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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. OH SNAP!!! https://twitter.com/Evan_McMullin/status/808884868474142720
  2. McMullin has been getting a ton of hate from Trumpsters, white nationalists, otherwise disaffected rubes....but he is one conservative who is refusing to cave-in. I hope to learn more about what McMullin stands for from a policy perspective, but I really like his big tent rhetoric. https://twitter.com/cnntoday/status/808830365120872448
  3. I saw this on my girlfriend's Facebook newsfeed. I can't even imagine the amount of pressure, arm twisting, threats will be directed at the faithless electors. More power to them. I'm way too fucking cynical to think the EC will block Trump, but I will say I'd rather we face the massive Constitutional crisis than deal w/ a Trump Presidency (obviously, if the House gets to actually vote, it still might end up being Trump)
  4. He needs to feel the adulation that he can only get from an adoring, mindless crowd of rubes. It's the applause from these (Nuremberg) rallies that justify his lies about "landslide" electoral victory, and claims of a mandate.
  5. https://twitter.com/MattOswaltVA/status/808783492507017216
  6. ^^ The problem is the congressional map is horrible for Dems in '18. There aren't many seats they'll be able to add....they'll need to play A TON of defense, actually.
  7. Really, please all, take the time to read BOTH of these: My President Was Black: A history of the first African American White House—and of what came next The Problem With Obama's Faith in White America
  8. The map of Europe, in all likelihood, will be different 4 years from now. A couple weeks ago, I posted a Reuters story about Merkel, basically asserting that she stands alone to stop Russia. How prescient. I've already spoken w/ people who express lack of caring about Russia. Trump & gang know most Americans are too disengaged to care about anything beyond their home towns much less half way around the world. The looting & graft will be on an epic scale, and people will be fine with it as long as the "cultural" stuff is taken care off. Actually, check that, there will be a prize Trump must provide: a few more manufacturing jobs in the Rust Belt. Then he is free to loot all he wants.
  9. ^^^ That Kenosha panel is merely hearing out of Trump what they want to hear, which makes sense because Trump speaks around every damn issue.
  10. Yeah, I've been a bit of an Obama apologist (at least since the election)....giving him the benefit of the doubt about trying to perhaps remain an influencing force in Trumpland even after 1/20, but this extreme reticence in calling out the #RussianHack stuff is jarring. I don't know...I've disagreed w/ Obama A LOT from a policy perspective over the last 8 years, but I've always respected him. With that said, given what's at stake, I'm disappointed to say the least.
  11. https://twitter.com/GrahamDavidA/status/808764090030100481
  12. O.k.....I've had a crazy day, so maybe I missed it: I know many here (with good reason) are down on the NYT....but I'm surprised I haven't noticed anyone posting/talking about their #RussianHack article: The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S.
  13. https://twitter.com/swin24/status/808783785235976192
  14. I found this tweet so apropos because I had an exchange (not of my choosing) with a Trump supporter today. I asked him to please tell me, specifically, with cites to specific date/sender/recipient, what he found so disqualifying about HRC based on hacked emails. Needless to say, all I got in response were the typical Trump supporter defaults of applause lines & standard sound bites. https://twitter.com/Anthony/status/808783184959774721
  15. Deflection/misdirection. Eichenwald/Newsweek release their story about Trump's conflicts. Trump cancels his presser; he instead tweets that his sons will take over his business & he promises no "new" deals during his presidency (the tweets, no doubt, comprised the entirety of what his presser would've given us). Kanye does his walk-through, certain to take up air time. Less focus, even for a while, on the Russia stuff, the conflicts and the appointment of Tillerson (Putin's best friend). I know...no one wants to give Trump credit for anything. I hate him too. But between him and the den of weasels that surround him, it's not hard to see coordinated efforts at trying to control/contain public perception. Hell, all the outlets are talking about Kanye. I bet the whores at CNN will show Kanye all day today.
  16. They're not even trying to hide it, FFS.... Priebus: Trump won't rule out lifting Russia sanctions If I have to hear another Trump supporter say "geez, he isn't even in office yet, quit judging him!" it's likely I'll need a lawyer.
  17. https://twitter.com/VictoriaDahl/status/808525593490767872
  18. Helping Trump win isn’t a sign of Russian strength. It’s a sign of Russian weakness.
  19. ****Here is Eichenwald's story; the one causing Trump's team to delay his PC abut how his conflicts will be handled**** HOW DONALD TRUMP'S BUSINESS TIES ARE ALREADY JEOPARDIZING U.S. INTERESTS
  20. HOLY SHIT I just happen to be watching Morning Joe on MSNBC (working from home today). Joe asked Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (sp) about Russia targeting women & children in Aleppo. Rohrabacher tried to lie & Joe called him out on it; they spent about a minute yelling at each other--Rohrbacher yelling "don't interrupt me", Joe responding "I only interrupt when someone tries to lie on my air." Rohrbacher finally was allowed to give a substantive answer & he said that we need Russia, the biggest threat is "radical Islam", "we allied w/ Stalin, who killed millions, in order to stop Hitler; Joe responded : "well, I agree that's an apt comparison: Putin to Stalin." It reminded me of the heated exchange Rhorbacher had last week w/ that reporter from Yahoo (who's family had fled Soviet Moldova in the late 70's) *****Main take-away: Rohrbacher, a former Reagan speech-writer, is a SEVERE Russia-apologist
  21. ^^ McConnell is playing to the cheap seats. I don't believe for a second in his sincerity about....well, anything, really, other than obstructing any non-GOP measure. He & asswipe Paul Ryan (and Nunes, head of House Intel Comm) are against any kind of select panel to investigate things. It's gonna be what I said yesterday: a dog & pony show. Our government will be in the hands of Putin and anyone else to whom Trump owes money.
  22. Does anyone here watch Don Lemon (CNN) on the regular? I swear, every time I switch to CNN at night (typically when I'm cruising through channels, or a show I'm watching is on commercial break), either Don or a guest is advocating a position I just vociferously disagree with. Tonight: the normalization of the Rex Tillerson choice for SoS. Nothing but "oh, he's great!" Fucking CNN....I still seriously side eye the complaints Trump levies against them. I don;t see the anti-Trump stuff that he claims. I just assume it's more misdirection from him.
  23. SMH. Trump is saying a giant "fuck you"....naming Rex Tillerson as his SoS pick. Putins bitches are going to be running our country.
  24. I want to take Reid seriously, but man....the old coot (sorry, so not PC, and I do sincerely respect him) has said so many crazy things in the past (see: Mitt Romney tax stuff). Guessing he's just going out in a blaze of glory, causing trump as much of a headache as possible.
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