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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I hate Kai. and stabbing a pregnant woman? It's bad enough that she was stabbed at all, but that? Horrible.
  2. I like Lowell, and like them together. I caught up last night, and can't remember what was in this last episode, and what was in the others - I'm not feeling well. I hope they don't make her boss a zombie, though.
  3. I didn't know they were still showing reruns. I love that episode. "It looks like Santa threw up in here." I really miss George.
  4. I thought there was supposed to be a different killer, but Phillippe did say a different ending, and we got that. I actually found the Australian ending better/more gripping, and didn't like seeing him go to jail for Abby. I thought she might hurt her mother next - I couldn't believe that she kept driving, after Abby's comment.
  5. If anyone gets married, it should be Alex and Jo. He's said that he wants to marry her, he looks happy, he was a good husband to Izzie. I was worried they were going to have Jackson hook up with Stephanie, when April kept putting off her homecoming.
  6. She does look like Snow White. I liked that comment, in the show. I've seen Camilla on twitter, live-tweeting the show, and I like her. She was reposting pictures of people crying over Derek - it made me chuckle.
  7. It reminded me of George; I thought that was what he had planned to do, when he enlisted. Speaking of which: Georgina is also a nice girl's name. Although I thought of it teamed with Grey, not Sheppard, because she's always called Dr. Grey.
  8. I really liked Daredevil, and I didn't expect to. I'm not a fan of a lot of superhero stories. I have a cold, and haven't really been able to focus on much. I'm listening to an Africam webcam right now, because I can hear the night creatures chirping/singing. I just heard something in the water, but couldn't see anything. Some years back, I saw a hippo bathing in the pond, it fell asleep and was snoring. I loved it, but my computer kept crashing. This tablet is handling it well, when it isn't having its own problems.
  9. Scandal is awful now, and the speeches! Actually, I shouldn't speak for everyone - I have a few friends who love the show, so I don't discuss it with them, anymore.
  10. When I was in an accident, a few years ago (I wasn't driving), they took our ID's, and made sure we were okay. When we left, the tow truck driver was still sweeping up the street, and the police were still there.
  11. ugh. (Said about the show, not any of the posts here.)
  12. I like that Matt is rejecting vampire blood. I've wondered how many times he would put up with being attacked, fed on, losing people he cares about.
  13. I remembered the vomiting, too. She told Cristina not to tell anyone.
  14. I'm still pissed, this morning. I know that someone was praising Shonda for what she's done, and having a night all to herself, but I doubt Grey's would have done so well without Ellen and Patrick. Her cast brought to life her work, and they do deserve more respect. I don't understand Shonda talking about how this season would focus on Meredith standing on her own/being able to. She was on her own when she met Derek, she didn't want roommates, didn't want to be best friends with anyone, "and share the moments of our lives". Someone else mentioned that she was cold, but I rarely saw her that way - she was compassionate and warm enough with her patients. And I laughed when she said she would kevorkian that girl Katie, when she was just being an annoying teenager. Another favourite show of mine, killed the husband off in the finale, and people were just as angry about that. I was, and was kicking myself for having invested so much time and emotional energy into it. That show was
  15. I. Hate. Them. I wouldn't have tuned in if I'd thought they were actually going to kill him. I haven't always been a fan of the character, but he's been at his McDreamy best lately. I should have bloody known. I have no desire to see Meredith suffering again. I can't believe I cry this much over fictional characters. I know the injured girl was in shock, but I've seen too much Scandal to tolerate any more speeches. Sshhh. The flashbacks were the best part. I'm going to watch the first seasons on netflix.
  16. I hoped she was calling Stan, as well.
  17. Stan checked the trunk of their car, in the Pilot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot_%28The_Americans%29 Phillip was hiding, not far from him, holding a gun. So Stan's instincts were correct. I'm going to have to find a way to watch the first two seasons again.
  18. Now I'm tempted to ask Mum if she posts here. :) That's the way I saw it, too. Didn't he suspect them of something in the very first episode? I thought he was sneaking around - or was that Phillip or Elizabeth?
  19. I've now seen several other people respond with what I was going to say: she only seems to trust Pastor Tim. I have goosebumps after that episode. Matthew Rhys had me worried that he might harm himself, although I don't think he'd do that, because of his children. He looked so dejected, though - I couldn't believe that Elizabeth interrupted him to watch Reagan (although I should have known better).
  20. I was hoping Vanessa would be appalled by what Fisk has done. I thought she was attracted to the power, more than him, but maybe I'm wrong.
  21. that was horrible. I didn't pay attention to the speeches, and hated the casual disposal of a body. on The Americans, they didn't play chipper music and have the characters act like it was fun, and a normal day.
  22. Ben was great!! There was no reason to kill him off, except for shock value. Damn, he was my favourite - I like his wife, as well. I actually like Marci, too.
  23. This show really likes it cliffhangers. Damn. I have to wait until later, or tomorrow, to see the rest. I thought he'd be wearing a special suit, but that was a lot of blood.
  24. I thought Nobu was dead, when that guy asked what should be done with him. Is the priest supposed to look like an older version of Fisk's bully? I kept linking the two, whenever he was on screen.
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