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Duke Silver

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Everything posted by Duke Silver

  1. I'm being a masochist by continuing to read accounts like this, but I can't help myself. Ugh...such a disconnect.
  2. I opined last week that establishment-types in the GOP have had a sudden, breath-taking reversal WRT Russia/Putin & that such views are malleable in a post-Trump world. The justification for this is obvious, and Putin's buddies will be all over the new administration; no one will stop the Tillerson confirmation, for example:
  3. Think it was last week I posted an article, along w/ a tweet-commentary from Evan McMullin about the linkage between anti-democracy forces & increased global white nationalism:
  4. I posted a link to a Politico blurb about this a couple weeks ago, but if you're interested in keeping up to speed with the Trump & Goons corruption, bookmark this website linked in this tweet:
  5. Dammit, I swear I didn't see this tweet until just now, AFTER my post earlier (maybe in another subforum) about Trump following the autocrat playbook, hahahaha:
  6. Someone I follow just re-tweeted this; I had no clue about this until now. Zero shame this family has, huh?
  7. ^^^ ???? Russia isn't communist. Putin is an autocratic fascist....but not communist. Oligarchs have all the power & $$ in Russia. Kinda like the U.S., except worse & more pronounced, hahahaha.
  8. Also, it's a mistake to rely on institutions, especially since the GOP has spent the last few decades chipping away away at them. Trump is playing the autocrat handbook almost to the letter. It amazes me that so many people aren't seeing this and/or do not care.
  9. Gingrich, I wish [very bad thoughts] and [more very bad thoughts].
  10. All of this nutjob Steve Bannon, Alex Jones & Michael Flynn conspiracy theory crap that will be heaving it's way through the West Wing finally made me thinks of this: The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory YMMV, but I think it's a good read; worth the time. -------------------- ^^ I assume this will be auto-merged w/ my previous message even though it has zero to do with it, so the dotted lien is to seperate... Anyway, DAMN, the GOP has zero shame when trolling. Gowdy is the messenger for this???? Seriously??? hahahahahahahaha
  11. I never put any conscious hope in the Faithless nor Hamilton Electors, but it still feels like another kick in the jewels for the EC vote to be a done deal. Whatever. As I've said many times, the focus needs to be on how best to at least slow down the coming of the autocracy. The sniveling GOP-controlled House & Senate won't act as a check. Don't waste time counting on them to do the right thing. I posted this earlier, but this (23 page Google Doc) might have to be our resistance "bible" until someone comes up with something better: Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda Whatever anyone decides to do, I hope individually we'll at least try to do the little things IRL to oppose Trump & his goons. Personally, I'll continue with fundraising efforts for various causes, and I will be devoting time to education initiatives as well. Please don't just sit there and take it. #RESIST
  12. I know...."Whatever." I'm just looking for hope for the future wherever I can.
  13. Bill Maher speaks, taken from http://www.attn.com/stories/13685/bill-maher-talks-trump-russia-and-war-on-christmas ETA: NSFW; expletives
  14. Also this: https://twitter.com/russchoma/status/810889465992478720
  15. I rarely watch SNL, and didn't see this clip until like 5 minutes ago, but this is hilarious.
  16. ^^ Just thought it was worth highlighting this. All this fake Christian crap we see in politics especially is galling. What a craven view of spiritual belief to use in such base ways. I identify myself as being an atheist, but I swear, I live my life as Christ would more than most supposed Christians I have encountered.
  17. ^^ WOW...that was terrific, and on point. Scapegoats are necessary, especially for people with guilty consciences.
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