I’ve commented there is a lot of scientology in the show. The break room. The cult of kier. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelly_Miscavige Miss Casey is a lot like ‘’Miscavige’. Shelley Miscavige, wife of Scientology leader David, has been missing since 2007.