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Everything posted by RealReality

  1. You risk losing the paycheck because she clearly does not want you there. And she had a "history of setting you up." So why walk into a trap, or a set up? Why go where you are wanted by no one. If peter wanted him there, he could have purchased a replacement ticket as well. If production wanted him there, they would have bought him a ticket. But no one wanted him there, it seems like he knew that, and proceeded to go anyways. So, how was he "set up?" Did kenya say she directly cancelled his ticket? I know she said she told peter she didnt want him there, which made me think it was peter who purchased the ticket and cancelled the ticket. But either way, he had no reason to be there knowing that no one wanted him there....especially the woman he keeps accusing of setting him up. I dont really think i buy into the idea that someone can be manipulated into violence with mere words. Maybe threats of immediate violence. If he felt like he was being poked, he needed to use his words or walk away before he felt like violence was the correct response. And i think that goes for women as well as men. I think i could accept that its a toxic relationship, but if you have anger issues like that, its incumbent on you to walk away before you get violent. AND....these incidents of violence arent happening in the heat of the moment. They are calculated and happen way after what would be an inciting incident, as far as i know.
  2. I think acting like a badass and minimizing (i think she was saying something along the lines of "he knew i wasnt here" as if that meant he wouldnt hurt HER) are her way of acting like its okay. Now, i will grant you, a million times over, thar her performance in phaedras office was a piece of bad acting. And to that end I suspect producer manipulations. Because it is dramatic, and it would not surprise me in the least if the season ends with kenya getting a restraining order and we come to find out she is still seeing matt in secret, or they reunite. Kenya with a restraining order is the right look for the show. Kenya minimalizing his behavior feels very real to me. As does the way he spoke to her in the driveway, and the fact he didnt want the crew around so much that it pissed him off. That reads way more "i want to be able to convince you this is all your fault without witnesses" Im not entirely sure you can blame deer for spray painting cameras.
  3. I would posit that if someone went out of their way to cancel your flight to an event...that they dont want you there. That seems obvious to me, and at the very least you should confirm that someone wants you at the event. It seems like a purposefully cancelled flight should at least be a cue to call someone and ask a few questions. Especially if youre in a volitile relationship with someone hired specifically to mc the event. Yeah, no specific denial from matt only bolsters Kenyas story that he is responsible for the second incident of destruction to her property. Because if there was ever something to deny, its the incident that you had no part in, and that kenya is unequivocally saying you did. Are any of his family members/friends offering a defense on twitter? If anything this is a toxic/abusive/codependent relationship. But i dont think women are ever really responsible for the behavior of a grown man.
  4. So much this. They need to rename this show "americas next big boss." I find the entire concept ridiculous. And i doubt any of them have a real idea about what that is. They should just be looking for americas next top model. If she is a boss, great. If not, okay. You dont need to be this amazing boss bitch to have a successful career as a model or as anything else. It just makes me think of some trendy social media nonsense.
  5. I see some of her behavior as an attempt to put on a brave face. Which ive had friends do, or minimizing, which i think people do both to others and in their own mind. But others could read it different. The fact that she was in a prior abusive relationship only highlights for me that she may be prone to getting into these sorts of relationships and refuses to see the patterns.
  6. I believe the poster said its pathetic if true, and a slap in the face to victims of domestic violence. Which is how i read it. And that its likely not true because kenya didnt file a restraining order. Which i dont think is accurate. I think a viable, alternate explanation is that abusive men are quick to blame everyone else for their behavior. And so matt "suggesting" that this is all a storyline he has been manipulated into makes sense. I dont know how you manufacture a guy showing up to an event when you have his flight cancelled. I think her not seeking a restraining order or police intervention doesnt make her story less believable since many women in abusive relationships dont do either of those things. Has he issued an uneqivocal denial to the charge that he vandalized her property? Not sime tweet suggesting that there was more to the story, but an uneqivocal denial?
  7. I think this is where reasonable minds can disagree. I think there are many abused women who never call the cops or get a restraining order. Sometimes its out of fear, sometimes it is out of shame. Sometimes its that the abuser is always able to convince them that they are at fault for the abusive behavior so its unfair to call the cops. And to add to that, so many of these relationships are toxic and codependent, so that the abused still wants the abuser in their life. I dont think the situation is ideal, but it doesnt read fake because its the same thing many abused women go through in terms of not calling the cops or getting a restraining order.
  8. I would be open to that explanation except this reads too real, and I don't think Matt is that great an actor. The way he spoke to her in the driveway, the tone he took with her sounded like barely controlled rage. The fact that he was sincerely mad there was a crew there. Like, i get it, if someone told you they were ready to talk and a crew was there you might be put off....but why if you agreed to this storyline for tv time? Shouldnt it be kenya who would be more afraid of having a crew there in case matt decides to spill the beans? If it was all a storyline, i wouldnt think either of them would care if a crew was there. But if he is really an abuser, the thought of having anyone else there to "interfere" would upset him.
  9. I'm not sold on her relationship being a total set up. I'm sure Matt would go out of his way to claim he was manipulated as an excuse for his behavior. However, I don't care who cancelled your flight, once you knew it was cancelled you knew for damn sure that no one wanted you there. Showing up knowing that no one wants you there, and went as far as to cancel your flight is not a good look. Completely agree that she has a lot of positive attributes that it makes a person wonder why she would even entertain a relationship with this crazy eyed fuck. And this is where she needs therapy. Why this guy? What is it that would make a successful, beautiful, educated, intelligent woman want to get with a guy over 10 years her junior, with no discernable education or intelligence, and crazy eyes? Strangely, I think the one person who might really understand her predicament...is Phaedra.
  10. I agree that it sends out the wrong message, but i think its very, very in line with what women in absuive/toxic/codependent relationships will do. I don't see it as a slap in the face to all women suffering in an abusive relationship, as much as this is just the way women in these relationships sometimes behave. When she talks about how great he was at first, I think that is the guy she wants to protect. If he had come at her from day one kicking stuff and breaking car windows, she would have been out. But that's almost never how abusers operate....they turn the violence up low and before you know it, you're in boiling water up to your neck. So, it would be great if she got a restraining order and fully left the relationship. I think it would send the right message. But I think it takes a lot of women a long time to get to that place when they are in an abusive relationship. Now, had I known Kenya I could have told her to avoid Matt as he has crazy eyes. And the eyes never lie!! We've seen Matt kick out her garage Windows before, so it seems like they may not be made of anything super strong.
  11. Biggest surprise this episode was that Juliet actually wore something decent to dinner. I wonder if Caroline s. Loaned her something out of pity. I was on the fence about Julie, but I think she may be everything Caroline s. Says she is. Her need to tell Matt everything was just a sad and pathetic attempt to get him to hate Caroline s. And get more people on "team julie." It was petty as hell. If he needs to know, his own wife can tell him. My hats off to Caroline f. For being filmed without makeup when they toured the town. Most of these women have a full face on all the time. Most notably she who travels with a makeup artist. Now, a lot of you are married, so you can tell me different. But I'm not so sure I would want any woman touching my man the way Adele was touching Cem. I wonder if their marriage is...open a crack. I don't really give Juliet a pass. If you have a friend it shouldn't be too hard to suss out if they are having trouble...unless you're so self absorbed and busy bitching at her that you refuse to see. Don't think I didn't notice that Juliet ONLY chose to be nice to Marisa after Caroline s. Apologized to her. I guess I'm in the minority but I like Marissa.
  12. That trampoline picture of Kyle was awful. I don't know who she pissed off in production to make them to actually air it on national tv. I remember when the term "supermodel" meant something more than being on the cover of SI or having celebrity parents. Yeah, I suspect Marissa interest in Kyle is more based on the potential buzz on social media and less on any actual affection. I think Kyle is all in though. They may as well send her packing now because she isnt going to get any better.
  13. I'm not sure how to feel about cardis return. It looks like all tears and no fun. And apparently over this dude in prison. And then her sister. I wish reality stars would stop trying to make family members happen. DJ Smirkoff is the worst. How many damn hoops do these girls have to hop through. LMAO @ Cisco being Charlie Brown. He even looks like it Already rolling my eyes at next weeks very special episode of sister wives.
  14. I think there are many women in abusive/codependent/toxic relationships that refuse to get restraining orders. Quite often, no one knows until it's too late.
  15. Do you have a link to the contract? I think that no matter what's in the release, it would be thrown out as counter to public policy if it specifically allowed for defamation. Most releases are to get out of negligent behavior, not intentional acts, so it would be cool to see the contract. I think blood can stream, run or settle into round drops. Blood splatter analysis is generally done in murder scenes where different forces are at play...versus a cut that may occur when cutting your hand or foot, or a secondary injury. Like I said, i think it's possible to come up on the security camera from behind to disable it. Also, Kenya lives in the woods. I dont see why it's impossible for him to park in the wooded area and come up on the cameras from behind. Has he come out with an official denial?
  16. I think when a man is violent and abusive you are in an abusive relationship per se. Whether or not you have the right amount of fear. I don't particularly think women in abusive relationships are always quick to call the cops. If they "love him" they don't want to get him in trouble. She and porsha never had a relationship that first seemed caring and intimate and then became abusive. So the idea that since she called the cops on porsha she would automatically call the cops on Matt seems somewhat flawed to me. Also, Apollo/Brandon vs. Matt/Kenya is like comparing Apple's and oranges. Apollo came for her friend, she and Apollo didn't have a relationship. The dynamics are not the same as an abusive relationship. So I don't think the expectation is the same, for me at least. There are a lot of women, in my experience, who would never take shit from anyone but a man they are in a relationship with. I think it's part of the shame they can feel. And now it sounds like there was glass on the garage floor, how does anyone know:a ) which is garage door glass and which is car glass and b) that there was no glass inside the car?
  17. They looked like blood droplets to me. The sort of thing one might get if they broke a window with object a, and decided to reach in with their hand. Or it could be that he kicked that pane in. I know that in certain garages, there is an inside lock for added protection, the ones I've seen are a simple slide type lock. I don't know if he was trying to get at that so he could open the garage manually. Just a possibility since I'm no garage door expert. But he would have had to have been inside that garage so I don't know if he had an opener that wasn't working because of the interior slide lock Or what. But I don't see how the car window breaks without him being in there. I don't know that Matt "strongly suggesting" that this is all a storyline is the same as outright denial. Which is exactly what i would expect at this point from someone who didn't do it. Especially since he hasn't been shy about social media. Also, I didn't see the floor of the garage to confirm there was no glass there. I'm open to the idea that this was all for show, but it seems like way too much unnecessary effort, his behavior is in line with it, and there is no outright denial that I've heard of. Ostensibly, if production broke it, they bought it so why break so many windows when two would get the job done. From what I could see a back window was broken, her car window was broken, and three panes in her garage were broken. Why pay to replace 5 Windows when you would only have needed to replace 2?
  18. Those disclaimers aren't iron clad, and have been thrown out in the past. I also don't know if they preclude you from suing other cast members or simply bar suit against the production company. I haven't seen one of those releases, but I'm not sure how a contract like that would work to protect the rights of someone who isn't a party to the contract. In a defamation suit, bravo would be added, but then could be dropped if they are precluded from the suit due to a release. I don't know that they would be a necessary third party to a defamation suit against Kenya. There may be a clause that requires Matt to indemnify bravo for any lawsuit related expenses they pay to defend kenya Which would essentially make it hard for him to sue her. And Matt has not been shy in social media, so has he said he didn't do it?
  19. Maybe, but I always feel like charity frauds get away with it because no one wants to look like a jerk for asking for an exact accounting. But, yes, at least the camp takes place. And will address colorism that impacts little girls which makes me happy.
  20. I was thinking the same thing. It seemed like an odd bit if shade for someone selling t shirts and pictures (?)
  21. No tea, no shade, but given Phaedras history I might be a little suspicious of a charity in her name. I'd want to see the receipts. I would have thought that bravo would end up footing a bit of the bill since they would be filming for the show. I kinda like Phaedra when she is just being herself without the shade or the old lady with the taupe stockings in church. But she is still a slick shyster.
  22. 1. This is one of those factors that makes me believe this isn't staged. If Matt did not do this he has a solid case for defamation. Especially if Kenya knows he didn't do it. I can't see the show, or Kenya taking a risk for this big a lawsuit. And a very, very solid lawsuit if this wasn't true. And yes, he signed a disclaimer but those aren't rock solid and I don't know if they cover intentional acts or just negligence (which would normally take the production company out of it) 2. Has Matt come out and conclusively said he didn't do it? 3. I was watching on my phone, but I couldn't see that there WASN'T glass inside as well as outside. Given the force used, it's possible to have glass on the outside and inside. 4. He would also have to have been in her garage if he was able to damage her car. It's possible he broke some panes while in the garage. Which may explain glass on the outside. 5. Can't remember the exact placement of the broken panes, but I felt like some of them may have been at kicking level for a guy as tall as him. It's possible the blood is from his leg. 6. I think you could approach those cameras from behind if you were so inclined. Or maybe that's how Kenya is certain it was Matt. Perhaps there is footage of him driving up and walking up to the camera, but very little else. 7. This is too much overkill for producer set up. The same feeling of crazy could have been accomplished with the broken glass panes and the blood. But the car, the back door, the spray painting.....ultimately that's a lot of time, effort and money that really wouldn't be required 8. Matt has crazy eyes. I rest my case. Re: Marlo....yeah, Kenya was in the wrong there and I think she knows it. But Kenya is trying to make her hustle work, and Marlo isn't as helpful to know as nene.
  23. Emily is starting to strike me as one of those people who are almost too authentic. I think she doesn't have any sort of filter and it's gotten her into a lot of trouble. I don't think she knows the "spoonful of sugar" technique. I suspect she has been trying to "go with the flow" in these team challenges because she realizes she isn't as strong a chef and because she has been fired a lot for attitude. If so, then that was her true reaction and it's sort of nice. Instead of just being grateful that she gets to live another day, she wanted to go home instead. Although I think she should have made a better case for that in the stew room. And totally agree that I admire Jamie's thought process. I don't know if I would be nearly as admirable in his shoes. But it's always something that strikes me about top chef...and project runway to a lesser degree. Most the competitors will happily help each other out, because HOW they win is important to them. They don't want someone else to fail so they win by default...they want to win in a manner that is, in their eyes, noble.
  24. Raw, fishy tasting scallops would have negated anything else her team did for me. It really sounds like the worst
  25. I got the distinct impression her father was absent and she was raised by her paternal grandmother. If this is the case, her father was barely in her life. I believe she actually ran away from him to get back to her grandmother. IIRC. I think therapy and counseling are still generally frowned on in the black community. So I don't particularly buy the notion that most people who have had a tough upbringing get counselling. Nor does it mean that this is something that is only for a storyline. He is dangerous, and he is crazy. And no woman should be belittled for being abused. At least not in my book. I also find his need to blame her all over social media to be highly suspect. Because abusive men will often claim they have been "manipulated" into their abusive behavior to abusive themselves of guilt.
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