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  1. I thought the letter spoke volumes about oDylan. We dodn’t need to luxuriate in more conversation between him and Gretchen. It wouldn’t have added much. I’m not sure why you needed more Petey and his daughter. We did luxuriate in an episode about Cobel’s roots that also told us a lot about the impact of Lumon on people and its past and current attitude and why Cobel is that way and who Huang and possibly Mitchick are and also suddenly a lot of things made sense. it isn’t hugely linear. I think it is mostly brilliant in giving out information, as if we were inside it. You see something and suddenly something you dismissed a while ago makes sense. It has characters you see one way and then you leatn something and your prtspective changes. It has a lot of world building, which is a thing in itself. It juggles these things.
  2. They have security. If you leave the floor you are an outie. If you eat another innie or kill your boss, you won’t remember it. They can always check the footage later.
  3. We saw mdr being weirdly surveiled by the shadow team. They are studying the reactions to the mdr. Are they AI? it is clearly a secret project, too. The world thinks they are …something..calling about your warranty. For the most part I think they are filming but not watching live. It is like putting cameras in a rabbit warren to study the lives of rabbits. There are blank areas. Supply closets and cameras are taken out of the bathrooms. i was ok with lost and Twin Peaks the Return is the pinnacle of TV for me so far. I agree that this season, while they still give many snippets of information, it has become more character driven. Mrs Cobel/Selvig is suddenly a person. I suspect there will be more of that before it fully loops back to a conclusion.
  4. They are associates of Genma and therefore part of the picture? The picture would be made for the future, not just the moment?
  5. I’ve commented there is a lot of scientology in the show. The break room. The cult of kier. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelly_Miscavige Miss Casey is a lot like ‘’Miscavige’. Shelley Miscavige, wife of Scientology leader David, has been missing since 2007.
  6. And nonstick, of course.
  7. Yes I am sure the pictures have significance.
  8. I suspect multinational, so like Google and so on getting people in Africa to watch ptsd inducing material to mine data for AI. Imagine severing would help. Not that I necessarily think Lumon is into AI. I still suspect we start from the Kelloggs having one wellness/religious brother and a business brother. Unholy alliance.
  9. I think maybe I see more rust belt. Here in the ether belt, or old mining area, people need jobs and jobs are scarce. The country is full of people left behind or not there yet and Lumon is exploiting them.
  10. I am also concerned that Gemma may not make it. I’m liking Helly, though, better for the fight in her, and think that she may inform Helena a in good ways. The fire of Kier may not be bad. i was thinking, are they able to erase the innie? Or turn off some spark that is generated on the chip to sever? Well, not sure the actual function matters. It is probably a sides of the brain thing.
  11. I have been thinking that we haven’t a lot of information about how the chips work. I know that Cobel harvested Petey’s chip. Does the chip act as a hard drive for the innie (which sadly might mean iIrving could have been erased) or is it placed in such a way that a part of the brain is separated and used to store the accumulated innie memories? Is their a limited to how much the chip or area can store? I even wonder if Gemma is going to last long or how much of her remains. Sure, perhaps she is fine. The overtime contingency and the glasgow do seem to show that the two can be switched on the fly. I worry about the innies, I feel more sympathy for them (perhaps simply because they are the downtrodden and devalued), like iMark I mistrust that reintigration will work for them.
  12. I think we are given a lot of information as the story unfolds, and a lot of the information is given tangentially, so i think we will know about those pictures at some point. We know the paintings all have significance. Yes, Lumon certainly has been careful, as we have been shown, to provide a gift card and an explanation for any minor injury.
  13. Yes. The point about the ointment is that by saying it was not made by lumon she told us lumon made pharmaceuticals.
  14. Also, iDylan has so far been about having oDylan’s life, wife and kids. Now he has changed his focus. He will be his badass self. Helly is becoming the leader the Innie’s need. IMark has made a choice, not just of woman, but of sides. It is an uprising.
  15. Absolutely Helly is capable of cruelty. Now. She is learning, James helped. but episodes ago Helly says she will help with Grmma because she is one of us, Mark says he will take her to the stair ase and his outie will know what to do. This was maybe a hard decision but one iMARK had already made. And iMark does not know Gemma.
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