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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. What world are we living in? https://twitter.com/colinjones/status/800822032535470080 It's video, Re: alt-right. Just watch if you want.
  2. <sigh> FUCK I've been trying my best to call for supporting MSM, but they keep letting us down. They've been co-opted & weakened to the point of impotency. Putin did it in Russia in about 12 months; Drumpf & his storm troopers needed only a couple weeks. What the fuck do we do now?
  3. https://twitter.com/BrendanNyhan/status/800493448793038848 https://twitter.com/voxdotcom/status/800833689068470272
  4. Video from the Pro-Trump Nazi rally included in this Atlantic article: https://twitter.com/andrewmcgill/status/800823669500936192 **There's so much I wish to express after viewing things like that, but I'm guessing it would get me banned. I'm not normally a violent person, but I'm also not a shrinking flower. This is what Drumpf supporters voted into office.
  5. https://twitter.com/davidmackau/status/800815261267980288
  6. Another addition to the "Trump Corruption Files".... This story was linked-to upthread (or another thread?)....looks like it's finally gathering steam. EDIT: this was re-tweeted by Kurt Eichenwald: https://twitter.com/RyanLizza/status/800752146052509697
  7. http://www.vox.com/identities/2016/11/21/13698604/democrats-race-white-outreach?utm_campaign=germanrlopez&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
  8. I know very little about her, but my impression was she is a DINO.
  9. Anyone else here watch The Newsroom? To steal a line from Will McAvoy, such "Christians" (well...Tea Party nutjobs too) are the American Taliban, as far as I'm concerned.
  10. I'm heeding what some journalists have warned about: "chasing the ball" when it comes to Trump. That whole Hamilton dust-up is a clear example. It's all diversion, and fwiw, I like your list of REAL CONCERNS. I'm still sussing-out what my true POV is when it comes to MSM. I thought I had a solidified approach, but the past couple weeks have stressed my previously-held beliefs. I'm beyond worried that the Right's 10+ year assault on "liberal media" has won. There is little trust of MSM, among people of all persuasions. I have no idea how to stem that tide. I only know that when Fox News seems somewhat reasonable compared to the crackpot blogs/non-traditional media that are influencing the Drumpf administration, it's time for us to be seriously worried.
  11. Don't worry folks, Reince Priebus has been all over the place, assuring people that Drumpf & Klan will "dot every i & cross every t" to ensure all "laws" are followed. Of course, laws ≠ ethical constraint. We are going to be bled dry by this corrupt administration, and strangely enough, that isn't even at the top of my concerns. Neo-Nazis/white supremacists/the alt-right (whichever euphemism one wishes to use to describe that scum are ECSTATIC about this administration. THINK ABOUT THAT.
  12. Yep, I posted a tweet about that a couple days ago. The corruption news is coming so fast, it's now buried in this thread. I was only joking when I posted we might need a dedicated corruption thread, but maybe I should've bene serious about that.
  13. Well, here's one tally of the corruption so far...but even this one is missing other examples that are just now catching the attention of American MSM: https://twitter.com/robreiner/status/800516953961959424
  14. Yeah, Pence is a different kind of awful, but many have been saying ever since he joined the GOP ticket that in many ways, he's scarier than Trump. Anecdote: the brother of a guy who works for me moved away from Indianapolis about a year ago. From what I can tell, dude is a centrist, definitely not a liberal. He had nothing but (colorfully-put) nasty things to say about Governor Mike Pence when I met him a a couple weeks before the GOP convention. It was hardly a forgone conclusion that the people of Indiana would've re-elected Pence to the governorship, according to him (have't looked at any polling, so have zero clue if this is even close to the truth)
  15. https://twitter.com/mlcalderone/status/800546403294576640
  16. You mean MSM normalizing the alt-right/white supremacy? https://twitter.com/ira/status/800565201258958848 In reference to this: and this: *****I have been back & forth on MSM...whether we need to support them as purveyors of the Bill of Rights, or hold their feet to the fire (I know....those aren't mutually exclusive, it's just a thought exercise). I am having a more bleak outlook when I recall the "survival rules" for living in an autocracy (I & a couple others here have posted to such articles)....one of the rules is "don't rely on institutions to save you."
  17. "We're still gonna make America great again," she said with dead, glassy eyes. <---embellishment by me, but that quote was spooky as fuck. It sounds like a quote from a cult member.
  18. ^^^^ "No one should take what he says seriously." --Drumph supporters.......and also his handlers to Shinzo Abe before their meeting the other day Yeah, sure....Drumph as President is an awesome idea.
  19. Yikes...all this fire & brimstone stuff is making me glad I'm an atheist. Pence is awful.. My post in response to padma was not meant as some sort of support for him. ------ I see so many news outlets reporting that Romney is in the running for SoS....do people really believe that that? I can't see it. The shock of victory has worn off, and Drumph is just using his power to summon people to kiss the ring.
  20. @Padma Yeah, Pence would have us living in a Christian theocracy if he had his way, but in the very least, he doesn't appear to be the puppet of a foreign government. Hahahaha, I still laugh at the irony: Drumph started the Obama birther b.s. that drove ridiculous Facebook fears that Obama was ushering in a Muslim cabal (that the feeble-minded falls for such crap would make me giggle if it didn't lead to real-life problems, such as, well, the existence of Drumph), but it's Drumph who is Putin's bitch.
  21. Yay, more corruption! https://twitter.com/Khanoisseur/status/798627223536209920
  22. It just occurred to me: we might need a thread dedicated to Drumph's corruption. But sure.....Hillary is the only crook. LMFAO. Keep your heads buried in the Macedonian sands, Drumph supporters.
  23. What's next? Keep doing what Teddy Roosevelt admonished us to do: https://twitter.com/edbott/status/800189298742063104
  24. Herr Drumph's circus freak act is such a distraction, and I know I sometimes fall for it. Let's try to see his tweet storms & other b.s. for what they are: diversionary tactics: https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/799979828279648260 ***Drumph, Bannon & Kelly Ann Conway are masters of sleight of hand. There's a preternatural talent each of them have at deflection, in particular. Let's be vigilant about not falling for it. I know I'll be posting less about the clown car stuff; I'll focus on his Cabinet of Deplorables, among other things. Fuck Drumph & his twitter rants.
  25. Thank you President Obama!! This is what I've been saying (and I freely admit I might've been insensitive to those who continue to feel the need to grieve, but we need as much energy as possible put towards fighting the Trump Klan & his posse). http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/obama-loyalists-trump-resistance-231642
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