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Everything posted by diana

  1. Paul thinks Josh's pan banging antics are going to get him America's favorite player. I think not. I sure hope not. I feel so uncomfortable watching him. Going on about Jess/Cody being bullies(?) while he's doing this?
  2. Exactly Brian Cronin! This is not what I signed up for and I'm mad that I care so much. I just want to see something happen. It's a bummer. Casting really needs to take note.
  3. Watching BBAD too. Nice to see some genuine emotions from Jason thinking about his son. He always seems "on." Then he did some push ups I guess to prove he's still a man or some such. Then Josh aggressively comforting him. It was kinda funny. I hope Ramses wins for some interest. Disappointing so far and that will at least make something happen. There's no way Josh can pull of looking sad or whatever all week. He wears his heart on his sleeve after all.
  4. I doubt America is involved. Julie would have surely said that WE would play a role in the game or some such if that was the case. I've heard the theory that it will be a battle between them all and there would be a loser of each round that's out. They would then get down to the final 2 to compete (most likely Cameron/Cody). That would ensure it would last the full hour and Cody would be involved in all of it (and it would be different than last year). I like the idea that they might compete for HOH as well. Or, I hope the returnee has automatic safety for a week.
  5. I believe she said she wanted to maybe work with them.
  6. Who is going to be Dom's guest? Maybe that will make BBAD less dull. I skim through that in the morning and it seems like all they do is play pool or eat.
  7. LOL when I tuned in, Matt was putting his arm around Raven and standing there. Are they watching a concert? And Ramses came in with his bowl of food and sat down.
  8. I really really hate how Paul walks around like he owns the place. They had to have been annoyed by that (Alex and Mark, then Dom). I can only hope that they get sick of his whole schtick at some point.
  9. I was very confused by what Julie said regarding blocking the buyback. So they'd do an elaborate show and it might be for nothing? All these twists and temptations are getting hard to keep track of. I'm still not clear on when Paul is exactly NOT safe anymore.
  10. Do people in the house actually take what Dom says seriously? I have not watched her much and oh my. I am getting major second hand embarrassment listening to her and the god talk. She sounds ridiculous giving Elena advice or whatever it is she's doing.
  11. Yeah, Cameron was out before even staying a night. They were in the house a week before it aired, but what they aired was all taped day one as far as I knew.
  12. Speaking of Christmas and staying in that house laid up, anyone know how she is dealing with showering? Also, I agree that I would think she'd need some rehab, etc. Not a good situation to stay in there, and I still don't want to watch her sit on the sidelines during many comps. If she can leave, why not let Kevin make a trip to a dentist to deal with his tooth?
  13. Why does Paul always have to dole out advice? It's super annoying. And no one asked. I hope Jessica goes. It would be interesting to see how Cody is on his own. The 2 of them is nauseating.
  14. So many victim noises. Lol. I have no idea what is actually going on or who is winning.
  15. Can someone give a quick rundown of where the votes stand right now? And how firm are they? I am leaning towards hoping Christmas is gone because seeing her hobble around on crutches the whole summer is not fun. Thanks in advance!
  16. I found it interesting Megan's departure was due to "an urgent personal matter." I wonder why they kept it so vague, at least to us, the audience.
  17. Cameron's left hand has an obvious background still attached from somewhere else. That's some sloppy work. Also, he looks very tiny to me. Kevin looks unusually big though, so I don't know that they didn't photoshop other people around just to get things evened out. Anyway, I'm glad it was Cameron. His annoying DR voice was enough of a reason to be happy to not see him again.
  18. This is a great point. Warming rocks never would've occurred to me, but I am no survivalist. Are there brains so fuzzy that they don't think of these things? I've always wondered why they don't at least cover up with a bunch of palms. That seems obvious.
  19. diana

    S34: Debbie Wanner

    So in listening to Debbie in her exit interview with Rob C, she comes across as a somewhat normal, reasonable and even slightly likable person (if not still full of herself). Apparently the whole fight thing with Brad was an act. It was part of her strategy to not show her closeness with him. What I don't get is why we as the audience couldn't be let in on that. I don't know if they didn't ask her or what, but why play that up to us in the confessionals? It only makes her look completely bat shit because my takeaway was not a good one after that episode.
  20. I'm enjoying those deep dive podcasts. There's no way I could do the 2 hour Tony one or a few of the others...Troyzan, etc. But, I like getting a refresh on how things went down on a player's past season(s), and really getting into how these people operate (and what they will need to change).
  21. Question about COS celebs on twitter and other social media... I'm not up on all the celebs in this cult and if they are on social media, but if they are, do they not get some fan tweets speaking of the DM abuse and the Sea Org horrors, etc? And begging them to get out? I guess I can answer my own question that they probably just look away and stay deep in their mindset. But I would think eventually they might have to take a hard look at this.
  22. This is what my DVR is showing for supposedly a new episode for Jan. 24. Heretic Tue Jan 24 10:00 - 11:03 PM | 1132 A&E HD Leah shares her own personal story of association with the Church of Scientology, including learning of it at an early age, becoming a celebrity and opinion leader, and developing misgivings about the Church and eventually leaving it.
  23. Yes, she did pass. Julie asked in her exit interview. Also, not surprisingly, she has no plans to attempt any sort of friendship with Jason.
  24. I can't even believe it! So happy for Morgan, Alex, Shelby! Jason looked suicidal. The polls were actually accurate with how close it would be. This is the ending this season needed!
  25. I just voted for Morgan. I don't know when they opened up the voting, but it's there. I guess I'll have 20 more to give tomorrow. I also can't wait to cancel all access. It's been garbage, it never worked well for me being on a Mac or iPad.
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