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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Is Gareth supposed to be back? They didn't show him as "dead" on the Talking Dead, and it looked like he was shot in the leg, if he was hit anywhere (and didn't just fall back). I was wishing The Governor had met his fate at the hands of the Termites. I was wondering how he'd missed the place as he wandered around, or how he hadn't known about them before.
  2. I've only watched five episodes so far, when I was trying to stay awake the other morning. I was just saying in another forum, that I think I'm just too old for CW shows (now). I think that three of the ladies-in-waiting are great, but the way they seem to want viewers to root for Kenna and the King... I don't understand that. Like they've each met their "true love". I wondered where I I'd seen Lola before. I had to google. Greer is my favourite. She's lovely, and that scene in the kitchen was so sweet. I knew the white mark on the face of the man she falls in love with, would be flour on his cheek. :)
  3. I missed Ivy being killed. This is one of the things that I just can't take: the people getting their necks snapped, as a vampire has a tantrum. Or they become a snack. At the moment, I'm rooting for Tripp. I think maybe I'm just too old for CW shows. I was watching something called Reign, and am having trouble thinking that I'm supposed to root for
  4. Prostitution seemed to be one theme. Broadway? maybe? (because of the show at the end.) The TV show Life on Mars, was about a man who travelled back in time, somehow. Something to do with NASA, and/or space? I'm awful at this, as well. I didn't see the preview for next week.
  5. I can't remember the name of the episode - it's playing right now, and I'm wearing wireless headphones whilst I'm up here - when Michel's dog dies? Why were Lorelai and Sookie so weird about the funeral? Was it just because it was Michel? (I know that he seems to hate everyone.) Because Cinnnamon's Wake was one of the sweetest episodes, and that was a wake for a cat.
  6. Please, not a Mandragoria baby. (Is that how you spell it?) Joanna gets to keep her daughters, so she loses her sister and son instead? I knew that Wendy was going to switch her life for his, but damn.. I like her. Dash is just a prick, but I figured he wasn't going to take responsibility.
  7. I'm not really into this show anymore, but I watched the recording. What was that that Matt said to that girl? Something about protecting people like them? I briefly wondered if he was going to turn on them (Elena and the others). Or did he take her to Caroline, so that she could be compelled to forget?
  8. I must be in a really awful mood tonight: I usually don't mind things that are bugging me now. I just thought Meredith was rude tonight. The beginning did move me, though. I was confused by the ending. I didn't know if it was Meredith's wanting to be fair, or if she didn't want her husband around after all. The Mercy West people arrived in 2009. Derek became Chief, but Richard arranged the merger, after he crashed his car, and was treated at Mercy West - not long before Derek was promoted. I think I'm remembering that correctly. Then the shooting happened Spring of 2010, and when they came back, McDreamy was having too much fun getting himself arrested for speeding, and returned the job to Richard.
  9. And the background when Mellie and Fitz were on the balcony. That was how I saw it, too.
  10. I didn't like Meredith kicking Jo of bed, so that she could talk to Alex. I did like Alex telling her that he would be her person, though (and offering to talk *before* he goes to bed). I didn't really feel any excitement for the show starting again. I like the actors together, so I'll keep watching, but I don't like yet another sister being created for Meredith to first hate, and possibly love later on. I like the actress who plays Pierce, so it's a shame that they brought her on for that role. I didn't like Meredith tonight. Would it kill Bailey to just be happy for Alex? She used to say that she raised them - she blamed herself for Izzie going off the rails with Denny - and now she just sees them as competition. Sad.
  11. I saw something on twitter, Madchen asking fans to live-tweet during the show tonight, to see if they can get it renewed.
  12. And yet Eph didn't boot his friend Jim out into the streets, even though he helped to get the Master's coffin out, and helped with other things, too. He was angry at first, hit him, but then he told him what he could do to help. I also don't particularly like Dutch, either, but I thought Abe was in charge. I figured she felt guilty, and that they were heading to use the wi-fi at that one building, because what's his name would have wanted to make sure that he could still communicate with certain people. And I'm sorry, but I don't see how bad the boy actor is. I felt sad for him, as he cried over the video on his mother's phone.
  13. Was all of this in the books, or did the writers watch Sinister? The ending reminded me of the beginning of that movie. I thought this was the season finale, what with everything that happened.
  14. I thought so, too. I liked her more here, than I did in the first episode. I like the little boy, too. Hated Eph. I like Dutch, more, even if she was stupid enough to take the job. She didn't know the full story, and is trying to put things right.
  15. I think it's because Netflix has bought the rights to it... so ABC Family might not be able to show it after October 1st.
  16. I like the mother's friend. I'd prefer they have her stick around. I wish I liked Eph, but I don't at this point. Nora - I understand she was upset that Vasily killed her friend, but she was just rude to him. Dutch owning up to her part was good. The Master was much too cheesy. He even looked to me, like he couldn't believe he was there in that get-up. I like Gus, so I'm glad that he is free now.
  17. I didn't really like Rory in later seasons. I thought that Chilton Rory wouldn't have had a breakdown over what Mitchum said to her - she would have set out to prove him wrong. She seemed stronger and more down-to-earth. I liked that it was Jess who asked her what the hell she was doing, when he was in Hartford to see her. I didn't like him when he lived in town, but I did later on.
  18. Reading back: I loved Cinnamon's Wake. It was so great that the whole town turned out for the wake. My favourite part was first, when Babette said she knocked Cinnamon off the couch, was it? And the cat slid across the floor. That had me *rolling* with laughter. Then Rory, walking with Lane: Lane: "Did you laugh?" Rory: *shakes head* Lane: "Did you want to?" Rory: *nods*
  19. I record it from ABC Family, and have just watched the episode in which Rory hosts the DAR event, and Emily and Richard argue with Logan's parents. That, and the episode with Sores and Boils Alley, and Kirk's performance art at Miss Patty's little show.
  20. I can't believe that Eph is still questioning Abe. The man knows what he's talking about. I would have preferred that Sean Astin's character stayed, and someone else had died - I liked him, even though he was an idiot to do what he did and help to get all of this started. I love Fet - he's great.
  21. I've watched the whole thing, over the past twenty-four hours. Wow. I guessed who the killer was.
  22. I also liked Anne's Carrie moment, even though I liked her mother. It would be nice to see her go after those who really were evil.
  23. I've been catching up with the show, thanks to my DVR, and I agree: but enough with the tears. I'm also surprised by how much I liked later episodes - I was interested at first, but some of it was getting on my nerves. My DVR didn't catch all of the episode in which Cotton was crying over his lost girlfriend - did they kill her after all? I'll have to check other threads here. So Isaac is now sick. I don't like Mercy - she was stupid to believe in someone who tortured her in the first place, but I don't entirely like Mary, either. The way Alden could overlook all of the innocents' deaths and run off with her, also boggled my mind. I don't care if they've been in love for years - the woman helped to coerce villagers into killing their own.
  24. I remember him from Touching Evil, and Lost. I liked his character here. One thing that bothers me is something I saw mentioned on the IMDB boards: why would they want to kill off their whole source of food? "Let's destroy the world!" and then what?
  25. I figured something must happen to Zoe, but that was too much. I don't root for either of the Underwoods - I don't like them. The wife will get to the point where she seems to be a human being, only to return to this cold, calculating robot.I prefer her when she shows emotion, and regret for her actions. Zoe, as well - she was only ambitious to a point. I want the good guys to win. The one murder was bad enough - and Stamper, helping to send a fellow addict off the rails, and then be complicit in killing him? I want him to be found out, as well.
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