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We shall see. I think they made a real effort to muddy the waters, our questions were not answered.
He likely does not think Dylan will keep the secret.
He may not have done anything to the kitchenette. it may have been a simple distraction. If we are thinking of them as children, it is a kindergarten level prank. i think they really made an effort not to tell us anything definite or provide answers. It will be interesting to find out of Irving remembers Burt now. Are they playing this out over and over again? Is Milkshake also being wiped and restarted? Are the lives of the outie’s their real lives? Does Helena, in fact, does her outie have a false memory? Time will tell, I suppose. i keep on returning to the fact that the chip working is shown by Mark and Casey/Gemma nor recognizing each other.
If that is Helena the family visitation room will let her see her family. irv has been in that hallway many times. it seems unlikely they aren’t being spied on, whatever the friendly building says. it occurs to me tht the innies ultimtely may be stronger people than the outies, informed by trauma.
This is the heart of chekov’s gun. It would be a badly written show that would use that narrative device (vivisection) randomly to show childhood exploration. (Delightful how he decorates his mud pies with small animal parts!) And we know it is, in fact, an easter egg. The thing this episode showed, oddly, was that Dexter perhaps showed empathy. So I thought,anyway. But maybe they just meant to show curiosity and a moment forming a bond with Harry.
i hope this doesn’t end up behind a paywall. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2024-04-02/la-et-gagne-sociopath-memoir i believe Dexter is well portrayed as a sociopath. The question is what made him a serial killer. The two serial killer brothers is fantastc, and is likely all it is. But if he had been raised by someone else, would he have been a serial killer? i put an article in the media section about Harry as a narcissist and I found it pretty convincing. It was about the original series. It certainly seems Dex wa the golden boy and Deb the scapegoat, and he certainly played them against each other. Mom sounds ineffectual and maybe an enabler. also there is the weird repeated statement of this show’s runner that this takes place over two or three weeks. This show may be a coma dream. Not saying it is, but possibly. So there may be new revelations.
Yeah, I haven’t been taking notes. no, ‘explainns a lot’ meant something else, not why he took him in. That is easily explained. Child services would take charge of them. Dexter, who we have been shown had a stronger bond with Harry and who was younger, probably clung to Harry like a barnacle. Harry was a cop, may have stayed with Dex, and adopted out to him because of that bond, because it provided stability for Dex. Brian, older and an established psychopath, likely just played video games. it does make sense to me that Brian, released from his group home, or wherever, (having learned to act normal) would seek out Dex. Dex does not remember Brian, but Brian would remember Dex and Harry. Was he going to tell Dex who he was, if that was Brian? Maybe? I mean, I can see him walking away for years, i might have and I’m not a psychopath. It is a lot to take in and Brian probably didn’t have a lot of guidance. i think the wuestion on the table for the current show is ‘ would Dexter have been a serial killer without Harry?’ Being a sociopath does not mean being a serial killer. But who knows?it isn’t clear to me thos franchise actually makes sense, aside from some riveting acting
Little Dexter appears to have not been a stereotypical psychopath serial killer. Brian was one ( lizards, for example). Will Dexter turn out to be Harry’s biological son? It would explain a lot. We saw someone that looks like Brian earlier and it makes sense that Brian would want to see Dexter without revealing who he is they are both messed up, although we know Dexter’s PTSD has blocked out most of his past. The ice truck is a nice easter egg
Dexter: Original Sin In The Media
Affogato replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Dexter: Original Sin
https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/reel-therapy/201111/family-theory-explains-dexters-darkness i think this is about the original show, but this makes a lot of sense to me, from what we’ve seen on this show, too. -
Remembering I also felt the same way about the books. No one has sold this for me completely. He seems caught between being a normal, if traumatized, guy on a mission and a standard serial killer. It gives him some necessary relatability but pulls me out of the narrative. Just me, I guess.
Remember they just got off an epic battle with intelligent AIs. For the group that rejected and fought the control of the AIs limiting tech may have made sense. Especially for poor folk, since totally mechanical tech might be, as it can be today, a luxury item. Try to buy a washing machine without an onboard computer.
That is cognitive empathy. Saying you are sorry because it is appropriate and you know that, not feeling it. Still he seems generally upset by the child’s death and generally fond of some people. still bothered by the dark passenger thing. It implies we have a normal person with a predatory presence.
I read and watch a lot of Science Fiction. Something bothers me Bout the Dark Passenger concept. In this show we really are getting the idea that they are parasites. Dexter, he is a good person with an evil brain worm? He is not being a sociopath or psychopath, he shows empathy and so on. So is this what people think is happening?