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Everything posted by YupItsMe

  1. This was recommended to me by YT. I’m not sure how reliable the channel or her source is but here’s the link: Basically says the baby is a boy & due in a couple of months (if I remember correctly).
  2. They have an empty YT channel. Maybe it will be there? https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCu_Ff0PC4s32DkntADraIBA
  3. Probably in the group family picture at the next wedding if it has been born already.
  4. I figured she thought it wasn’t perfect because of the focus and lighting. They all look cute and happy to me.
  5. And, if they do, why would you wear them outside?
  6. They’re packing up the old house. I didn’t realize the kids room had a piano in it. https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ca8C0yrDTRc/?utm_medium=copy_link
  7. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZ5lHMagv31/?utm_medium=copy_link😁
  8. Those girls look so similar they are almost interchangeable. I’m wondering if that’s Katey’s house too. I would guess so since she seems to be hosting the shower.
  9. Joy did mention that Jinger was babysitting because the little kids were napping. I don’t think she said where Jeremy was. Odd that they wouldn’t show their out-of-town guests around.
  10. In these photos Jonathan looks like he could just eat Kaylee up, I just hope it’s in a good way and not in a cruel, devouring kind of way.
  11. I guess we know now that they weren’t purposefully hiding the boys’ faces. 😁
  12. There are no footprints in the snow so I think they are superimposed onto that outdoor background.
  13. Personally, I don’t want to hear about Kody and his toys being in Janelle’s bed. And I sure don’t want to see a photo!
  14. The pained look hasn’t returned to Kaylee’s face so I don’t think they’ve broken up.
  15. She’s deathly ill but went shopping for clothes?
  16. I like the body language between Nathan and Nurie. I hope they’re as happy as they appear.
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