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Everything posted by Iris987

  1. "Reformed yacht-prostitute" is going to be inscribed on my tombstone- with full credit to you. Gold. Absolute, pure gold.
  2. I may be a cynical bitch because I'm the opposite. I think he's good for a few months and then his degenerate behaviour will start again. But now he's got an inbuilt excuse of "my father died, I was acting out, I couldn't process it". I'm sure he's grieving but I also think there is the sociopathic part of him that is thrilled that he's got something to explain away his bad behaviour. Moving onto my other pet peeve- James. There is something about him that just rubs me the wrong way. I know they covered it last season that he'd had a pretty rough time growing up and that definitely manifests itself with his behaviour in the present. I always have a soft spot for people who were bullied but there's a real nasty streak in James that the others (even douchelord Jax) don't seem to have. My friend was watching it with me and said he reminded her of a "paedophile lizard". Don't know what it is but now that's all I see when I look at him. Lala looks gorgeous with the black hair, though.
  3. I enjoyed Cold Comfort as well. It was such an interesting idea to film it all using security cameras. That's why I love Pemberton and Shearsmith. They always come up with really original ideas.
  4. The Devil Of Christmas was terrific but the one I really loved was The Bill. The increasing insanity over who gets to pay for dinner culminating in lying about having 6 months to live and settling it with a round of stabscotch? Just brilliant. I've loved these two since "The League Of Gentleman" but I haven't seen the Halloween one yet. It's going on the to do list right away.
  5. Oh, me too. Alanna Masterson's acting is abominable. And the fact that she is a scientologist is just the cherry on my irrational hatred sundae.
  6. I almost thought I had solved it. I just binge watched Season 7 for completely high brow reasons and the women were all talking about Sonya going after this guy she thought was gay and trying to kiss him. That rationale still boggles my mind but they were talking about this guy's girlfriend nearly hitting Sonja. Her name was YVELINE. I thought "aha!" because the Evelyn mystery had me stumped as well. But then I saw that Evelyn was mentioned in reference to Carole. So who the hell knows.
  7. Right? In 15 years they are going to use him as a case study in Psych 101 classes on "How To Spot A Sociopath". And Brittany is an idiot.
  8. Same. I found it as terrifying as the first one. That poor New Zealander. And it was nice to see Ben Oxenbould in something (the bus driver). He's not the greatest actor in the world but he was blacklisted in Australia for a long time for speaking out about a paedophile cast mate on a show he was on.
  9. I was so excited when this show came back. My love for Curb borders on irrational. But it felt like the show was trying to hard this season. Maybe having such a long break made it hard for Larry to get back into the mindset- he had the same issue with the Seinfeld finale if I recall. That said, there were still several moments that I thought were on par with previous seasons. I loved when Leon and the bodyguard broke into Larry's room when he was having sex with Shara. I loved Larry and Jeff's bemusement at Lewis' art show. And the scene where Larry tried to ask Mary out when Ted was watching was probably my favorite for the season. Ted's condescending "what did she say?" after Larry got shot down was just perfect. I;m absolutely in for another season. Or 10 or however many he wants to do.
  10. Exactly. Alannah Mastersons acting makes me want to put my fist through a wall. I don't understand why they insist on keeping this character. She's useless. Her "very special episode" last year made me stop watching regularly. And yet she's been in almost every episode this season.
  11. No advice- maybe just chant repeatedly "Calm Blue Ocean" when they start babbling. Or come down with a non fatal yet highly contagious virus once you arrive at the hotel. We had an incident in a meeting at work with a couple of undercover Trumpers last week. Meeting was over, we were all chatting and these two revealed how thrilled they were about how the election turned out. It was the usual talking points- "shake things up, knows how to create jobs, look at all his money" etc and my boss pounced. He requested actual evidence to support his statements, asked him to provide one example that indicated that Trump was prepared and temperamentally fit for the job, understood anything about the global economy or international relations and told him he couldn't just answer with "MAGA" soundbites. The Trumpers faffed around for a bit, actually used STEVE BANNON as an example of a solid hire and then fell back into "Hillary's a crook". My boss honed in on them as best he could, asking for them to back up their wildly inaccurate statements but ultimately had to concede that nothing was going to get through. No facts or evidence will change their belief in the con they have been sold. Very few can stand up to my boss when he gets into one of his "provide evidence for every statement you make" modes. This is a man who has been blacklisted by the Jehovah's Witnesses in the state because he lets them into his house, sits them down and bombards them with "you show me one sentence in The Bible that proves any of this happened" until they flee. And these guys won because they only hear what they want to. I'm at the point where I'm throwing up my hands at the lot of them. I'm appalled but not shocked at how many of them are crawling out of the woodwork here in Australia.
  12. Does anyone really think Trump and his dreadful family would be magnanimous in defeat and taking it with grace? We'd be in Day 3 of burning the house down if he had lost. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with wallowing in misery for a bit. It wasn't even my election and I wallowed the first day. Now I'm pissed and looking to vent. May God have mercy on the next unsolicited telemarketer who calls me.
  13. I hear you, Constantinople. And this isn't the thread to go into the clusterfuckery of those two and what came after. I stand by my point, though-big changes can occur at grassroots levels if you organize and fight.
  14. Trust me, we're complacent too. There is shit going on here with asylum seekers and detention centers that make my soul cringe. Trump brand xenophobia has a fertile breeding ground in many places. In fact the people who were around back then are in power now so... what was my point again? Oh, yeah- screw Trump!
  15. My husband and I were just talking about all this and he came up with something that might give you guys heart. 10 years ago Australia had a similar election. The Liberal Party (which is the conservative party) won everything- the Senate, the House of Reps and obviously the Lodge (our White House, though much smaller). And the Prime Minister was able to do something he'd wanted to do since he was a student- change industrial relations laws. He loathed unions. Wanted to grind them into a paste. And he introduced the most radical laws seen in 50 years to do that. He wanted unfair dismssal laws gone. Make it illegal to strike. Make it a fireable offence if you refused to work on a public holiday if your boss wanted you to. Gut the minimum wage. And the opposition couldn't do anything. They had no power to block it. But then something happened. The Union Movement hit back with a wrecking ball. Rallys, stop work marches, drenched the airwaves and internet with ads. People woke up and paid attention. And the government flailed. They changed the name of it twice, redrafted it several times and by the time of the next election wouldn't even mention it. They lost that election and a large part of it was due to this law. And the unions weren't this all powerful force. People were sick of them and the relentless infighting and whining. But they fought relentlessly and swept people, all types of people along. And we got change. So don't be discouraged with the gerrymandering and Republican control of everything. Fight hard for your beliefs, organise and make the next 4 years for these assholes endless trench warfare.
  16. Hey all, I've read these forums for a long time but never wanted to do much other than lurk. I just wanted to say how sorry I am that the election has turned out this way. I'm Australian and everyone I know watched this election closely with the same phrase repeated to reassure ourselves- "it'll never happen". I watched the 04 election and was furious, the 08 and was happy, 12 and was relieved. The writing was on the wall for '16 at about 2pm our time and I almost vomited. Everyone in my office sort of stopped and had varying degrees of horror and disgust on their faces. About 2 hours later I checked my email and had received a 10 page attachment from my superannuation provider explaining what effect this result and potential global economic instability would have on my retirement savings. Something which did not happen in any previous elections. It's now been 24 hours and I still feel nauseous. I can't believe that ignorant yam is going to be president. And while it won't impact me as directly as you guys, we are all global citizens and are all going to feel it when he makes some catastrophically stupid decision based on who looked at him cross eyed. And I'm just so sorry.
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