153 -
329 Excellent-
Yeah, I can see your point and you may very well be right. I guess I was just assuming there was some connection between Dany and Drogo and that connection accounted for Drogo showing up at the right place at the right time to protect Dany..
I re-watched the episode and noticed something I missed the first time around. When Dany et al were in the middle of the arena surrounded by the Sons of the Harpy, it wasn't until she clasped Missandei's hand that she calmed down and appeared to focus and then closed her eyes (and presumably called for Drogon). I then remembered a previous episode when Dany was struggling with a decision and it wasn't until she talked to Missandei that she gained confidence and became more resolute. I kind of like the thought of Dany gaining strength through Missandei.
Davos is one of my favorites and now I'm so worried for him. I'm hoping he'll be held up at the Wall because I think he might do something about Shireen's death that will lead to his own death. If he tells Stannis that he can't support him any longer, I think Stannis would have him killed. If Davos blames the Red Witch more than Stannis and kills or tries to kill her, Stannis might kill Davos. But I sure would love to see Davos kill Melisandre! Brienne killing Stannis would be satisfying as well. Am I remembering correctly that Melisandre told Arya that the two of them would meet again? I would love to see Melisandre die next episode but if what I think I remember is true, I guess Melisandre sticks around for a while longer. I don't think Jaqen belived Arya. I wonder if he'll do anything about it if she is able to kill her assigned target as well as her personal target eta: Davos reminds me a little of Ned Stark-- loyal, honorable, won't stand for the killing of little children. I don't think this bodes well for Davos.
Television Vs. Book: Why'd They Make [Spoiler] Such A [Spoiler]?
NeelyO replied to yellowfred's topic in Game Of Thrones
I am not a book reader but am curious to know if The Mountain is brought back to life in the books, and if so, will he/it make an appearance in one of the last two episodes this season? -
S05.E20: Reunion Part 1
NeelyO replied to Tara Ariano's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Is this something that really happened? Regarding Kim's dog, if it hasn't already been mentioned, he also bit Kim's best friend (I think it might be that blond woman that accompanied Kim to a few things a couple seasons ago). Kim apparently wouldn't cover the medical bills so the friend had to sue her. Kim said that "friends don't sue friends" and is no longer speaking to her. I wish Kyle would stop reacting to Brandi's deflections and stop jumping into others' arguments. Brandi throws stuff out to change the subject and Kyle keeps falling for it. It derails the original conversation/argument and Lisa V and Lisa R are capable of holding their own against Brandi without Kyle's help. -
SierraMist The people discussing the scene also guessed that it was Elena. Apparently they saw the victim struggling to reach a knife or something sharp and guess that she ends up stabbing him and that accounts for the suspected blood stains and new flooring. The also guessed that Dan came to her aid to hide the stabbing because of her record.
I've been wondering the same thing and you're right that the MO is different. The sneaking up in the dark, hiding him in the room or closet, the home movie playing -- it made me wonder if someone just mimicked the other attacks but then couldn't figure out why they would leave him alive or who in town actually knows what the MO has been thus far. I suppose it really was an "infected" person. I've also been wondering if Ronnie didn't turn into a predator because of his mental illness. Maybe a difference in his brain chemistry kept him from becoming what the others became? I think I'm as curious about the police chief's story as I am about the "infection." What made him cover for Henry about accidentally shooting Pettigrew and why did he know where to find Pettigrew? Why was he already in Stoddart's house when the body was discovered? When Henry phoned London saying that the chief had something to do with Stoddart's death, did he actually know something or merely suspect that the chief was in cahoots with the mayor and wanted Stoddart out of the way so the hotel plans could move forward? And what was he referring to when talking to Henry when he said something like, whatever I've done, I did for love?
A post on Pajiba.com suggests that all the nods to the wolves last season (the graffiti, the trees in the shape of a "W", the heads with "W"s carved in them) were brought full circle in this episode with a pack of feral wolves entering Alexandria. Rich is alpha male, Michonne is alpha female, Daryll is the lone wolf, Carol is den mother, Carl is the cub and the rest make up the wolf pack. States that the title of the comic wrapped it all up in a nice little bow. When I read it I thought immediately of Daryll pacing back and forth when Rick pulled him off that guy. Anyway, I thought it was an interesting interpretation.
I thought I saw something as well. I also thought Stan saw it--he looked right at it --but since he didn't go back up to get it or look at it again, I figured I imagined something. To me, it looked like an electronic device with lights. Can't think what it might really have been.
CBB15 (2015): Winter of Our Malcontents
NeelyO replied to SnideAsides's topic in Big Brother (UK) [V]
It's funny, I was just thinking what an unfortunate looking man he is. While I give him props for losing all the weight and working to get/stay in shape, I think his facial features resemble a caveman's. In case you didn't see BOTS, Nadia doubled down on her sticking up for Perez no matter what he says or does. She sounded a little irrational when commenting on clips they were showing her. I guess instead of having to admit she was protecting an asshole, she just decided to insist that everything Perez did wrong was Katie H's fault. It was a little bizarre and I don't think she did herself any favors in terms of how viewers perceive her. What's you guess for final 3?. -
S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch
NeelyO replied to zoeysmom's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
As terrible as Brandi is and as obnoxious as it was for her to bodily block Kim from Kyle, I was kind of glad that Brandi grabbed and twisted Kyle's arm when kyle swatted her. Kyle needs to learn to keep her hands off people and her stubby little fingers out of people's faces. Besides the other nonsense going on, I can't imagine throwing or dropping a piece of pizza in someone's house and just walking away and leaving it there :-) I wanted to see Eileen's face when she found the pizza on the floor and wondering who the hell she had invited into her house. Lisa's house is really something. Her decor isn't my cup of tea, but what a beautiful property! And some of the other ladies have incredible views and properties as well. I love this part of the show. I go back and forth thinking that Brandi's actions or at least a lot of them are calculated to ensure camera time and to support her outrageous persona to keep selling books, etc., and thinking that she's just a damaged, spoiled little brat with a substance abuse problem. For example, when Eileen made her completely reasonable comments to Brandi about insulting her homes, etc., and Brandi basically just rolling her eyes -- does Brandi know Eileen is right and just doesn't want to admit it to keep her storyline going or does she really see this as these women with sticks up their asses lecturing her? -
Hollidaysburg and Not Cool: The Movies Thread
NeelyO replied to ApathyMonger's topic in The Chair (2014) [V]
Agree 100% I think even at 13, I'd think that Shane's movie was crap and unfunny. Like the poster above, my mind kept wandering during Shane's movie and I'd have to force myself to pay attention. At one point, I realized I had missed an entire conversation taking place in a bathroom because I was looking at the wallpaper and paint and thinking what an ugly bathroom it was (tan tiles and purple wallpaper and paint). When the wallpaper is more interesting than the dialog, there's a problem. I was surprised how much better Anna's movie was. Based on the TV show, I assumed Shane's would be better -- maybe not my cup of tea humor-wise--but a better made film. I guess I assumed this in part because of Anna's insecurities and focus on minutia, but also because so many people on the show seemed to react negatively or unenthusiastically to what she was doing compared to what Shane was doing. What's the criteria for choosing the winner? -
Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out
NeelyO replied to Stinger97's topic in Past Seasons
I read somewhere that Ariana's manager Scooter Braun (he's J. Bieber's manager as well), is one of the executive producers of the new show promoted on BB, "Scorpio." (I confirmed via IMDB.) Makes we wonder if he could be one of the reasons for Julie's apparent delight with Frankie (just because I can't believe anyone could actually like Frankie) and the post above saying that Frankie will be on The Talk. I haven't personally seen anything about Frankie appearing on The Talk but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if he's on. I'm half dreading watching tonight because I think Frankie's going to win AFP and he'll feign total shock and start the fake crying or hugging all the people around him. All his usual over the top nonsense after he asked his sister to get her followers to vote for him. Blech! If anyone else wins, I'll be very happy and trying to focus in on Frankie's face to see if he flinches :-) Thanks to everyone who posted this season. It's been fun to read along! -
Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out
NeelyO replied to Stinger97's topic in Past Seasons
Saw on twitter that Frankie walked in on a conversation btwn Caleb and Victoria and so Caleb pretended he was asleep while sitting up. Did anyone happen to see this happen on the live feeds? -
Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out
NeelyO replied to Stinger97's topic in Past Seasons
Someone on another BB forum posted these tweets: BBFeedster Frankie to Cody: If I win America's Favorite, it's because I won America's Favorite. It's not because my sister is Ariana Grande. #BB16 8:07 PM - 13 Sep 2014 Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates Frankie- Ariana, if you're watching, please tweet for me to win America's Favorite Player #BB16 8:11 PM - 13 Sep 2014