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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Exactly. It really seems to be a case of wishful thinking/maybe if they say it enough like it's a fact it will become one. And then people look at articles like that, go, "Well, if the media said it..." and one person goes with it and bam, it becomes "Black Siren is totally going to be redeemed, see Black Siren and the word redeemed/redemption are in the same sentence that MG/WM/etc.'s name is mentioned."
  2. I blame this on articles like this that say "soon-to-be-redeemed" Black Siren as if it's a definite thing.
  3. I think the problem is that people find it too easy to blame something they don't like (in this case Olicity/Felicity) for any/all problems on a show. So even if in-show they decide to have Oliver not suit up for a period of time (due to William/maybe the FBI agent becoming suspicious/whatever reason Diggle suits up as GA/etc.), some people will still find a way to blame Olicity/Felicity. Personally, I wish they'd write in SA's back problems and say that Oliver just needs a break because he's been fighting for so many years and no, not everything is magically healed when it needs to be. Really, the team is big enough now that some of them can take nights off just for the hell of it and not because they've been kidnapped and no one's noticed for a couple of days (like Rene in 522).
  4. Did anyone ever get "tap the center of X" for the captcha thing? It's the first time I've ever on any poll seen that...
  5. I wonder if DR's post (in Spoilers Only) is because of the Oliver-Diggle conflict or simply due to the nature of the recent episodes they're filming, with SA not appearing to film much for 604 and 605/606 the Slade episodes. Probably, especially since it will probably be FB revealing X is alive, present-day scene, FB revealing Y is alive, present day scene, etc. until whatever they deem will be a TWIST! (but might be something we'll have already been spoiled for) to end the premiere.
  6. I only want another trailer before the premiere if it shows more than just more of Oliver and William, Slade, BC vs. BS and the island exploding. If they're going to still pretend that everyone could be dead up until the premiere (despite interviews/casting news for other shows like The Flash), they can wait until the day after the premiere to release a new trailer.
  7. Yes. And I've had to do 4 for my last 4 ... having to click most of the boxes on each and/or getting new ones when it gets to "verify" instead of "next." ETA: And now that I've typed that and gone to vote again ... the box just checked itself without me having to click on pics. Three votes in a row. From now on, I'm coming to complain on here if those boxes pop up again.
  8. Date Oliver looks really good. I'm almost positive they said Vigilante is someone we've seen before. I wish they'd give us more about Vigilante in S6. I want to be looking forward to that reveal, but I'm just not since they've drawn it out since the beginning of last season.
  9. Even if there's a plot twist and he's still playing James, why not announce his character at least? Simply say, "Emerson will be playing James, who was introduced but not seen last year when Helix..."
  10. You know, it's when I read things like this from the TVLine article in Spoilers Only that I really wonder why they're not announcing that Emerson is playing Cayden James - because who else could he be playing?
  11. To the extent we got it after 4 seasons? Yes. Considering it took up so much of the season, at least to me... A season 5 deserved better than this Oliver. ETA: my real write-in will probably go to everyone surrounding Oliver instead of comforting Felicity in 509
  12. I'm tempted to write in "Oliver's stupidity" for biggest shocker.
  13. Me too. I liked mini-Moira Thea. But remember that was so very bad of her, so she had to leave town to think about what she had done. I feel like they don't want to explore that side of her to the extent that they really should. I wouldn't mind having Speedy occasionally, as long as Thea doesn't just suit up to stand on a roof again. Unfortunately, it looks like we first need Thea to not be in a coma in order to get any Thea, whether it's mini-Moira Thea or Speedy Thea or just Thea. I'd like to think that maybe we'll get a really good Thea storyline in 6B, but I'm not counting on it.
  14. I feel like they've been talking about Diggle in season 6, with comments like this (from the TV Guide article) - without ever stating, "yes, Diggle is alive." It seems that while they've been playing up the "who's alive? who's dead?" mystery, they've also been talking about what's coming up for him, while with other characters (like Felicity and Thea), it's all, "are they alive? who knows?" - at least until recently with Felicity.
  15. I remember I had that fic marked to read later - not knowing what it was really about? but having heard a lot of people talk about it and though I'd check it out - then I think it was somewhere on this forum that I saw comments about it, realized what I would be in for and unmarked it. I don't know if I've rage quit any Olicity fics. Usually if I get far enough in a fic - if I read at least 10-12 chapters - I'll read to the end, though I might start skimming at a certain point, just to see how it turns out. (Watch me end up rage quitting an Olicity fic this weekend just because I've said this.)
  16. What I also don't get about the "replacement" line is that BS has shown zero sign that she even wants to be on the team, considering she's tried to kill everyone on it. So has Dinah somehow taken her place in something that she doesn't even want to be part of? I really hope we don't get any lines like that in season 6. But that's not going to stop people from making assumptions that she does want to/should be part of the team and therefore she should become BC/the "replacement" line makes sense or for comic book sites to write "soon-to-be-redeemed" when discussing BS. (I saw that exact phrase on some site discussing MG's comments about the all-girls mission. Sometimes I think people think if they say something enough times, it'll make it true.)
  17. From the TV Guide article in Mind Your Surroundings: "Hash out their differences"? Right now, "their differences" is one is on Team Arrow and the other one is a villain who has tried to kill the team and apparently thinks that she's somehow being replaced when she's from another Earth and was never (as far as we know) BC. I use "hash out their differences" when two people disagree about something and talk it out, not when at least one of them has tried to kill the other (and the rest of the team) in the past and will try to again. But maybe that's just me.
  18. Why do I feel like we're only going to see Caitlin and Iris' friendship until Barry returns? And then it'll go back to how it's been in the past? So maybe one or two scenes in the premiere so they can point to those scenes when they decide to have Caitlin as Iris' maid of honor? And then they'll use that - that Caitlin is Iris' maid of honor - to go "see, female friendship!"
  19. I'm not saying it will be the MSF, but they could always have Oliver and Felicity leave on their honeymoon, thinking everything's fine, and then something happens to the city/someone from the team/etc.
  20. If Oliver tells Felicity about the first time he saw her, it may be close (but I don't know if it would top "it was red"). (Though I have a feeling that may never be brought up again and they just thought it was a cute way to put Felicity into those FBs.)
  21. I realized something else that bugs me. If MG so badly wants to do an all-girls mission with Sara - and will only do one if he can use Sara - why not have it happen in the crossover? Write a couple of scenes of all the girls across the four shows together into the crossover this year. So he can have his Sara-in-the-all-girls-mission and then maybe once he's gotten that, we can get one later in the season with just the Arrow girls? Because, if you think about it, since Sara is now a character from another show, how much should/would she be in a non-crossover Arrow episode? It shouldn't be enough to be the all-girls mission that we've wanted to see. When characters have crossed over in non-crossover episodes, it's been, what, one or two scenes? Saying that he'd only do it with Sara part of it can easily lead to assumptions that he'd want to have her be a major part of it, and since Arrow isn't her show, that really shouldn't be the case, or he simply wants to stick her into a fight scene and guess what, MG? The "all-girls mission" that we want is not just one fight scene. I think I'm more annoyed than I initially realized by MG's comments. I think the last time he annoyed me this much was the whole "Felicity in a mask would be silly."
  22. Regarding MG's comments about an all-girls mission on TVLine... While I like Sara and wouldn't mind seeing her pop up on Arrow outside of the annual crossover, I don't like the implication that they can't do something on Arrow - or MG saying that he wouldn't want to do it at all - without a character from another show. Sara is now a LoT character. What's wrong with having Felicity, Thea, Dinah and Lyla for an all-girls mission? If they can't get Lyla, why not have Felicity, Thea and Dinah? I think those three were in one scene together last season. Really hope that changes for season 6, though it probably won't in the beginning since it's looking like Thea's in a coma or leaves town after the premiere. And ugh, again with the "badass." And his comments make me think that for MG, all-girls mission = all girls who have masks.
  23. I figure since she didn't do that last year - why didn't Chase have her do that? It would've been smart - it won't happen this year. I think they'll just avoid having to address it. Or since there's a new BC in Dinah, suddenly Star City will pretty much forget LL existed so they won't have to answer any "wait, she looks like LL, why?" questions.
  24. I do wonder what they're going to do about BS in public during non-fight scenes. Will she pretend to be Laurel again? Will they even address what Star City should think about this woman who looks like LL going around fighting the city's vigilantes considering she doesn't wear a mask and everyone should be able to see her face? And dear god, please don't have her interrupt the Olicity date. I think that would be worse than another explosion.
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