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Everything posted by LunaMia

  1. Those DeJesus cretins are rude as fuck. How are you going to invite people to your shower, then proceed to interrogate them and make them feel uncomfortable. If I was Luis, I would have bounced as soon as mama psycho started going on about the damn camera. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. You can definitely tell that Brianna and Kail went to the same ass surgeon, blech. The editing is all jacked. Kail's kids didn't even have on the same clothes from the car scene to the school scene. I want to go to the butterfly garden.
  2. What's especially annoying is how they all overvalue their worth. They think they're worthy of some charity event that would even garner enough money to make a dent. Nothing is stopping her from helping, except her own thirst for attention and adulation! Altruistic you are not Kail, antagonistic you are.
  3. Haha, yes they would! I would pay to see that.
  4. Lol! Nothing better than Spanish when trying to cuss someone out!
  5. Bitch please! You're a nothing, a nobody in the grand scheme of things Garbage Pail. Just donate some of your ill gotten money you ratchet ass. I'm sure these Teen Mom assholes can raise: 100 bud light cans, 1 brown couch, 50 nail clippings, 1 pound of hillbilly weed, a pillses variety pack, and a bucket of plankton left over from Kail's dinner. My inner East L.A chola says: Fuck these putos!
  6. LunaMia


    I guess the fashion show was very V.I.P, our very own Debz OG was front row. Their relationship is strange to say the least.
  7. LunaMia

    Simon Says

    Your all hatters who our also grammer nazees. i will prey to jesus to save you guyz. #prey4hatters #nogrammernazees #pieceandlove #sendingluv #teenmoms4eva
  8. Hugs and good vibes to all you Floridians! Florida strong ?
  9. Fuck these assholes and MTV for I'm sure covering up, or should I say leaving out, tons of shit Jenelle and David do. Short of killing someone, these assholes will still be on next season. They're making thousands by being scum of the earth "parents." I'm sure that stupid ass producer turned the blind eye to many of Jenelley's and psycho's abusive moments. I doubt very much that having MTV around is saving these kids, it's only enabling them to keep on breeding to have a story to stay on the show. Reminds me of a certain someone who said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and still be adored, retch! These Teen "stars" aren't far off as they still get paid thousands for being heinous dredges of society.
  10. That's what I wondered as well. Is he done because he's over it, or becasue they weren't asked back because their story is past it's sell date!? I'm thinking the latter.
  11. Mohamed is done: http://realityblurb.com/2017/09/06/mohamed-jbali-quits-90-day-fiance-find-out-the-reason/ Who will Shrekette stalk now?
  12. Here is a very very lukewarm spoiler. http://realityblurb.com/2017/08/31/90-day-fiance-cortney-and-antonio-update/ Not much more than what is already known. Maybe she just wanted to get her gummy mug on camera. Her Instagram is private, but one of her friend's that was on the show, has a picture saying her bff is famous now. ?
  13. I was just coming to post that. Well we all seen the writing on the wall! No decent normal person would be so quick to date Amber haha. Keep bringing these winners around your daughter Amber, you selfish grimy bitch. These women don't even bother checking on the past of their men before bringing them around their young children. I guess that's easy when you're a selfish egg donor with a sketchy past yourself. Xoxo, sending love.
  14. Holy shit! Is that Tan Mom!? Why would someone want to look like this!? I'm sure Garbage Pail needs all the help and support she can get now being a 3x3, so she's probably mending fences for her own benefit.
  15. Oh wow lol. Why can't things like this ever happen in front of my nosy ass!? That MIL has no chill. I know she wants to protect her son, but just take some video of DIL with the man and send to her son so he can sort it out. Back on topic, Jenelle is an asshole.
  16. The fucking nerve of the natural born killers, Jenelle and David. To ambush a hard working woman, who has given up her golden years to raise 3 Grandkids! Having to take all 3 of them to the restaurant with her because she doesn't have the "privilege" to leave them at a whim when she wants to get away every weekend, just like you you cunt Jenelle. The sad visual of seeing Barb get ambushed, then getting all the kids in her car was heartbreaking. A woman deserving of a glass of wine because she works harder than David and Jenelle combined. Fuck those two assholes to hell. There is no Karma big enough for them, but I do hope they find some form of it soon. Fuck them a thousand times. I didn't see any drama in Chelsea's scene, more of the same. Watson is just beautiful and Aubree is also a beautiful little girl. Plus, Cole may speak in a baby voice sometimes but he is a real man. Still working and contributing to the family income, unlike piece of shit David you does nothing all day but stir up drama with a 60 something year old woman. I want to give Ali a big hug, she is too precious for words. Telling the dog not to chase the cat was adorable. Garbage Pail Kail is still a steaming pile of shit. These men need to stop playing by her rules and start doing things on their terms with the interest of their child at heart. It will never be said enough, fuck Jenelle and David!
  17. A thousand likes! Don't apologize, I'm sure you just articulated what many of us on here feel. Haha! His resume in crayon. This is the closest thing Amber has seen to a Kid coloring on the floor.
  18. Right!? I'm sure in his mind he is way out of Cate's league. Someone on twitter said, "For having a gay husband, she sure doesn't know how to dress." Ha!
  19. She probably dipped into some bonbons as well.
  20. These kids sure do think highly of themselves, especially those Shroder girls. They're all a bunch of basics with stage parents. This show also reinforces that plastic surgery is bad, mm kay. I can't see it making it past 1 season.
  21. That was so cringe worthy. Host: Chantel, you're in nursing what did you think of that scene. Chantel through clenched teeth: I couldn't imagine having the worry of bringing a baby into the world with a horrible disease-uh. Oy vey
  22. Here is an article about the current status of Paul and Karine's relationship. Click if you don't mind the spoiler: http://realityblurb.com/2017/08/26/90-day-fiance-paul-and-karine-update-still-together/#more-1769 Also has information about whether Karine will find out about his past.
  23. Famewhoreeeeeeeeee. Amber's tits are huge! Her man is giving some 80s porn star realness.
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